아라미드를 활용한 그라우팅공법 보강효과 평가
- Author(s)
- 양열호
- Issued Date
- 2017
- Abstract
- Grouting Method has been used to improve the increment of bearing capacity and the restore of buildings, which are damaged due to different settlement and sinking that caused by lowering ground water, rising ground water, and vibrations, such as reinforcement of soft soils, grout-ability, and constructions of dams and reservoirs. Also, proper reinforcement method for the environment abutting on water is needed because of blue algae problem and pectinatella magnifica, recent water pollution across the nation.
Agricultural reservoirs installed in the whole country today are 17,477. Reducing the lifetime of reservoirs of them to 50 years, 69.5% of the reservoirs of all, 12,148, have been over 50 years, and 25.7% of the all reservoirs, 4,498, have been between 30 and 50 years. 95.2% of the agricultural reservoirs have been over 30 years. Furthermore, 245 of 3,206 reservoirs checked up in South Jeolla province were D level of shortage standards, so it showed there were serious durability and safety problems. Grouting Method has been applied to the reinforcement of these deteriorated reservoirs.
The fiber using in this study has high strength and high elastic ratio after forming hydrogen bond between molecules of amide group and increasing crystallinity according to periodically chain of a fan shape exists. After the combination between molecules of amide group mixes p-Aramid, combined at benzene ring’s para point, we want to develop grouting materials containing high strength and high stiffness.
This study figured out whether or not it is potential fiber for applied to grouting, using p-Aramid fiber, and comparing with LW method and comparing with geltime and homo-gel uniaxial compressive strength test and permeability test, it confirmed if it is possibly additive for grouting. For using grouting materials, the ratio of sodium silicate and water was fixed in 30 : 70, and the W/C ratio of water : cement was also fixed in 200%. Then, comparing test was conducted with p-Aramid fibers were mixed in 0%, 0.5%, 1.0%, and 1.5%, the ratio of surface emulsion treatment were mixed in 0.7% and 1.2%.
On the basis of aging 28 days, when surface emulsion treatment 0.7% and p-Aramid fibers 1.5% are additive, it more increased approximately 25% than the test without additive p-Aramid fibers. When surface emulsion treatment 1.2% and p-Aramid fibers 1.5% are additive, it more increased approximately 62% than the uniaxial compression without p-Aramid fibers.
The test showed that in the all of aging day with 1.2% of surface emulsion treatment, it increased approximately 20~30% than with 0.7% of surface emulsion treatment. As you see, depending on increasing the amount of p-Aramid fibers and increasing the ration of surface emulsion treatment, compressive strength tends to grow. Increased ratio of surface emulsion treatment of fiber causes high fiber’s dispersion capacity, so it equably breaks up much more fiber and then fiver’s bridging process occurs in the ingredients of cement to increase uniaxial compressive strength. It seems that it highly influences on fiber’s disperse capacity and crack controls.
In the result of permeability test, as the amount of fiber and the ratio of surface emulsion treatment increase, permeability showed low because the amount of permeability was low. It seems that the permeability is low because the distributed fiber inside the permeability test specimens prevents specimens’ contraction, and surface emulsion treatment improves disperse capacity, so it prevents contraction inside of specimens.
- Alternative Title
- Evaluation of Reinforcement Effect of Grouting using Aramid Fiber
- Alternative Author(s)
- yang yeol ho
- Department
- 일반대학원 토목공학과
- Advisor
- 김대현
- Awarded Date
- 2017-08
- Table Of Contents
- 목 차
제 1 장 서론 1
1.1 연구배경과 목적 1
1.2 연구 동향 3
1.2.1 그라우팅 연구동향 3
1.2.2 섬유 보강 시멘트 연구동향 6
1.3 연구 내용 8
제 2 장 그라우팅 공법 9
2.1 그라우팅 개요 9
2.1.1 그라우팅의 계획요소 9
2.1.2 그라우팅 고결화 메카니즘 11
2.2 그라우팅 주입종류 12
2.2.1 그라우팅의 공정에 의한 분류 12
2.2.2 그라우팅의 주입재에 의한 분류 14
2.2.3 그라우팅의 주입방법에 의한 분류 15
2.3 침투그라우팅 17
2.4 그라우팅에 영향을 미치는 요소 19
2.4.1 그라우팅 침투이론식 21
2.4.2 침투한계 주입비 24
2.4.3 그라우트량 계산 26
2.4.4 그라우트 주입재의 특성 29
2.4.5 그라우트 약액의 특징 32
2.5 아라미드 섬유 35
2.5.1 아라미드섬유 개요 35
2.5.2 아라미드섬유 제조 37
2.5.3 아라미드섬유 구조 39
2.5.4 아라미드섬유 특성 40
제 3 장 실내실험 및 분석 42
3.1 주입재료의 geltime 측정 42
3.1.1 geltime 측정을 위한 배합비 42
3.1.2 geltime 측정을 위한 제작과정 44
3.2 배합비별 일축압축강도실험 45
3.2.1 호모겔 일축압축강도를 측정하기 위한 배합비 45
3.2.2 호모겔 공시체 제작과정 47
3.3 배합비에 따른 투수시험 49
3.3.1 투수시험를 측정하기 위한 배합비 49
3.4 배합비에 따른 geltime 분석 51
3.4.1 표면 유제처리 비율에 따른 geltime 분석 51
3.4.2 아라미드 섬유에 따른 geltime 분석 53
3.4.3 geltime 종합 분석 55
3.5 배합비에 따른 일축압축강도 분석 56
3.5.1 아라미드 섬유 첨가량에 따른 일축압축강도 시험 56
3.5.2 표면유제처리에 따른 일축압축강도 시험 58
3.6 배합비에 따른 투수시험 분석 60
제 4 장 결론 62
참고문헌 64
- Degree
- Master
- Publisher
- 조선대학교
- Citation
- 양열호. (2017). 아라미드를 활용한 그라우팅공법 보강효과 평가.
- Type
- Dissertation
- https://oak.chosun.ac.kr/handle/2020.oak/13298
Appears in Collections:
- General Graduate School > 3. Theses(Master)
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- Embargo2017-08-25
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