손진태의 조선고가요집 연구

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오오야마 미요
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손진태, 조선고가요
The purpose of this paper is to study the Joseongogayojip published in 1929 by Namchang Jin-tae Son(1900~?) in Japan. Joseongogayojip was published by a Korean folklorist and a historian named Jin-tae Son in Toko-Shoin in Tokyo, Japan, and was an anthology translating 558 pieces of Sijo into Japanese. I examined the motivation and purpose of the compilation of this anthology, and perception of Sijo by Jin-tae Son through an in-depth study of both a preface and an epilogue, and a introduction written by Jin-tae Son. At first, I reviewed the writings of the preface and the epilogue of four Japanese scholars who gave a great influence to Jin-tae Son during the compilation process of the Joseongogayojip and their perception on the culture of Joseon Dynasty and Joseongogayo. Japanese scholars-Kubota Utsubo, Tsuda Sokichi, Ishida Mikinosuki, and Maema Kyosaku-pointed out that Joseon literature was distinct itself in the field of literature and it was meaningful to inform it to Japan. In addition, it was of great help for them to know the life of Japanese ancestors at that time by studying Joseon classical poetry.
Jin-tae Son wrote a foreword before introducing his work, which was similar to the text preceding the main body of the text these days. The ideas of Jin-tae Son related to the compilation of the book was described in detail by categorizing 11 items. I studied the two perspectives in the preface, the information on the names, types, formats, dates, and contents of the original poetry and the comment on the composition and translation of the book.
Jin-tae Son proved the originality of Joseon literature, and Joseon literature proved to be no imitation of Chinese literature through Joseongogayojip. There was a book introducing Joseongogayo in Japanese at the same period of time, but Joseongogayo most effectively showed a great amount of Sijo, totaling 558 pieces. In addition, it showed the characteristics of Joseon by placing the works by the anonymous person and highlighted the poetic beauty of the works by the known person. However, translations were mainly focused on delivering contents, not the rhythm of the poetry and could not publish the original Korean text due to the historical circumstances.
Alternative Title
A study on Son Jin-tae's Joseonggogayojip
Alternative Author(s)
A study on Son Jin-tae's Joseonggogayojip
조선대학교 대학원
일반대학원 국어국문학과
Awarded Date
Table Of Contents

1. 서론 1

2. 서발문에 나타난 일본학자들의 인식 7
1) 마에마 교사쿠의 서문에 나타난 조선문화에 대한 인식 7
2) 여타 학자들의 서발문에 나타난 조선고가요에 대한 인식 11

3. 서설을 통해 본 손진태의 󰡔조선고가요집󰡕 편찬 과정 15
1) 시조의 역사와 가치에 대한 인식 15
2) 시조를 둘러싼 제문제에 대한 검토 17
3) 책의 구성과 번역의 방향 제시 23

4. 본문의 구성과 번역의 특징 29
1) 본문 구성에 나타난 특징 29
2) 번역의 양상과 특징 31

5. 󰡔조선고가요집󰡕의 편찬 목적과 의의 39
1) 편찬 동기와 목적 39
2) 편찬 의의와 한계 41

6. 결론 46

□ 참고문헌 50
조선대학교 대학원
오오야마 미요. (2018). 손진태의 조선고가요집 연구.
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General Graduate School > 3. Theses(Master)
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