최하림 시에 나타난 시간의식과 공간의식 연구

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This study aims to investigate the time consciousness and space consciousness of the poems of Choi Ha-rim. Poet Choi Ha-rim wrote and published poems that the scene and history of literature could not take lightly from the early 1960s through the early 2010s he passed away, but in the 1960s and 70s, when he was active, Korean literary circles were in conflict with each other, over the issue of ‘purity’ or ‘participation,’ divided into two, so he did not belong to either side and did not attract enough attention for his works.
The existing studies on the poems of Choi Ha-rim were conducted in various ways, concerning the process of the transformation of his poetic world, image research and structural analysis based on immanent analysis of his works, and there were also studies on time and space. However, in the existing studies on time, the relationship between the two was discussed in the frame of the ‘period’ represented by modern and contemporary history and the ‘time’ represented by the poet's personal affairs, and there are insufficient specific discussions across his poetic world discussion. In addition, most of the existing studies of space tend to interpret his poems on the ‘dimension of landscape’ because of their pictorial characteristic. In particular, discussions on the landscape focus only on his later poems.
If time and space are the essential conditions of human existence, and if, ultimately, literature is a question about existence and asking for the answer, it is noted that time and space are in an indivisible relationship with literature. This study that would understand the time consciousness and space consciousness in the poems of Choi Ha-rim would accept a phenomenological approach. An important discovery in Phenomenology is ‘intentionalität of consciousness’ and in the structure of the intentionalität, it captures the meanings of things through the intended object and the intended action. Understanding the oriented time and space can be a method of understanding the artist spirit because the creation of all literary works is based on the intentionalität of consciousness. In addition, the content of the consciousness is the interrelation between the self and the essence of the world or the interrelation between subjective objects. Therefore, the research on the time consciousness and space consciousness in the poems of Choi Ha-rim can be an approach to a further essential issue by clarifying the existence and the world and awakening literary meanings.
Alternative Title
A Study On The time consciousness and space consciousness in the poems of Choi Ha-rim.
Alternative Author(s)
Kim Jinseon
일반대학원 문예창작학과
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Table Of Contents
목 차


Ⅰ. 서론················································································1
1. 연구 목적 및 연구사 검토·······················································1
2. 연구 방법 및 연구 범위·························································6

Ⅱ. 초기시 : 실존적 불안과 유년에 대한 그리움······························11
1. 과거지향적 시간의식과 낭만적 태도·········································11
2. 향수의 공간으로서 고향························································21

Ⅲ. 중기시 : 부정적 현실에 대한 비판과 죄의식······························29
1. 현재지향적 시간의식과 반성적 태도·········································30
2. 현실적 공간으로서 도시························································36

Ⅳ. 후기시 : 자연으로의 회귀와 열린 세계····································43
1. 미래지향적 시간의식과 초월적 태도·········································43
2. 원형적 공간으로서 자연························································49

Ⅴ. 결론···············································································57

김진선. (2017). 최하림 시에 나타난 시간의식과 공간의식 연구.
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General Graduate School > 3. Theses(Master)
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