여성 안보의식 분석 및 제고방안에 관한 연구

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국가안보, 안보의식, 여성 안보의식, 역대 정부 안보의식 조사
The purpose of this study is to provide improvement plans of women's recognition on the national security affairs by analyzing differences of recognition between men and women. ‘Pan-national security awareness survey’ conducted by Institute for Security Affairs Research of National Defense University was used for this study. In particular, results conducted in 1989, 1995, 1999, 2004, 2009 and 2014 were analyzed. The chosen years were every government's second year(except 1995) since 1988. The second years of new governments mean that new policies about politics, economy, society, culture, military and national security are spread and national consensus on the related matters can be formed.
As a result of the study, the number of women's answers as "Don't know" or "Know a little" about the provided national security issues were more than men's. The ratio of women's recognition on the national security matters was different from men's. These results show that we need improvement plans of women's recognition on the national security matters in different ways with men. The reasons are inferred as follows. First, women are free from military duty in South Korea. Second, women have different interest rate on military or national security issues from men. Third, a lot of women are likely to discontinue career due to housework or child rearing. Four, the ratio of women officials are lower than men in the fields of national security or military. Fifth, middle or high school curriculum about national security matters are not general. Sixth, national security education for women are not nationally provided.
There are reasons why women's recognition on the national security affairs are needed. First, in the matter of national security, there is no barrier for men or women and every society member should pay attention to national security matters because there is nothing left for the people who lose their nation. Second, women are responsible for taking care of their children and families. Therefore, they need to educate their children with desirable recognition on the national security affairs. Third, women's participations in the fields of policy-making or military affairs are getting more. Fourth, as a female birth rate is higher than male, women can influence a lot more areas than before. Fifth, female students or graduates who want to be female officers are getting more every year.
To improve women's recognition of the national security affairs, female workforce should be expanded in the fields of national defense or national security. Women reserve forces can be used in many areas and variety of female groups in different areas can also be used for improving women's recognition of the national security matters. Internet society and social media activities are also helpful and security tour programs to the front areas such as Panmunjom can be good ways, too.
The limitation of this study are as follows ; first, this study focuses on only one source, which was conducted by Institute for Security Affairs Research of National Defense University, it is hard to be the representative nature. Second, this study did not provide concrete statistics that can prove valuable differences. Third, data from every second year of new governments are not enough to generalize results of the whole government periods.
Alternative Title
A Study on the Analysis and Improvement Plans of Women's Recognition on the National Security Affairs : Focusing on Survey Results from Roh Tae-woo to Park Geun-hye Administration
Alternative Author(s)
Song, Myung Jin
일반대학원 군사학과
Awarded Date
Table Of Contents

제1장 서론·····················································1
제1절 연구의 목적··················································1
제2절 연구의 범위 및 방법·······································4
1. 연구의 범위·····················································4
2. 연구의 방법······················································6
제3절 선행연구 고찰··············································17
1. 국민 안보의식 관련 연구······································17
2. 여성 안보의식 관련 연구······································24

제2장 관련 개념 및 연구의 흐름도························27
제1절 국가안보와 안보의식의 개념 및 상관성················27
1. 국가안보의 개념················································27
2. 안보의식의 개념················································29
3. 국가안보와 안보의식의 상관성································31
제2절 여성 안보의식과 국가안보································35
1. 여성 안보의식의 개념 및 중요성·····························35
2. 여성 안보의식과 국가안보의 관계····························38
제3절 연구의 흐름도···············································40

제3장 안보의식 조사결과 분석································43
제1절 역대 정부의 안보의식 조사결과 분석···················43
1. 노태우 정부(1989)··············································43
2. 문민정부(1995)··················································46
3. 국민의 정부(1999)··············································49
4. 참여 정부(2004)·················································52
5. 이명박 정부(2009)··············································56
6. 박근혜 정부(2014)··············································59
제2절 역대 정부의 안보의식 성별차 분석·····················63
1. 노태우 정부(1989)··············································63
2. 문민정부(1995)··················································74
3. 국민의 정부(1999)··············································86
4. 참여 정부(2004)·················································95
5. 이명박 정부(2009)··············································114
6. 박근혜 정부(2014)··············································133
제3절 안보의식 성별차 분석 결과······························153
1. 평균값과의 격차로 본 조사결과 분석······················153
2. ‘모름’ 또는 ‘잘 모름’을 선택한 남녀 수 분석··············154
3. 진보 정권 vs. 보수 정권의 남녀 안보의식 비교··········155
4. 남녀 안보의식 차이···········································162
5. 여성 안보의식수준 분석 결과·······························176

제4장 여성 안보의식 제고방안·····························179
제1절 안보 및 국방 관련분야 여성인력의 확대··············179
1. 조직 내부에서의 인식 변화 필요····························181
2. 병과선택 범위와 진급기회 확대, 전역자 인센티브 부여 ··············182
3. 예비군 및 전역자 활용, 민방위 활동과 민·관·군 통합훈련···········184
4. 일과 양육을 병행할 수 있는 제도적 장치 보완·············185

제2절 안보관 함양을 위한 시스템 구축 ······················186
1. 여성단체 및 여성가족부 연계, 안보관 함양 프로그램 시행······186
2. 군 관련 행사시 여성 초대, 군 입대 설명회 개최···············188
3. 20대 여성 대상 최소 기초 군사훈련 참가 제도화·················190

제3절 여성 안보전문가 육성 및 안보정책 참여 확대·······190
1. 여성 안보전문가 육성······································190
2. 여성의 안보정책 참여 확대·································191
3. 안보적 측면에서 여성 활용 비전 설계 및 추진···········192

제5장 결론···················································193

참고문헌······················································ 195
조선대학교 군사학과
송명진. (2017). 여성 안보의식 분석 및 제고방안에 관한 연구.
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General Graduate School > 4. Theses(Ph.D)
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