Biodiesel production from microalgae: Optimization of microalgal growth and lipid accumulation using various cultivation techniques

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다양한 배양조건에 따라 담수 (Chlorella sp., C. vulgaris CCAP211/1B, B.
braunii FC124, 그리고 S. obliquus R8) 및 해양 미세조류 (I. galbana LB987, N.
oculata CCAP849/1, 그리고 D. salina)의 성장 및 지질 함량을 조사하였다. 광독립영양
배양조건 (photoautotrophic culture mode)과 달리 종속영양 (Heterotrophic) 또는 혼
합영양배양조건 (Mixotrophic culture mode)에서 배양할 경우 해당 미세조류의 성장이
향상되었다. 한편, 광독립영양배양조건과 혼합영양배양조건에서 미세조류 세포 내의 지
질 축적량이 증가하였다. 그러나, 혼합영양배양조건에서, 빛은 담수 미세조류의 성장과
지질 축적 증진에 영향을 미쳤다. 그리고, 해양 미세조류의 바이오매스 생산에 큰 영향
을 미치지 못했으나, 클로로필과 지질 함량은 빛의 세기가 증가함에 따라 급격하게 증
가하는 경향을 보였다. 또한, 광독립영양배양조건에서 I. galbana LB987, N. oculata
CCAP849/1, 그리고 D. salina는 낮은 질소 (NO3
-)의 농도에서 지질의 생산이 촉진되었
으나, 질소의 농도가 증가함에 따라 바이오매스의 생산량은 증가하며 지질 함량은 감
또한, 미세조류의 높은 지질 함량을 유지하고 성장 증가를 위해, 혼합영양배
양조건에서 미세조류의 생장 촉진제인 해양 퇴적물 (oceanic sediments)가 B. braunii
LB572와 P. tricornutum B2089의 바이오매스 및 지질의 생산에 미치는 영향을 조사하
였다. 미세조류의 각 배양 배지와 해양 퇴적물을 혼합한 최적 혼합 비율은 6:4 (v/v)로
B. braunii LB572와 P. tricornutum B2089의 specific growth rate가 약 각각 13.0과
11.3 배 증가하였다. 그리고, 최적 혼합비율의 혼합배지에서 두 미세조류의 바이오매스
와 지질의 생산량의 경우, B. braunii LB572는 5.54 및 3.09 g/L 그리고 P. tricornutum
B2089는 6.41 및 3.61 g/L로 각각 조사되었다. 해양 퇴적물 내 두 미세조류의 생장과
지질 축적량 증진에 미치는 영향인자를 확인한 결과, Fe3+ 와 Ca2+는 두 미세조류의 바
이오매스 및 지질 생산을 촉진하였으나 Mg2+의 경우 큰 영향을 미치지 못했다. 또한,
해양 퇴적물로부터 추출한 부식산 (humic acid)은 금속이온들의 생체 이용률(bioavailability)을 증가시켜 해당 미세조류의 생장 및 지질 추출을 극대화하였다. 따라
서, 해양 퇴적물을 이용한 미세조류 배양 배지 조제를 통해 미세조류의 바이오매스와
지질의 대량생산을 위한 저비용의 공급이 가능할 것으로 판단된다.
본 연구에서는, 해양 퇴적물의 혼합배지를 이용한 혼합영양배양조건에서
oleaginous 미세조류인 B. braunii LB572와 P. tricornutum B2089를 10 L 규모의 관형-
광생물반응기 (10 L-Scale tubular-photobioreactor)를 이용하여 빛의 세기 및 주기에
따른 성장, 지질 축적, 및 지방산 조성에 미치는 영향을 조사하였다. 빛의 세기가 B.
braunii LB572는 200 μmol photons/m2/s 그리고 P. tricornutum B2089는 150 μmol
photons/m2/s까지 증가함에 따라 바이오매스 생산량은 점차적으로 증가하였으며, 빛의
세기가 최대 300 μmol photons/m2/s 까지 증가함에 따라 두 미세조류 모두 지질 생
산량은 증가하는 경향을 나타내었다. 또한, 빛 주기의 경우 빛 세기와 비슷한 결과가
조사되었다. 두 종 미세조류 모두 18:6시간/명반응:암반응의 주기에서 가장 높은 바이
오매스 및 지질의 생산량이 조사되었으며, 빛의 세기의 경우 B. braunii LB572는 200
μmol photons/m2/s 그리고 P. tricornutum B2089는 150 μmol photons/m2/s로 각각
조사되었다. 다양한 빛의 조건에 따라 미세조류의 지질 내 지방산 (C16-C18)의 함량
및 조성의 변화를 나타내었다. 미세조류를 이용한 바이오디젤 생산에 필수적인 지방산
인 C16-C18의 지방산 중 빛의 세기 및 공급시간이 증가함에 따라 포화지방산
(saturated fatty acid)과 단일 불포화지방산 (monounsaturated fatty acid)의 함량이 증
가하였으나, 다중 불포화지방산 (polyunsaturated fatty acid)의 함량은 점차적으로 감소
하는 양상을 보였다.
