個人의 自己決定權과 非犯罪化에 관한 硏究

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자기결정권, 비범죄화, 피해자 없는 범죄
The modern society in Korea is recognized as having various risk factors due to the rapid development of technology and the change of socio-economic basis. Due to these universal spread of awareness and the uncertainty and unpredictability of social relations, ordinary citizens have been demanding a strong social safety net, and in order to respond to this, the state has taken control of even individual deviant behavior by intervening in society as a whole. As a means of control about that, the criminal punishment with a strong sanctionary nature has been imposed, and in the personal private area, acts that do not involve concrete infringement have been also defined as crimes. As such, the modern society in Korea, which has been under the almighty criminal law, has reached the overcriminalization.
However, the law, especially the criminal law, suppresses the freedom of the individual as the prohibition standards of act, and the punishment as a means of it has an evil character, depriving the individual’s life and the freedom of the body. Therefore, the criminal law is justified only in case of protecting important legal interests. Here, the important legal interests are personal legal interests. In order to protect these personal interests, the existence of society and the state is a prerequisite. As the essential value to maintain that function, the criminal law protects in the name of social benefit.
The problem is that the provisions for the protection of social legal interests prohibited even the act of personal area. That’s because, the highest law, the Constitution, assures the individual’s right to self-determination. In criminal law, self-determination means ‘the right of an individual to freely form his or her own life area by self-determination without regard to interference or infringement from the society or the state regarding ones’ private sphere’. Thus, conflicted areas have been arisen between the protection of social interests and the assurance of self-determination. The most controversial crimes in these areas are gambling, drug self-use, voluntary prostitution, and molestation on the military criminal law. Abortion is the main protection of the fetus’s right to life, but it has included in the discussion because it is a crime with fierce debate in respect of self-determination.
Most of these crimes are characterized by limiting the freedom of the actor, even though there is no victim who is infringed by specific legal interests except the actor oneself. Therefore, it is an important point to evaluate whether the social legal interest that is set as a protection benefit is worth being protected with limitation of the self-determination right of constitutional fundamental right. However, it is not simple to judge whether the protection interests and self-determination are superior. This is because social benefits are abstract and indefinite concepts in its nature.
In this paper, in order to judge whether the logic of “decriminalization for the guarantee of self-determination” and “criminalization for the protection of social legal interests” is valid, as a grounding criterion, the concept of self-determination, the self-imprisonment principle of criminal law, the purpose of punishment, and the debate about the legal compulsion of morality were examined. Based on this, the validity of decriminalization by comparing and analyzing judgments on crimes related to self-determination and decriminalization discourses was examined. In this process, the inadequacy of the protection of legal interests, the excessive inequality between the legal interests of protection and the right of self-determination were confirmed, and it was concluded that the state punishment power to the crimes under review was excessive.
In addition, based on the principle of “in dubio pro libertate”=‘Even after all consideration has been given, if the legitimacy remains questionable, it is right to give up penal control in exchange for individual freedom’, which is the basis of the modern criminal law, the desirability of criminal law in Korean society is as follows. First, in the area of morality, the state should be withdrawn by respecting individual autonomy. Second, the intervention type of the paternalism based on individual autonomy should not be criminal punishment. Third, the restriction of self-determination through balancing between social benefit and self-determination should be avoided. Fourth, the authoritarian attitude to regulate and control only by law should be avoided, and find a solution within social base. Fifth, the best crime countermeasures are prevention through education and support.
Above all, emphasizing that the criminal law and the modern ideology of punishment, which have been erected at a great deal of historical cost, should never be faded, this researcher tried to reconsider the zero-tolerance thinking and the tendency of harsh punishment policy of Korean modern society.
Alternative Title
A Study on the Individual Self-Determination and Decriminalization
Alternative Author(s)
Kim, Do-Hyun
조선대학교 일반대학원
일반대학원 법학과
Awarded Date
Table Of Contents
제1장 서론 1
제1절 연구의 목적 1
제2절 연구의 범위 및 방법 5

제2장 과잉범죄화와 비범죄화 8
제1절 과잉범죄화의 실태 8
1. 과잉범죄화의 원인 8
2. 과잉범죄화의 문제점 10
제2절 과잉범죄화 극복방안 12
1. 비범죄화의 의의 12
2. 비범죄화의 유형 14
가. 사실상의 비범죄화 14
나. 법률상의 비범죄화 15
3. 비범죄화의 형사정책적 필요성 16
가. 음성적 범죄의 창출 17
나. 상징형법으로의 전락 18
다. 예방의 실패 19

제3장 비범죄화의 법리적 근거 21
제1절 비범죄화의 근거로서 개인의 자기결정권 21
1. 개인의 자기결정권 21
가. 자기결정권의 의의 21
나. 자기결정권의 근거 27
다. 자기결정권의 제한과 한계 30
2. 자기결정권과 비범죄화 31
가. 범죄화의 한계 31
나. 자기결정권과 보호법익의 충돌 33
제2절 법과 도덕에 관한 논쟁 35
1. 법과 도덕에 관한 논쟁의 의의 36
2. 법과 도덕에 관한 논거 38
가. 자유주의 38
나. 법적 도덕주의 43
다. 후견주의 47
라. 비범죄화 근거로서의 시사점 50
제3절 형법의 당위성 51
1. 형법의 목적 51
2. 형법의 자기제한적 속성 52
가. 법치국가원리 53
나. 형법의 단편성 54
다. 형법의 관용성 54
라. 형법의 보충성 55
3. 형벌의 목적 56
가. 응보형주의 57
나. 목적형주의 58
다. 절충설 61
4. 현대형법의 성격 62
제4절 소결 63

제4장 자기결정권과 비범죄화 유형 67
제1절 사실상의 비범죄화 유형 67
1. 도박 67
가. 현행법상 도박죄 관련 규정 67
나. 판례의 태도 68
다. 비범죄화 담론 70
라. 소결 74
2. 마약류 자기사용 75
가. 현행법상 마약류 자기사용 관련 규정 75
나. 판례의 태도 77
다. 비범죄화 담론 79
라. 소결 81
3. 자발적 성매매 85
가. 현행법상 자발적 성매매 관련 규정 85
나. 판례의 태도 86
다. 비범죄화 담론 89
라. 소결 92
4. 군형법상 추행 97
가. 군형법상 추행죄 관련 규정 97
나. 판례의 태도 99
다. 비범죄화 담론 102
라. 소결 106
5. 낙태 111
가. 현행법상 낙태죄 관련 규정 111
나. 판례의 태도 113
다. 비범죄화 담론 116
라. 소결 118
제2절 법률상의 비범죄화 유형 123
1. 간통 123
가. 폐지 전 간통죄 관련 규정 123
나. 판례의 태도 125
다. 비범죄화 담론 127
라. 소결 129
2. 양심적 병역거부 132
가. 현행법상 양심적 병역거부 관련 규정 132
나. 판례의 태도 134
다. 비범죄화 담론 142
라. 소결 151

제5장 결론 156
참고 문헌 164
조선대학교 일반대학원
김도현. (2019). 個人의 自己決定權과 非犯罪化에 관한 硏究.
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General Graduate School > 4. Theses(Ph.D)
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