채권자취소권에서 “모든 채권자”의 보호 방안에 관한 연구
- Author(s)
- 정주흥
- Issued Date
- 2017
- Abstract
- The Creditor Revocation Right, which can cancel the actions of the debtor beneficiary with amendment the three basic principles of the Civil Act, is to protect “all creditors” against the debtor. And the protection of “all creditors” means that liable assets of debtor must be equally distributed to “all creditors”. Unlike ordinary lawsuit where creditors and debtors existing, the Lawsuit for Fraudulent Action Revocation has many complex things in the lawsuit and enforcement process. In connection with the lawsuit, there a debtor other than the revocation creditor (plaintiff) and beneficiary (defendant) and there are other creditors in the same position as the revolving creditor. As a result of the lawsuit, it may be possible to return the raw materials or only to pay the compensation of equivalent value.
In addition, during the lawsuit for fraudulent action revocation of the revocation creditor, if the creditor files a separate lawsuit for fraudulent action revocation, the judgment also can be a problem. In the enforcement process, the process of distribution of responsibility for assets returned by each judgment is different, and the revocation creditor and the other creditor, each they are creditors of the same debtor. Thus, even though they should be distributed equitably, they may not. Furthermore, in some cases, the endemic creditor may be divided than other revocation creditor who have filed a lawsuit for a long period of time. Like this, there is a complicated legal relationship in the creditor revocation right, however, the Civil Law only has two provisions of Articles 406 and 407, it is significant that “all creditors” are not received their benefit equally at present.
With the problem about the scope of “All Creditor” for principal return, this paper reviewed in four ways (① a creditor who acquired a bond before the fraudulent action ② a creditor who acquired a bond after the fraudulent action ③ when the beneficiary who is the other party to the lawsuit for fraudulent action revocation is one of the creditors ④ if the other party to the lawsuit for fraudulent action revocation is a just beneficiary, it can be included in “all creditors).
In the case of ①, there is no quarrel.
In the case of ②, there is a negative theory that the creditor is not included and the affirmative theory that the creditor who acquired the bond to the debtor after the fraudulent action can be the scope of “all creditors. The judicial precedent taking a negative theory. As such, if the judicial precedent taking a negative theory, the executing agency should not pay dividends. Because the creditors that acquired the bonds after the fraudulent action are not included in the scope of “all creditors”. However, if the creditor who acquired the bonds before the fraudulent action, does not make an objection to dividend amount of creditor who acquired the bonds after the fraudulent action, the executing agency have to distribute to creditor who acquired the bonds after the fraudulent action. It can be the contradiction. However, even though there is a contradiction, it means not “all creditors” are not protected. This is because, the creditor before fraudulent action, can make an objection about distribution at the dividend date, if the missed, they can get the compensation for unfair profits gained by the infringer. Therefore, the creditor before fraudulent action can be protected from the creditor after fraudulent action.
In case of ③, there are the negative theory that creditor cannot include in “all creditor” and affirmative theory, the judicial precedent taking an affirmative theory. It is natural that creditors to the debtor, should try to recover their bonds from the debtor and it is reasonable to assume that the beneficiary who has taken the first step to recover his debt should be included in the scope of “all creditors”.
In case of ④, there are negative theory that is not included in “all creditors” and affirmative theory, however, the judicial precedent taking a negative theory. When recognizing the scope of “all creditors”, the joint security of other creditors who had the bonds at the time of fraudulent action can be declined. And there is a risk of encouraging another fraudulent action, so the negative theory is valid and will not be a problem.
On the other hand, the case of compensation of equivalent value is different. Like the principal return, in the compensation of equivalent value, “all creditors” must be distributed fairly, but not so.
In the case of the current system and judicial precedent of creditor revocation right, first, in the compensation of equivalent value judgment, when the beneficiary compensates the chargeable properties to revocation creditor, it is necessary for the revocation creditor to monopolize and distribute the above liable property and protect the other creditor. In the case of the current system and judicial precedent of creditor revocation right, first, in the compensation of equivalent value judgment, when the beneficiary compensates the chargeable properties to revocation creditor, it is necessary for the revocation creditor to monopolize and distribute the above liable property and protect the other creditor. as a method of preparation for this, the other creditors have to do the 'Injunction for Prohibition of Provision' that the prohibiting the beneficiary from indemnifying the creditor with the liability, or doing the 'independent party participation' to lawsuit for fraudulent action revocation between revocation creditor and beneficiary.
