남자 대학생의 성역할갈등이 이성관계만족에 미치는 영향: 관계진솔성의 매개효과

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성역할갈등, 관계진솔성, 이성관계만족도
This study examines how men’s gender role conflict, caused by internalized gender roles in socialization process of childhood, affects the Heterosexual Relationship satisfaction of an early adulthood. On the basis of previous studies, it attempted to fomulate and test the hypothesis that the relationship authenticity mediates the relationship between gender role conflicts and heterosexual relationship satisfaction. Research data was collected from 214 male university student in the G area. The scales used in the study were Men’s Gender Role Conflict Scale(MGRCS), Korean version of Authenticity in Relationship Scale(K-AIRS) and Heterosexual Relationship Satisfaction Scale. The hypothesis of study was verified by correlation analysis and regression analysis.
The major findings are as follows. First, men’s gender role conflict is negatively related to relationship authenticity and heterosexual relationship satisfaction. Second, relationship authenticity and heterosexual relationship satisfaction differ over the duration of a date. Third, regardless of the dating period, relationship authenticity is fully mediated in the men’s gender role conflict and heterosexual relationship satisfaction. The results of this study suggest that those with men’s gender role conflict tend to lower levels of satisfaction with relationship as their relationship authenticity decreases. Finally, directions for the future research and implications for counselors are discussed.
Alternative Title
The Influence of Gender Role Conflict on Romantic Relationship Satisfaction of Male University Students : The Mediating Effect of Relationship Authenticity
Alternative Author(s)
Jung Ga Ae
조선대학교 일반대학원
일반대학원 상담심리학과
Awarded Date
Table Of Contents
Ⅰ. 서 론 1
A. 연구의 필요성 및 목적 1
B. 연구문제 7

Ⅱ. 이론적 배경 8
A. 이성관계 만족도 8
1. 이성관계 만족도의 개념 8
B. 남성 성역할갈등 10
1. 성역할갈등의 개념 10
2. 성역할갈등과 이성관계 만족도 12
C. 관계진솔성 12
1. 관계진솔성의 개념 12
2. 남성 성역할갈등과 관계진솔성 13
3. 관계진솔성과 이성관계 만족도 14

Ⅲ. 연구 방법 15
A. 연구대상 15
B. 측정 도구 15
1. 남성성역할갈등 척도 15
2. 관계진솔성 척도 16
3. 이성관계 만족도 척도 17
C. 자료수집 18
D. 분석방법 18

Ⅳ. 결과 20
A. 기초통계 분석 20
1. 주요 변인들의 기술통계 20
2. 주요 변인들의 상관분석 22
B. 매개효과 분석 24

Ⅴ. 논의 28
A. 결론 및 논의 28

Ⅵ. 참고문헌 32

Ⅶ. 부록 39
1. 남성성역할갈등 척도 39
2. 관계진솔성 척도 42
3. 이성관계 만족도 척도 45
조선대학교 일반대학원
정가애. (2018). 남자 대학생의 성역할갈등이 이성관계만족에 미치는 영향: 관계진솔성의 매개효과.
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General Graduate School > 3. Theses(Master)
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