한국의 동원병력 해외파병에 관한 연구

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A Study on Overseas Deployment of Korean
Military Reserve Forces

Yoon, jin young
Advisor : Prof. Kim, Jae Chul ph.D.
Department of Military Science
Graduate School of Chosun University

International disputes and conflicts have continued around all the countries of the world despite the hope and efforts of international society expecting the establishment of peace after the end of cold war from the conflict between ideologies led by the Soviet Union and the United States. As Eastern Europe countries as well as the Soviet Union, a power in the era of cold war collapsed and a neighbor country, China accepted capitalistic market economy, international society met the era of post-cold war. However, international order confronted new conflict and disputes such as border dispute, religion, racism, environment and refugee even after breaking the post conflict between ideologies.
The phenomena must be from the transition in which regional powers, main taining the international order in the era of cold war, did show their different interests and weakened control power. The reasons of disputes became various such as racism, religion, territory, natural resources and etc and especially, the recent disputes tend to be complicated as mixed with hunger, poverty, diseases and human rights, in which refugees from civil wars even created humanitarian disasters and terrorism, probably threatening the world peace.
For this, international society including the United Nations agreed the necessity of maintaining the world peace and participated in the world peace maintaining activities in various ways. Korea also joined the UN in September 1991 for the request of international society and our national interests and then actively participated in international world peace activities and military exchange cooperation such as 40 thousands soldiers in 25 countries till now, receiving high praise as a model country of peace maintenance activity. Our overseas deployment of military manpower(peacekeeping operation) would increase in consideration of the Korean Peninsula’s security environment and international situation.
Peacekeeping operation is the general term of activities given by the mission that the multi-national peacekeeping forces(PKF) and peacekeeping group, which are installed by a specific country or regional security organizations to settle international or regional disputes and establish the peace, should do.
We, the country bitterly experiencing the Korean War, have a very special meaning of the overseas deployment of military manpower as we still confront the serious threats of North Korea. Until now, we have deployed the military manpower to overseas countries in consideration of current domestic security threats of North Korea, historical background for the security of allied countries and practical national interests. Especially, the Vietnam War was for us to prepare the ground of self-supporting economy with the economic and military assistance of U.S. as handling the threats from North Korea when we reinforced the alliance with U.S.
Korea has mainly dispatched about 40 thousands of active officers and men to 25 countries from September 17, 1991 to 2017 especially for UN peacekeeping forces, multi-national forces, national cooperative activity and military observers’ disaster aid, from which we inspired the feeling of hope and peace and raised the national prestige. That a country deploys military manpower to overseas countries is meaningful in participating in world peace maintenance while it is utilized as a display of national power and military power and a way of military diplomacy and military cooperation.
International peacekeeping operation is to deploy military manpower to overseas countries, to raise the country’s prestige in the world and to increase the national interests. Also, participating in the UN and international peace keeping operation is for us to accumulate our leadership and prestige and to justify ourselves when expressing our opinion in a policy-decision of the UN. Many membership countries of the UN deploy their active officers and men as well as increasingly reserve force, in which U.S. is the representative country.
Therefore, Korea has to review the current overseas deployment system of military manpower mainly including active officers and men. For the background, deploying the only active officers and men and participating in the international peacekeeping operation might improve the efficiency of mission execution and learn and hand over the know-hoe and experience while the almost currently deployed units could not be completely organized and instead, they had to reduce the organization, resulting in weakening the fighting power as they were selected for peacekeeping operation.
In addition, the national defense reform is being promoted, in which the current active force would be gradually reduced from 620 thousands(490 thousand of army, 70 thousands of navy and 60 thousands of air force) in 2016 to 530 thousands in 2022, from which the current defense may cause a temporary security vacuum as we deploy forces to overseas countries.
Korea sets a goal to actively participate in the problem solving of the globe and actually executes various activities such as truce supervision, reconstruction support and anti-piracy operation. While participating in the peacekeeping operation, Korea would be developed, possibly joining a group of advanced countries.
The buildup of national power would ask us to more contribute to the peacekeeping operation in international society. Also, to correspond to gradual reduction of active military force and kinds of threats, the current peacekeeping operation of the only active military force may be limited as more as international society expect.
Therefore, it will be necessary to include reserve force such as civil experts, social organizations, police and etc to the military force for overseas deployment. Among them, the reserve force would be the resource that has the capabilities to execute the missions of peacekeeping operation. It is also expected that the peacekeeping activity of the reserve force raises the national prestige, substitutes the active military force, expands the agreed security among the nation, reinforces sense of national security and utilizes the professions and better activities of the reserve force.
Overseas deployment practically contributes to national interests, security and economic growth while we may justify the assistance of the UN in emergency such as threats of North Korea, as a duty and right of a membership country of the UN. Also, it is helpful in raising the national prestige, promoting the friendship with the countries after the settlement and economic cooperation, and reinforcing the diplomatic power. Therefore, the decision should be made by the President’s intent as well as the nation’s consensus.
The paper is to research with the purposes. In the future, Korea should review the overseas deployment in terms of military as well as national strategy. Also, that a reserve force participates in the peacekeeping operation will be researched in many ways at government level while the necessity to expand the roles of reserve force, which is expected to be included in overseas deployment, is raised. Finally, the paper is intended to provide the fundamental data for the policy-making factors which during the time, PKO, a kind of overseas deployment was decided, the instances of reserve force deployment and suggestions from overseas countries such as U.S., France, Swiss and Germany, the conditions when we deploy the reserve force to overseas countries, and the considerations that we would review before overseas deployment including the survey and interview with commanders and primary staff action officers, contributing to the decision-making of international peacekeeping operation of Korean reserve force.