배양된 미세조류의 바이오매스로부터 효과적인 지질 추출을 위해 적합한
파쇄방법의 선택 및 최적화를 수행하였다. 본 연구에서 이용한 파쇄방법은 6가지의 물
리적 혹은 화학적 방법 (autoclave, sonication, bead-beater, microwave, french-press,
그리고 osmotic shock)을 각각 이용하여 B. braunii LB572와 P. tricornutum B2089의
최적 파쇄방법을 조사한 결과, 두 종 미세조류 모두 microwave 방법으로 확인되었다.
본 연구에서 조사된 microwave의 최적 파쇄 조건은 오븐의 온도를 150 ℃에서 1250
W와 2450 MHz의 세기에서 20분 동안 각 미세조류의 시료를 파쇄 하였으며, 위 최적
파쇄 조건에서 B. braunii LB572와 P. tricornutum B2089의 지질 함량은 49.71과 47.91% (w/w)로 각각 조사되었다.
선행연구 결과를 기반으로 하여, 연속 배양 (continuous culture)과 반복-회
분 (repeated-batch culture)을 수행하면서 B. braunii LB572와 P. tricornutum B2089의
바이오매스와 지질 생산성을 비교하였다. 두 미세조류를 12 L 관형-광생물반응기
(working volume 10 L)에서 13일 동안 각각 회분배양한 후, 약 30일 동안 연속배양
또는 반복-회분배양하였다. 회분배양에서 B. braunii LB572와 P. tricornutum B2089의
specific growth rate를 조사한 결과 B. braunii LB572는 0.33 그리고 P. tricornutum
B2089는 0.37 d-1로 각각 조사되었다. 연속배양에서 신선한 배지를 2.4 mL/min의 속도
로 주입하고 역시 동일한 속도로 균체가 생장한 배양액을 회수하였다. 0.35 d-1의 희석
률에서 가장 높은 바이오매스 및 지질의 생산성을 나타내었으며, 이 때 B. braunii
LB572의 바이오매스 및 지질의 생산성은 2.47 및 1.41 g/L/d이었고, P. tricornutum
B2089의 바이오매스 및 지질의 생산성은 4.24 및 2.45 g/L/d이었다. 이 결과는 두 미
세조류의 회분배양에서 얻은 생산성보다 약 4배 증가한 것이다. 또한, 미세조류를 반복
-회분배양하기 위해 6일을 주기로 하여 10 L 배양액 중 4 L의 균체 배양액을 일시에
회수하고 역시 동일한 양의 신선한 배지를 일시에 공급하면서 30일 동안 총 5번을 반
복적으로 회분배양하였다. 두 미세조류 모두 회분배양이 반복됨에 따라 지질 함량은
큰 변화를 보이지 않았으나, 바이오매스와 지질의 생산량 및 생산성은 일정하게 증가
하였다. 최종적으로 5번째 회분배양이 반복되었을 때 바이오매스 및 지질의 생산성은
B. braunii LB572의 경우, 2.71 및 4.84 g/L/d 그리고 P. tricornutum B2089의 경우,
3.72 및 6.24 g/L/d로 각각 조사되었다. 이러한 결과는 바이오매스와 지질 생산에 있어
서 연속배양 보다 반복-회분배양이 더 효율적이라는 것을 의미한다.