Regarding this, there is a judgment(2012다47548, 4755 judgment, 2014. 6. 12. sentenced in Supreme Court) which nonsuit the independent party participation application at the lawsuit for fraudulent action revocation, however, this judgment is in the Requested Lawsuit for Registration of Ownership Transfer based on the Substitute Reimbursement Agreement by plaintiff to defendant, the revocation creditor participating in independent parties to this lawsuit and this substitute reimbursement agreement can be the fraudulent action, so request the revocation. Therefore, until now, in the lawsuit for fraudulent action revocation, the Supreme Court has not dismissed the claim of the other party's independent parties. In other words, it is not the direct case where the other creditor has applied for the independent party's participation in the lawsuit for fraudulent action revocation of revocation creditor. The independent party’s means during the lawsuit, making the other party between the plaintiff and the defendant both or one party, and participate in lawsuit to get the judgment only about his claim related with claim between the plaintiff and the defendant at once. This is a kind of suit during the lawsuit, and it is intended to promote the litigation economy by resolving the disputes of plaintiffs, defendants, and participating persons without any contradiction, and to prevent contradiction and conflict of judgment. The independent party participation application that is recognized in the Civil Procedure Act is applied to a lawsuit for fraudulent action revocation. This will be in line with the principle of equality of creditors pursued by the creditor revocation right. Therefore, the above independent party participation application should be accepted.
The second is the case where the beneficiary is one of the creditors of the debtor in the compensation of equivalent value judgment. The creditor who can also be the beneficiary is the creditor to the debtor and he able to deny the proportional benefit to his credits. However, the result is that the revocation creditor monopolizes the liability property, and the protection is necessary. When the creditor who can also be the beneficiary received the compensation of equivalent value judgment he cannot claim the amount of his benefit to revocation creditor, so they receive the 'Principal Return Judgment'. In case of the principal return judgment, the creditor who can also be the beneficiary is in the scope of “all creditors” in Article 407 of the Civil Law, so the creditor who can also be the beneficiary can be divided by the amount of his own interest in the liable property.
As mentioned above, as a protection measure for “all creditors” between other creditors and revocation creditors, they receive the injunction for prohibition of provision and a protection measure for creditor who can also be the beneficiary and it is an independent party participation applications they receive the principal return judgment. The academic community has pointed out a number of problems in this compensation of equivalent value judgment. As a result, the Civil Law Revision Committee has proposed amendments to the 10 provisions of the Civil Act and the 1 provision of the Civil Execution Act concerning the creditor revocation right. Following the amendment to the Civil Law and the Civil Execution Act, these has been a problem in the academic community, and the problems between the revocation creditor and the other creditors, the creditor who can also be the beneficiary and revocation creditor can be protected as Article 407 Section 1 of the Civil Law and Article 248-2 of Civil Execution Act.
However, even under the amendments to the Civil Law, “all creditors” from their creditors are not protected. For this protection and the more assured protection between the 'Article 407 Section 2 of Civil Law Amendment' and “all creditors', the 'Article 407 Section 2 of Civil Law Amendment' have to be newly established as a prerogative provision for the application for participation of independent parties.
About the Article 407 Section 2 of Civil Law Amendment, current Civil Law and judicial precedent, in the compulsory execution proceedings for liable property, original creditor is preferred then “all creditors”, in particular, the protection of “all creditors” is necessary. Based on the amendment of the Civil Law, It is no exaggeration to say that the way of the protection of “all creditors” on the creditor revocation right, the most important part is how to solve the problems related with their own creditors. In this regard, Article 407 Section 2 of the Civil Law Amendment was proposed to protect “all creditors” from their own creditors. In this paper, proposing newly the priority of preliminary injunction and propose the method to protect “all creditors” form their own creditors. The priority of preliminary injunction make the revocation creditor who did injunction or provisional attachment can always be given preference then the own creditors who did provisional attachment or seize to the beneficiary's liable property. It is simpler than Real Rights Theory, Security Rights Theory and Responsibility Theory in Germany, and Relative Invalidity Theory, Responsibility Theory and Absolute Invalidity Theory in Japan, Reflexive Efficacy Theory, Execution Act Principle Application Theory and Relative Efficacy Emphasis Theory in Korea. Also it has the advantage of protecting “all creditors” in the creditor revocation right. Therefore, Article 407 Section 2 of the Civil Law Amendment will be necessary for the protection of “all creditors”.