Key Word : Reserve Force, Differences Of Opinions, Peace Keeping Operation, Multinational Force, Overseas Deployment.
Alternative Title
A Study on Overseas Deployment of Korean Military Reserve Forces
Alternative Author(s)
Yoon, jin young
조선대학교 대학원
일반대학원 군사학과
Awarded Date
Table Of Contents
목 차

표목차, 그림목차, 약어표
제1장 서 론 1
제1절 연구의 목적 1
제2절 연구의 범위 및 방법 4
1. 연구의 범위 4
2. 연구의 방법 5
제3절 선행연구의 검토 6
제2장 이론적 배경 및 분석의 틀 14
제1절 국가동원의 개념과 동원제도 14
1. 동원의 개념과 동원체제 14
2. 한국의 동원제도와 관련법령 22
제2절 국제분쟁과 평화유지 활동 25
1. 국제분쟁 25
2. 평화유지 활동 35
제3절 해외파병 개념과 한국의 파병활동 47
1. 해외파병의 개념과 전략적 가치 47
2. 한국의 해외파병 51
제4절 동원병력의 해외파병 정책 결정요인 67
1. 외교적 요인 68
2. 정치적 요인 70
3. 경제적 요인 72
4. 군사적 요인 74
제5절 분석의 틀 76
제3장 외국의 동원병력 파병 사례와 시사점 78
제1절 외국의 동원사례 78
1. 미국 78
2. 프랑스 90
3. 스위스 92
4. 독일 94
제2절 시사점 96
제4장 동원병력 해외파병 여건분석 98
제1절 외교적 측면 98
제2절 정치적 측면 104
제3절 경제적 측면 109
제4절 군사적 측면 119
제5절 소결론 129
제5장 동원병력 파병 시 고려요소 및 추진방향 131
제1절 관련법령 제정 및 기구설치 131
1. 병역법 및 예비군법 개정 131
2. 해외파병 관련법 개정 135
3. 파병 전담기구 설치 136
제2절 국민적 공감대 형성 139
1. 국민과의 소통 139
2. 여론조사 활용 활성화 140
3. 파병의 기대효과 전략적 홍보 142
제3절 파병부대 편성 및 자원선발 143
1. 파병부대 편성 143
2. 자원선발 145
3. 부모 및 가족 동의 147
제4절 파병부대의 임무수행 148
1. 유엔 평화유지 활동 148
2. 다국적군 평화유지 활동 151
3. 국방협력 활동 153
제5절 파병 복귀 후 관리 154
1. 취업 인센티브 부여 154
2. 잔여 예비군 훈련시간 조정 155
3. 기타 보상대책 157
제6장 결 론 158
참고문헌 162
윤진영. (2017). 한국의 동원병력 해외파병에 관한 연구.
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General Graduate School > 4. Theses(Ph.D)
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