방위산업물자 수출제도의 개선방안 연구

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This thesis has been suggested the improvement plan of the Policy and Regulation for the Korean defense export vitalizations. Not only Korean & Global defense export status but also Korean defense export Policy & Support system has been analyzed, and the Policy and Regulation of the major advanced countries on the defense export except for United States and Russia. The improvement of the defense export support policy and regulation available to support systematically at government level is suggested in establishing systematic marketing plan and enhancement of national competitiveness as below, because we see the ultimate purpose of defense export policy improvement is the export market expansion through the enhancement of national competitiveness of defense industry supplies.
First, a competitive price shall be secured by a cost improvement. If we consider that a huge national budget is needed for purchasing advanced weapons for modern warfare, a proper cost into opponent country is an important factor which can be lead to the purchasing power. Currently, even we have been doing political supports such as exempting of depreciation cost for facilities or acknowledging cost with domestic supplies including parts of fixed costs and export promotion costs, it is still insufficient to have a competitive price in the defense marketplace. So, we shall need to expand the range of the advertising expense and have a cost policy distributing a part of foreign country test expense into a domestic supplies cost.
Second, an international cooperation for the expansion of defense export market is needed. After the Cold War, all countries of the world have consolidated the joint international research and development by the international cooperation on the defense market, which purpose is to share the costs and risks for the research, and to secure the stable export market. We also have just started the joint research and development in Korea, and it is expected to overcome the limited domestic supplies and secure the stable export market. We should consider the export demand at the development stage, develop to target a niche market of the international defense market, and the political and institutional support at government level is highly needed in case when the joint international research and development is prosecuted.
Third, we need to establish a specialized organization to support the defense export and set up its policy marketing. Defense industry companied have limits of their efforts on the defense export in the way that they do the business against partners' government. This is why the advanced countries of defense export have established a specialized organization and support defense industry companies with coherent policy. We have supported the defense industry companies, however, there are limits on its scale and speciality. Therefore, it is necessary to establish a specialized organization at government level to set up the defense export strategy and to lead its marketing. This organization should be separated into the internal and external organizations of DAPA, then the internal organization fulfills to set up the defense export policy, supervise diplomatic activity and do intergovernmental agreement, the external organization fulfills to do market research, exhibition and support of marketing, negotiation and financing.
Lastly, Financial support of the defense export is needed to be improved to prepare the purchasing power. After abolition of the defense industry promotion funds, there is Special Allowance Payment Policy currently, the deferred payment financing funds for export support is the only policy for the defense export. However, it has limits of supporting range so the effective support policy has not been set up yet. So we need to expand the deferred payment financing funds for export support, and conduct the policy that the government guarantees to collect the loan of the banks that support the export financing, also we should overcome the limits by that 'Defense Export Funds' is created.
The defense industry of Korea has been remarkably developed to be able to manufacture hight-tech military equipment such as the air crafts and warships by the efforts of government and defense industry companies. On the other hand, the reason of inactivity of the defense export comparing to the national power and economic power can be judged because the policy of the government is not systematic and continuous and the lack of efforts from the defense industry companies in order to invigorate the export activities. Fortunately, the defense export is showing a favorable tendency, and the government is willing to improve the policy intensively. And to conclude, if we can establish the systematic marketing strategy mentioned in this thesis and fulfil the national power, we are able to be an advanced defense export county commensurate with our economic power.
Alternative Title
A Study on the Improvement plan of Export System for Defense Products
Alternative Author(s)
Jung, Sung-Kyoo
일반대학원 FTA비즈니스학과
Awarded Date
Table Of Contents
제1장 서론 1
제1절 연구의 배경 및 목적 1
제2절 연구의 범위 및 방법 4
제2장 방위산업물자의 수출입 동향 5
제1절 방위산업의 정의와 특징 5
제2절 전세계 방위산업물자 교역 동향 8
제3절 한국 방위산업물자 교역 동향 12
제3장 방위산업물자 수출제도 분석 19
제1절 한국 방위산업물자 수출 지원정책 19
제2절 주요국 방위산업물자 수출정책 27
제4장 방위산업물자 수출제도 개선방안 33
제1절 방위산업물자 수출기반 강화 34
제2절 방위산업 수출 국제경쟁력 확보 39
제5장 결론 43
참고문헌 46
조선대학교 대학원
정성규. (2017). 방위산업물자 수출제도의 개선방안 연구.
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General Graduate School > 3. Theses(Master)
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