It means that in accordance with Article 406, Section 2 of the Civil Law Amendment, make a stipulation to allowing other creditor can apply for independent party participation in the lawsuit for fraudulent action revocation of the revocation creditor. In this regard, there is a way for the court to accept applications from other creditors to participate in independent companies, but in order to clarify the legal relationship more clearly, it is necessary to stipulate it in the amendment of the Civil Law. When an independent party application is filed, the advantage of “all creditors” being fairly distributed is substantial. Since the current judicial precedent, before the stipulation of amendment, there was no judged whether right or not about application of independent party participation. So, I expect that when there is the application of independent party participation from the other creditors, the court accept this application of independent party participation.
The creditor revocation right is the regulation for protection of “all creditors”, and the “all creditors” must be distributed fairly in accordance with the principle of creditor equality. Through this paper, I propose the following ways to protect other creditors from revocation creditors in current civil law, such as 'Injunction for Prohibition of Provision' and 'Participation of Independent Parties', If the beneficiary is one of the debtor's creditors, receive the 'Principal Return Judgment' not the compensation of equivalent value judgment, as the legislative, the 'Article 407, Section 2 of the Civil Law Amendment' which is based on the priority for preliminary injunction in order to protect “all creditors” from their own creditors and the 'Article 406, Section 2 of the Civil Law Amendment' for protection between the revocation creditors and other creditors each, and the economic aspect of the litigation. Through these protection methods for “all creditors”, I hope that the principle of equality of creditors pursued by the creditor revocation right will help to keep up.
- Alternative Title
- A Study on the Protection Method for “All Creditors” in Creditor Revocation Right
- Alternative Author(s)
- Jeong, Ju-heung
- Department
- 일반대학원 법학과
- Advisor
- 김범철
- Awarded Date
- 2017-08
- Table Of Contents
- 【 목 차 】
Abstract ⅠⅣ
제1장 서론
제1절 연구의 목적 1
1. “모든 채권자”를 보호하기 위한 채권자취소권 1
2. 채권자평등주의 원칙에 따른 “모든 채권자” 보호 2
제2절 연구의 방법 및 범위 5
1. 연구의 방법 5
2. 연구의 범위 6
제3절 용어의 정리 7
제2장 채권자취소권의 일반론
제1절 채권자취소권의 의의 및 기원 10
1. 채권자취소권의 의의 10
2. 채권자취소권의 기원 10
제2절 채권자취소권에 대한 법적 근거 및 성질 12
1. 법적 근거에 대한 학설 12
