침장류의 브랜드이미지와 구매의도에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구

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Brand Image, Specialty Brand, Total Brand, Bedding Product
침장류 제품에 대한 소비자들의 요구는 따뜻함이나 편안함에서 점차 꾸미기, 기능성(건강한 잠) 등 홈퍼니싱(home furnishing)으로 변화하고 있다. 하지만 침장류 제품에 대한 소비자 인식과 수요가 급속도로 변화하면서도 불구하고 학계 및 실무계에서는 이에 대한 연구가 거의 없는 실정이다. 비록 일부연구들은 침장류나 가구류에 대해 전체적으로 살펴보았지만 단순 소비패턴이나 인구통계학적 측면 또는 관련 브랜드의 전반적인 이미지로 살펴보았다.
|The bedding product industry is facing a transition in consumer taste and
demand, where consumers are increasingly showing preference for decoration,
functionality (quality sleep) and home furnishing, over previous demands for
comfort and warmth. However, there is a dearth of academic and field research
relating to consumer preference and patronage towards bedding products,
notwithstanding the rapidly changing perceptions and demands for such
products. Although some studies have analyzed bedding and furniture related
markets as a whole, such analyses are limited to consumption patterns or
demographically related overall brand images.
Accordingly, the present study focuses on examining two types of bedding
stores, in terms of 1) special bedding stores, primarily comprised of sleep
products and accessories, and 2) total home product stores, which include a
variety of bedding products, furniture, and other interior design tools and
decorations. The current study further examines brand images based on a
three-tier classification, in terms of store image, product image, and corporate
Specifically, this study analyzes the effect consumer perceptions may have on
the formation of brand image and, in return, the effect the formed brand image
may have on the consumers’ attitude and intent to purchase bedding products.
Further, this study examines the potential discrepancies in effect between
special bedding stores and total home product stores. A summary of the
research results are as follows:
First, with respect to special bedding stores, brand awareness and
recognition, knowledge of corporate social responsibility activities, and positive
consumer perception had a significant effect on the store image. In addition,
brand awareness and recognition, brand history/size had a significant effect on
the product image. Lastly, brand awareness, knowledge of brand history/size,
consumer perception and purchase experience had a significant effect on the
corporate image.
With respect to total home product stores, brand awareness and corporate
social responsibility activities appeared to have a positive effect on the brand
image. Brand awareness and recognition, and corporate social responsibility
activities appeared to have an effect in forming a positive product image.
Lastly, brand awareness, history/size, and purchase experience appeared to have
a significant effect on the corporate image.
Second, consumer-formed store-, product-, and corporate- images appeared
to have an effect on the product attitude and consumers’ intent to purchase
bedding products. With respect to special bedding stores, store image appeared
to have a positive effect on the corporate and product images, and directly
affect product attitude and purchase intent. In addition, product image appeared
to have a positive effect on the corporate image, and directly affected the
product attitude. Corporate image had a positive effect on the product attitute.
Indeed, all three-tier (brand, store, and corporate) images appeared to have a
positive effect on the product attitude. Positive product attitude appeared to
induce consumer intent or willingness to purchase the bedding product.
Similarly, with respect to total home product stores, store image had a
positive effect on the product and corporate images, and product attitude and
purchase intent. Product image had a positive effect on the product attitude and
purchase intent. Corporate image had a positive effect on the product attitude.
The three-tier images relating to special bedding stores similarly appeared to
have positive impact on the attitude towards the bedding products, and such
positive attitude appeared to affect the corporate image, and consumers’
perception had a direct impact on consumers’ purchasing state of mind.
Third, the present study examined any difference between the two types of
bedding brands. Between special bedding and total home product stores, the
effect brand awareness and history/size had on store image appeared to be
more significant for total home product stores. On the other hand, the effect
brand history/size, corporate image, and corporate social responsibility activities
had on the store image appeared to be more significant for special bedding
stores. Other consumer perception did not show significant difference between
the two types of bedding stores, and history/size appeared to have a more
significant impact on the store image for total home product stores, while
history/size appeared to have a more significant impact on the corporate image
for special bedding stores. Moreover, corporate social responsibility activities
appeared to have a positive effect on the store image for special bedding stores.
In terms of entering into the bedding product industry, the present study
suggests taking the approach of total home product stores, which offer a
variety of quality products and take a systematic approach towards bedding
products, rather than incurring substantial cost in entrance and interior
expenses, which are commonly required to jumpstart and operate special
bedding stores. Additionally, the present study illustrates consumer attitude
towards special bedding stores and total home product stores, and suggests
effective strategies for bedding products to academic research and corporate
Key Words: Brand Image, Specialty Brand, Total Brand, Bedding Product,
Bedding Industry, Purchase Intention, Product Image,
Store Image, Corporate Image, Consumer Attitude
Alternative Title
A Study on factors Affection Brand Image and Purchase Intention of Bedding Products
Alternative Author(s)
일반대학원 디자인경영학과
Awarded Date
Table Of Contents
제1장 서론 1
제1절 연구배경 및 목적 1
제2절 연구방법 및 연구구성 5
제2장 이론적 배경 및 선행연구 고찰 7
제1절 침구류 제품 지각 7
제2절 지각요인 20
제3절 브랜드 이미지 33
제4절 소비자 감정 41
제5절 소비자 태도 44
제6절 구매 의사 45
제3장 연구가설 48
제1절 연구가설 48
제2절 연구모형 55
제4장 연구방법 56
제5장 분석결과 60
제6장 결론 97
제1절 연구결과 97
제2절 연구의 이론적실무적 시사점 104
제3절 연구의 한계점 및 향후 연구방향 107
참고문헌 108
부록 122
나인승. (2017). 침장류의 브랜드이미지와 구매의도에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구.
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General Graduate School > 4. Theses(Ph.D)
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