무의식적 색채표현을 통한 채색화 연구-연구자의 작품을 중심으로

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모든 예술작품에는 작가의 사상이 담겨 있다. 그 사상에는 작가의 생활환경 등에서 비롯된 무의식, 사상이 작용한다. 그것은 색, 문양들로 압축될 수 있다. 내가 작업하고 있는 방식에도 물론 이와 같은 한민족의 의식이 표출되고 있다.
물론 작업과정에서 시대마다 변화되는 작업양식, 재료적 차이가 그 속에 담겨있다. 무의식적으로 교차된 선 사이에서 꽃, 물고기 등 다양한 형상들이 나타난다. 그것은 선들의 조합을 통해 우리 삶 속에 있는 형상들이 비춰진다. 곧, 내 삶속에 함께해온 형상들이다. 그것은 지금으로부터 수백 년 동안 축적된 우리의 전통이 유물 등을 통해 전해진 것들이다.
오늘날 많은 작가들이 이를 빌어 현대에 들어 수많은 매체들과 재료들을 통해 이를 표현하려고 한다. 하지만 그들이 선택한 방법들은 얼마가지 않아 훼손되거나 본래 모습이 사라져버리는 위기에 처하는 것도 사실이다. 보존에는 무관심한 채 새롭고 강렬한 효과에만 치중한 나머지 작품보존에는 등한시한 결과라 할 수 있다. 내 작품을 연구함에 있어 우리 선조들의 사상이 담긴 문양의 효과적인 표현방법이 종이 위에서 이뤄져야 하는 만큼 종이의 산화와 안료 박락의 원인을 밝힐 필요가 있다.
이는 내가 작업해 왔던 환경을 점검하면서 시작되었다. 온습도에 의한 작업방향, 그에 따른 형상들의 변화가 내 작업방향을 결정지었다. 그것은 지금까지 나무든, 돌이든, 종이든, 혹은 헝겊과 같은 지지체 위에 안료를 이용해 의식을 담아나고자 하는 많은 작가들의 작품들이 보존되지 못하고 사라져버리거나 그럴 위기에 처한 것만 보더라도 본 연구의 중요성을 알 수 있다. 이를 대처하기 위해 사용하고 있는 재료연구가 필요했다.
그 과정에서 현대미술사에서 중요한 위치에 있는 오브제에 대한 미술사적 의미를 내 작업을 통해 찾는다. 나는 내 작품에서 한지와 천을 도입할 수밖에 없었던 배경을 안료의 성분과 전색제의 사용에서 발견했다. 그 과정에서 오브제의 도입 방법과 그 효과 등을 말하고자 한다. 서양에서 시작된 현대미술운동이지만 이를 통해 한국 현대미술의 기저에 깔려있는 사상을 좀 더 발전된 모습으로 부활시키고자 한 것이다.
이는 현대와 고대를 이어주는 가교역할을 하고 있는 것이다. 이를 위해 과학적인 분석방법과 함께 고전의 자료수집이 이뤄졌다.|Abstract

Every work of art contains the artist’s idea. The idea is activated by the unconscious, which stems from the author's living environment. It can be compressed with colors and patterns. Of course, the same Korean consciousness is being expressed in the way I work.
Of course, the work-forms and material difference that change with the times are embedded in the work process. Unconsciously, flowers, fish, and various other shapes appear between the lines. It shows the shapes in our lives through the combination of the lines. Soon, they were my images in my life. It is the relics that have been handed down through time from our tradition of accumulating over the past few hundred years.
Today, many artists are using various material as an expression of many media and materials. However, it is also true that the methods they have chosen are in danger of being damaged or lost in action. It is the result of being indifferent to conservation and concentrating only on the new and powerful effects of preserving the work. In studying my work, I need to explain the causes of oxidation of paper and pigmentation, as an effective expression of our ancestors ideas is to be made on paper.
It began by checking the environment I had worked on. The direction of work due to, and the changes in the shape, determined the direction of my work. It is so far a matter of wood, stone, paper, or cloth from which many artists works that use pigments to create consciousness would not be preserved or would otherwise disappear. Research on materials being used to cope with this was needed.
In the process, I discovered the historical meaning of art about objects that are important in contemporary art history. I found that the background of introducing korean paper and cloth in my work involved the use of pigments and color pigments. In the process, I would like to talk about how to introduce objects and their effects. Although a modern art movement has started in the West, it is intended to revive the thoughts underlying contemporary art in Korea as more developed.
This is the bridge between modern and ancient times. For this, classical data were collected along with scientific analysis methods.
Alternative Title
A study on color painting by unconscious color expression
Alternative Author(s)
Song Hwa Young
일반대학원 미술학과
Awarded Date
Table Of Contents
Ⅰ. 서 론····································· 1
Ⅱ. 무의식의 의미와 적용 ······················· 7
1. 무의식의 특성과 확산 ··································· 9
2. 무의식의 현대적 표현 ································· 24
Ⅲ. 한국 전통회화의 색과 꼴라쥬··············· 31
1. 색과 상징 ············································· 33
2. 색채 표현과 꼴라쥬··································· 42
Ⅳ. 작품 분석································ 47
1. 색 ··················································· 50
1) 안료 ·············································· 51
2) 색채표현 ··········································· 52
2. 작품 기법 분석······································· 62
1) 발색 ·············································· 63
2) 영 향 ······································································································· 64
(1) 광물성 안료 ···························································································· 71
(2) 홍(紅) ······································································································· 73
(3) 대자(岱赭) ······························································································· 76
(4) 황토(黃土) ······························································································· 77
3. 시기별 작품분석 ········································ 81
1) 대학원 과정(2004~2008) ··························· 81
(1) 긁기 ········································································································· 85
(2) 상감기법(스텐실) ················································································· 87
(3) 흘리기(드리핑) ······················································································· 88
(4) 기름을 사용(마블링, 아교와 물의 반발작용) ··································· 89
(5) 소금뿌리기 ······························································································ 91
2) 대학원 수료 후(2009~2017) ························· 94
Ⅴ. 결 론 ····································· 97
부 록 ········································102
조선대학교 대학원
송화영. (2017). 무의식적 색채표현을 통한 채색화 연구-연구자의 작품을 중심으로.
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General Graduate School > 4. Theses(Ph.D)
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  • Embargo2018-02-09
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