가. 부당이득설 12
나. 불법행위설 13
다. 채무불이행설 14
라. 법정채무설 14
마. 책임질서유지설 15
바. 학설에 대한 검토 15
2. 법적 성질에 관한 학설 16
가. 형성권설 17
나. 청구권설 18
다. 상대적 효력설 18
라. 책임설 19
마. 소권설 19
바. 신형성권설 20
사. 판례 21
아. 학설에 대한 검토 22
제3절 채권자취소권의 요건 22
1. 피보전채권에 대한 사항 23
가. 피보전채권의 존재 23
나. 피보전채권의 성립시기 23
(1) 피보전채권 성립시기의 원칙 24
(2) 피보전채권 성립시기의 예외 24
다. 피보전채권의 종류 25
(1) 금전채권 및 종류채권 25
(2) 특정채권 25
(3) 인적 담보부 채권 27
(4) 물적 담보부 채권 27
(5) 재산분할청구권 29
(6) 파산절차에서 면책결정을 받은 채권 30
2. 사해행위 31
가. 서론 31
나. 채무자가 행한 법률행위 31
다. 재산권을 목적으로 하는 법률행위 32
라. 채권자를 해하는 법률행위 33
(1) 서론 33
(2) 채무자의 무자력 33
(3) 구체적 사례에 대한 검토 35
3. 사해의사 39
가. 채무자의 사해의사 39
나. 수익자 또는 전득자의 사해의사 40
제4절 채권자취소권의 행사 41
1. 채권자취소권의 당사자 41
가. 취소권자 41
나. 상대방 42
2. 취소권의 행사방법 43
가. 채권자의 이름으로 행사 43
나. 재판상 청구 43
3. 사해행위취소소송의 경합 43
가. 경합의 문제 44
나. 병합심리가 되는 경우 44
다. 병합심리가 되지 않은 경우 45
제5절 채권자취소권의 소멸 45
1. 채권자취소권의 행사기간 45
2. 기간의 성질 46
3. 기간의 기산점 46
가. 취소원인을 안 날 47
나. 법률행위 있는 날 47
다. 가등기에 기한 본등기가 종료된 경우 48
라. 수익자와 전득자의 제척기간 48
제3장 민법 제407조상 “모든 채권자”의 범위 및 문제점
제1절 원칙으로서의 원물반환 49
1. 원물반환의 의의 49
2. 원물반환의 유형 49
가. 반환목적물이 동산 또는 금전인 경우 50
나. 반환목적물이 채권인 경우 51
(1) 채권양도의 경우 50
(2) 채권양도 예약의 경우 53
(3) 채무면제와 상계의 경우 54
다. 반환목적물이 부동산인 경우 55
(1) 사해행위로 소유권이전등기가 마쳐진 경우 56
(2) 사해행위로 저당권설정등기가 마쳐진 경우 61
(3) 사해행위로 가등기가 마쳐진 경우 62
제2절 예외로서의 가액배상 62
1. 가액배상의 의의 63
2. 가액배상이 인정되는 유형 63
가. 원물반환이 불가능하거나 현저히 곤란한 경우 63
나. 원물반환이 공평에 반하는 경우 64
다. 목적물이 불가분인 경우 65
제3절 원물반환에서 “모든 채권자”의 범위와 관련된 문제점 65
1. 사해행위 이전에 채권을 취득한 채권자 65
2. 사해행위 이후에 채권을 취득한 채권자 66
가. 학설 66
(1) “모든 채권자”에 포함된다는 견해 66
(2) “모든 채권자”에 포함되지 않는다는 견해 67
나. 판례의 입장 68
다. 소결 69
3. 사해행위취소의 상대방인 수익자가 채권자 중 1인인 경우 71
가. 학설 71
(1) “모든 채권자”에 포함된다는 견해 71
(2) “모든 채권자”에 포함되지 않는다는 견해 72
나. 판례의 입장 72
다. 소결 73
4. 사해행위취소의 상대방이 단순한 수익자인 경우 74
가. 학설 75
(1) “모든 채권자”에 포함된다는 견해 75
(2) “모든 채권자”에 포함되지 않는다는 견해 75
나. 판례의 입장 76
다. 소결 77
제4절 가액배상에서 “모든 채권자”의 범위와 관련된 문제점 77
1. 타 채권자의 취소채권자에 대한 가액배상금 분배청구 가부 78
가. 학설 78
(1) 상계설 79
(2) 공탁의무설 80
(3) 채무자지급설 82
(4) 강제집행설 83
나. 판례의 입장 83
다. 소결 84
2. 수익자 겸 채권자의 취소채권자에 대한 안분액분배청구 여부 85
가. 학설 85
(1) 긍정하는 견해 85
(2) 부정하는 견해 87
나. 판례의 입장 87
다. 소결 88
제5절 “모든 채권자”와 고유채권자와의 문제점 89
1. 고유채권자가 “모든 채권자”에 포함되는지 여부 90
2. 학설 90
가. 외국에서의 견해 90
(1) 독일에서의 견해 90
(2) 일본에서의 견해 91
나. 우리나라에서의 견해 93
(1) 반사적 효력설 93
(2) 집행법적 원리적용설 94
(3) 상대적 효력 강조설 96
3. 판례의 입장 98
가. 원물반환 98
(1) 대법원 1990. 10. 30. 선고 89다카35421 판결 98
(2) 대법원 2001. 5. 29. 선고 99다9011 판결 99
나. 가액배상 101
(1) 대법원 2009. 6. 11. 선고 2008다7109 판결 101
(2) 대법원 2005. 11. 10. 선고 2004다49532 판결 102
4. 소결 104
제4장 민법 제407조상 “모든 채권자”의 보호방안
제1절 보호방안의 요지 107
1. 보호 방법 107
2. “모든 채권자”의 보호방안과 관련된 문제 107
제2절 타 채권자의 보호방안 109
1. 채권자평등주의에 반하는 판결 110
가. 당사자 및 사실관계 요약 110
나. 사건진행내역 110
다. 원심의 판단 112
라. 대법원의 판단 113