본 연구에서 생산된 미세조류 바이오매스를 이용한 바이오디젤 생산을 위
해 직접-에스테르 교환반응 조건을 최적화하였다. 또한 최적화된 직접-에스테르 교환
반응 (Direct-transeterification)을 통해 B. braunii LB572와 P. tricornutum B2089의
FAME yield 및 생산성을 각각 조사하였다. 이 때 직접-에스테르 교환반응의 최적조건
은 다음과 같다. 기본적으로 6.0 mL sulfuric acid와 8.0 mL chloroform을 각각 10 g의
바이오매스에 첨가한 후 200 ℃ 에서 60 분간 처리하되, B. braunii LB572에는 70 mL
methanol을, P. tricornutum B2089에는 35 mL methanol을 첨가하였다. 반응기 내부 온도가 200 ℃ 일 때, 반응기 내 압력은 약 75 bar로 측정되었다. 건조시키지 않은 바
이오매스를 직접-에스테르 교환반응을 통해 얻은 각 FAME yield는 B. braunii LB572가
95.6%, P. tricornutum B2089가 96.2%이었다. 이 때 B. braunii LB572와 P. tricornutum
B2089의 FAME 생산성은 0.26 및 0.37 g/L/d로 각각 조사되었다.|The growth and lipid content of freshwater (Chlorella sp., C. vulgaris CCAP211/11B, B. braunii FC124, and S. obliquus R8) and marine microalgae (I. galbana LB987, N. oculata CCAP849/1, and D. salina) were investigated under different culture modes. Enhanced growth was occurred when they were cultivated under heterotrophic or mixotrophic conditions compared with photoautotrophic mode. Meanwhile, high lipid accumulation in the cells occurred when they were cultivated under photoautotrophic or mixotrophic conditions. During mixotrophic cultivation mode, light intensity had an impact on freshwater microalgal growth and lipid accumulation. Marine microalgal biomass production was not affected significantly by light intensity. However, both chlorophyll concentration and lipid content increased dramatically with increasing light intensity under mixotrophic culture mode. Additionally, in marine microalagae under photoautotrophic culture mode, low nitrogen concentration stimulated lipid production, but a decreasing lipid content and an increasing biomass were observed with increasing nitrogen concentration.
The effects of growth stimulators in oceanic sediment on biomass and lipid production of B. braunii LB572 and P. tricornutum B2089 in mixotrophic culture was also investigated. With the optimal mixing ratio of culture medium and oceanic sediment extract of 6:4 (v/v), specific growth rates of B. braunii LB572 and P. tricornutum B2089 increased 13.0 and 11.3-fold, respectively. Then, maximum biomass and lipid production of B. braunii LB572 was 5.54 and 3.09 g/L, and that of P. tricornutum B2089 was 6.41 and 3.61 g/L, respectively. Fe3+ and Ca2+ in sediment remarkably promoted biomass and lipid production, but Mg2+ did not. Humic acid extracted from sediment increased bioavailability of metal ions. Thus, low-cost oceanic sediment can supply sufficient growth stimulators for mass production of biomass and lipid in both microalgae.
Moreover, this study investigated the effect of light regimes on the cell growth, lipid accumulation and fatty acid composition of oleaginous microalgae under mixotrophic culture mode in a tubular photobioreactor. Biomass production gradually increased with increasing light intensity up to 200 µmol photon/m2/s for B. braunii LB572 and 150 µmol photon/m2/s for P. tricornutum B2089, respectively, but the lipid content of both microalgae tended to increase continuously up to 300 µmol photon/m2/s. The effect of photoperiod was also similar to that of light intensity. Thus, the optimal photoperiod of the two microalgae was 18:6 h/L:D cycle, and the optimal light intensity was 200 µmol photon/m2/s for B. braunii LB572 and 150 µmol photon/m2/s for P. tricornutum B2089. Fatty acid composition in both microalgal cells was changed by the light intensity and photoperiods. The amounts of saturated and monounsaturated fatty acids in C16-C18 fatty acids, which were essential component for biodiesel, increased with increasing light intensity and duration time, but that of polyunsaturated fatty acids gradually decreased. Additionally, for optimization of microalgal cell disruption method, the six disruption methods (autoclave, sonication, bead-beater, microwave, french-press, and osmotic shock) for efficient lipid extraction of B. braunii LB572 and P. tricornutum B2089 were optimized. As a result, microwave disruption method was the most effective disruption for lipid extraction in both microalgae. The optimum conditions of microwave methods were as follows: microwave oven at 150 ℃ for 20 min with frequency of 1250 W and 2450 MHz.
