생물다양성협약이 한국 농식품 산업에 미치는 영향 연구

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A Study on the Effect of Convention on Biological
Diversity to Agri-food Industry of Korea

Kim, Seung-Yeon
Advisor : Prof. Shim, Jae-Hee, Ph.D.
Department of FTA Business
Graduate School of Chosun University

The study aims to explore the effect and address of the agricultural and fisheries industries in Korea and the Nagoya protocol of the Nagoya protocol, and to explore the effects and responses to the agricultural products industry.
The main contents and methods of study explored the context, objectives, configurations and implementation mechanisms of the CBD, the formulation, the formulation and implementation system of the CBD, to understand the context of the CBD.
In particular, agricultural products are classified as fields of agricultural products (including flower and horticulture) and food industries, and in particular medicinal herbs, health functions, seeds, and microorganisms.
The essence of the economic ripple effect of the Nagoya protocol industry depends on the fact that the Nagoya protocol is fermented, and that it is the sum of the money as a share of its own income as a share of the domestic food imports.
As a result, the Korea Food and Drug Administration has a positive and negative influence on the nation`s agricultural products industry, and it is required to utilize the creation and utilization of bio resources in order to maximize the positive impacts on the agricultural products sector, and utilize the creation and utilization of the biodiversity protocol, the establishment of the Nagoya protocol model, and the use of standards for the government and related agencies.
Alternative Title
A Study on the Effect of Convention on Biological Diversity to Agri-food Industry of K
Alternative Author(s)
Kim, Seung-Yeon
일반대학원 FTA비즈니스학과
Awarded Date
Table Of Contents
제1장 서론 1
제1절 연구의 배경 및 목적 1
제2절 연구의 범위와 방법 2
제2장 생물다양성협약에 관한 이론적 고찰 4
제1절 생물다양성협약(CBD) 4
제2절 나고야 의정서 14
제3절 식량농업식물유전자원국제조약 21
제3장 CBD의 한국 농식품산업 영향 31
제1절 농식품산업 개요 31
제2절 한국 농식품산업 현황 및 특징 34
제3절 CBD가 농식품산업에 미치는 쟁점사항 46
제4장 CBD의 한국 농식품산업 대응방안 50
제1절 기업차원의 대응방안 50
제2절 정부차원의 대응방안 54
제5장 결론 59
참고문헌 61
조선대학교 대학원
김승연. (2017). 생물다양성협약이 한국 농식품 산업에 미치는 영향 연구.
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General Graduate School > 3. Theses(Master)
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