2. 지급금지 가처분 114
가. 문제제기 114
나. 타 채권자의 수익자를 상대로 한 가처분 방안 114
(1) 가처분의 의의 114
(2) 다툼의 대상에 관한 가처분 115
(3) 임시의 지위를 정하기 위한 가처분 116
다. 대법원 2014다28114 판결에 가처분 적용 122
(1) 기초사실 122
(2) 채권가압류 122
(3) 다툼의 대상에 관한 가처분 123
(4) 임시의 지위를 정하기 위한 가처분 123
(5) 소결 125
3. 독립당사자참가제도신청 126
가. 문제제기 126
나. 독립당사자참가제도 128
(1) 독립당사자참가신청의 의의 128
(2) 독립당사자참가신청의 요건 128
(3) 독립당사자참가소송의 심판 134
다. 사해행위취소소송형 독립당사자참가에 관한 판례 135
(1) 사실관계 및 판단 136
(2) 위 판결에 대한 검토 141
(3) 소결 145
라. 대법원 2014다28114 판결과 독립당사자참가 적부 146
(1) 기초사실 146
(2) 권리주장참가 요건에 대한 검토 146
(3) 사해방지참가 요건에 대한 검토 150
제3절 수익자 겸 채권자의 보호 방안 151
1. 문제제기 및 보호방안의 요지 151
가. 문제제기 152
나. 보호방안의 요지 152
2. 채권양도와 가액배상 153
가. 채권양도의 사례 153
(1) 당사자 및 사실관계 요약 154
(2) 사건진행내역 154
(3) 제1심의 판단 155
(4) 항소심의 판단 155
(5) 대법원의 판단 156
나. 추심금 반환과 안분배당 157
(1) 추심 후 채권양도해지 여부 157
(2) 취소채권자의 소의 실익 상실 158
(3) 소결 159
3. 부동산처분과 가액배상 159
가. 부동산처분의 사례 159
(1) 당사자 및 사실관계 요약 159
(2) 사건진행내역 160
(3) 제1심의 판단 161
(4) 항소심의 화해권고결정 확정 161
나. 원물회복의 경우 161
(1) 취소채권자의 원물반환청구 필요 여부 161
(2) 원물반환에서 수익자의 안분청구 가능 여부 162
(3) 소결 163
제5장 채권자취소권에 대한 민법 개정안 검토
제1절 채권자취소권 개정안의 주요 내용 164
1. 서론 164
2. 채권자취소권 행사의 요건 및 범위에 대한 개정 170
가. 채권자취소권의 행사요건 규정 170
(1) 수익자의 악의에 대한 증명책임 변경 171
(2) 수익자의 악의 추정규정 신설 173
(3) 무상행위에 대한 특례규정 신설 174
나. 채권자취소권의 취소범위와 행사기간 175
(1) 취소범위 175
(2) 행사기간 176
3. 채권자취소권 행사의 효과에 관한 규정 176
가. 채권자취소의 효력 176
나. 원상회복에 관한 규정 177
(1) 원물반환과 가액반환 등 177
(2) 반환된 재산에 대한 집행 178
다. 금전 등에 관한 특례 179
(1) 금전 그 밖의 동산에 대한 특례 179
(2) 채권자취소권에 의하여 수령한 금전에 대한 압류 등 182
(3) 소결 185
라. 수익자의 지위 186
4. 전득자에 대한 채권자취소권 188
5. 소결 190
제2절 민법 개정안과 채권자평등주의 실현 가능성 192
1. 가액배상에서 채권자평등주의 192
가. 문제점 192
(1) 원물반환 192
(2) 수익자 겸 채권자의 지급거절 192
(3) 타 채권자의 가액배상 청구 193
(4) 타 채권자의 안분액 청구 193
(5) 소결 194
나. 보호방안 195
2. 민법 개정안과 평등주의 실현 195
가. 수익자 겸 채권자 196
나. 타 채권자의 가액배상금 청구 197
다. 소결 197
제3절 입법론적 해결 197
1. 수익자의 고유채권자 197
가. 문제제기 197
(1) 학설의 정리 197
(2) 문제점 198
나. 고유채권자의 명문규정 199
(1) 고유채권자와 “모든 채권자”의 지위 충돌 문제(보전처분 우선) 200
(2) 상대적 효력 강조설 201
(3) 보전처분 우선을 위한 법적 근거 201
(4) 보전처분 우선의 필요성 202
다. 소결 205
2. 독립당사자참가신청의 명문규정 206
가. 문제제기 206
나. 독립당사자참가신청의 명문규정 필요성 206
(1) 채권액과 안분액의 정합 207
(2) 소송경제 209
(3) 판결의 모순저촉 회피 210
(4) 추가 사해행위 방지 210
다. 독립당사자참가와 안분배당 211
(1) 안분배당의 문제점 212
(2) 채권자 불확지 공탁 213
라. 소결 216
제6장 결론
참고문헌 225
부 록 2013. 7. 1.자 민법․민사집행법 개정안 및 민법 개정사안 236
- Degree
- Doctor
- Publisher
- 조선대학교
- Citation
- 정주흥. (2017). 채권자취소권에서 “모든 채권자”의 보호 방안에 관한 연구.
- Type
- Dissertation
- https://oak.chosun.ac.kr/handle/2020.oak/13328
Appears in Collections:
- General Graduate School > 4. Theses(Ph.D)
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- Embargo2017-08-25
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