In addition, biomass and lipid productivity of B. braunii LB572 and P. tricornutum B2089 were investigated in the continuous or repeated-batch culture under optimum light regimes. After cells of the two microalgae were cultured in the 12 L tubular-type photobioreactor (working volume 10 L) for 13 days, they were further cultured by different cultivation types. Each specific growth rate of B. braunii LB572 and P. tricornutum B2089 was 0.33 and 0.37 d-1, respectively, when cultured in the batch cultivation. In the continuous cultivation, fresh medium was supplied to the reactor at a speed of 2.4 mL/min and the same volume of cell suspension was drained from the reactor. The highest biomass and lipid productivity was found when the dilution rate was 0.35 d-1, then those of B. braunii LB572 and P. tricornutum B2089 were 2.47 and 1.41 g/L/d and 4.24 and 2.45 g/L/d, respectively, which resulted in about 4 times higher than those obtained from the cells cultivated by batch culture mode. In addition, they were repeated-batch cultured for 30 days. 4 L of cell suspension was drained from the reactor at every 6 days and the same volume of fresh medium was supplied. After five times repeated-batch cultivation, the biomass and lipid productivity B. braunii LB572 was 2.71 and 4.84 g/L/d and those of P. tricornutum B2089 was 3.72 and 6.24 g/L/d, respectively. These results indicates that repeated-batch culture is better than continuous culture for biomass and lipid production.
Also, direct-transesterification condition was optimized for biodiesel production from the microalgal biomass, and the FAMEyields of the two microalgae were investigated under the optimal conditions, which were as follows: 10 g biomass was treated with 6.0 mL sulfuric acid and 8.0 mL chloroform and boiled at 200 ℃ for 60 min. Under this condition, 70 mL methanol for B. braunii LB572 and 35 mL methanol for P. tricornutum B2089 were added, respectively. The inner pressure in the reactor was found to be about 75 bar at the optimum temperature of 200 ℃. In addition, FAME yield (from non-disrupted wet biomass) of B. braunii LB572 and P. tricornutum B2089 through this reaction were found to be 95.6 and 96.2% (of lipid), respectively.
Alternative Title
미세조류를 이용한 바이오디젤 생산: 다양한 배양기술을 이용한 미세조류 생장 및 지질 축적의 최적화
Alternative Author(s)
Geun Ho Gim
일반대학원 환경공학과
Si Wouk Kim
Awarded Date
Table Of Contents
Contents ·············································································································································· I
List of Tables ································································································································· VI
List of Figures ····························································································································· VIII
ABSTRACT ··································································································································· XII
Chapter I. General Introduction
1. Introduction ··································································································································· 2
1-1. Bioenergy and biomass ·········································································································· 2
1-1-1. Bioenergy production from Biomass ·············································································· 4
a. 1st generation biofuels ·········································································································· 5
b. 2nd generation biofuels ········································································································· 5
c. 3rd generation biofuels ········································································································· 5
1-2. Biodiesel production from microalgae ················································································· 7
1-2-1. Microalgal species ············································································································· 9
a. Freshwater microalgae ········································································································ 10
b. Marine microalgae ··············································································································· 12
1-2-2. Cultivation ························································································································ 14
a. Cultivation medium & nutrients ························································································· 14
b. Environmental growth factors ···························································································· 15
c. Culture mode ························································································································ 16
d. Mass cultivation & culture systems ·················································································· 16
1-2-3. Cell disruption ················································································································· 18
1-2-4. Biodiesel conversion ······································································································· 19
1-3. Overall research objective ··································································································· 20
Chapter II. Comparison of biomass production and total lipid content of
freshwater green microalgae cultivated under various culture conditions
1. Introduction ································································································································· 23
2. Materials and methods ·············································································································· 25
2-1. Microalgae and growth medium ························································································· 25
2-2. Pre-cultivation condition ······································································································ 26
2-3. Culture conditions ················································································································· 26
2-4. Estimation of biomass production ······················································································ 28
2-5. Estimation of total lipid content ························································································ 28
3. Results and discussion ·············································································································· 29
3-1. Effect of organic carbon sources on biomass production ··············································· 29
3-2. Effect of glucose concentration on microalgal biomass ·················································· 31
3-3. Comparison of biomass and total lipid content under different culture conditions ····· 33
3-4. Effect of light intensity on biomass and lipid production ·············································· 35
Chapter III. Effect of carbon source and light intensity on the growth and total
lipid production of three microalgae under different culture conditions
1. Introduction ································································································································· 40
2. Materials and methods ·············································································································· 42
2-1. Microalgae and growth medium ························································································· 42
2-2. Microalgal culture conditions ······························································································ 43
2-3. Determination of biomass production ················································································ 44
2-4. Measurement of reducing sugar concentration ·································································· 44
2-5. Determination of chlorophyll content ················································································· 45
2-6. Estimation of total lipid content ························································································ 45
2-7. Analysis of fatty acid composition ···················································································· 46
3. Results ········································································································································· 47
3-1. Effect of nitrogen concentration on photoautotrophic growth and total lipid content 47
3-2. Effect of carbon source on heterotrophic growth ···························································· 49
3-3. Biomass, total lipid, and chlorophyll content under different culture conditions ········ 52
3-4. Effect of light intensity on fatty acid composition ························································· 55
4. Discussion ··································································································································· 58
Chapter IV. Growth factors in oceanic sediment significantly stimulate the
biomass and lipid production of two oleaginous microalgae
1. Introduction ································································································································· 65
2. Materials and Methods ·············································································································· 67
2-1. Microalgal culture media and conditions ·········································································· 67
2-2. Preparation of oceanic sediment extract ············································································ 68
2-3. Effect of oceanic sediments on cell growth and lipid production ································ 68
2-4. Analytical methods ··············································································································· 70
3. Results ········································································································································· 71
3-1. Analysis of oceanic sediments composition ······································································ 71
3-2. Optimization of mixing ratio between culture medium and oceanic sediment extract 72
3-3. Effect of DOC on biomass and lipid production ···························································· 74
3-4. Effect of metal ions on microalgal growth and lipid production ·································· 76
3-5. Effect of EDTA or humic substances on bioavailability of metal ions to microalgae 79
4. Discussion ··································································································································· 81
Chapter V. Effect of light intensity and photoperiod on the cell growth, lipid
accumulation and fatty acid composition in microalgal cells under mixotrophic
culture mode
1. Introduction ································································································································· 89
2. Materials and Methods ·············································································································· 91
2-1. Microalgae and culture medium ························································································· 91
2-2. Preparation of oceanic sediment extract ············································································ 91
2-3. Culture conditions ················································································································· 92
2-3-1. Pre-cultivation ···················································································································· 92
2-3-2. Batch cultivation in a photobioreactor ··········································································· 92
2-4. Experimental conditions ······································································································· 93
2-5. Microalgal biomass and lipid contents ·············································································· 94
2-5-1. Microalgal biomass and lipid ························································································ 94
2-5-2. Analysis of fatty acid composition ··············································································· 94
2-6. Optimization of microalgal cell disruption methods ························································ 95
3. Results and discussion ·············································································································· 96
3-1. Optimization of microalgal cell disruption methods ························································ 96
3-2. Cell growth and lipid content in different culture vessels ··········································· 99
3-3. Effect of light intensity and photoperiod on biomass production under mixotrophic
cultivation mode ···························································································································· 100
3-4. Effect of light intensity and photoperiods on lipid content ······································· 103
3-5. Effect of light regimes on fatty acid composition ························································ 105
Chapter VI. Repeated batch and continuous cultivation of two oleaginous
microalgae in photobioreactor and direct-transesterification for biodiesel
1. Introduction ······························································································································· 110
2. Materials and Methods ············································································································ 112
2-1. Microalgae and culture medium ······················································································· 112
2-2. Pre-cultivation ······················································································································ 112
2-3. Estimation of biomass and lipid production ··································································· 113
2-4. Determination of microalgal growth and dilution rate ·················································· 114
2-5. Analytical methods ············································································································· 115
2-6. Repeated-batch and continuous cultivation in tubular-photobioreactor ······················· 116
2-7. Direct-transesterification ····································································································· 118
2-7-1. Optimization of transesterification ··············································································· 118
2-7-2. Analysis of FAME ········································································································ 119
3. Results and discussion ············································································································ 121
3-1. Microalgal growth rate and dilution rate ········································································ 121
3-2. Continuous cultivation ········································································································ 122
3-3. Repeated-batch cultivation ································································································· 126
3-4. Optimization of Driect-transesterification ········································································· 130
Reference ····································································································································· 135
Overall conclusion ···················································································································· 175
요 약 문 ································································································································· 178
Publication list ······················································································································· 182
조선대학교 대학원
김근호. (2017). Biodiesel production from microalgae: Optimization of microalgal growth and lipid accumulation using various cultivation techniques.
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General Graduate School > 4. Theses(Ph.D)
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