노인의 일상생활 수행능력과 생활만족도 간의 인과관계에 관한 연구

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A Study on the Causal Relationship between Activities of Daily Living and Life Satisfaction of the Elderly

: Focusing on the Mediating Effects of Social Relation Network and Depression and the Moderating Effects of Personal Characteristics

Choi, Chang Suek
Advisor: Prof. Park, Hwie seo, Ph.D.
Department of Social Welfare
Graduate School of Chosun University

Life satisfaction is a fundamental part of the elderly's welfare level.
Accordingly, it is of importance to explore how life satisfaction of the elderly is related to life circumstances, such as activities of daily living, social networks, depression, and other socioeconomic conditions. The aim of the present study was to investigate the causal relationships between ADL and life satisfaction of the elderly, to examine the mediating effects of social networks and depression between the two aforementioned variables, to test the moderating effects of gender, age, chronic diseases, location, and leisure time, and to draw out theoretical and practical suggestions in terms of enhancing life satisfaction of the elderly.
Lots of researches have reported the relationships between life satisfaction and related factors such as ADL, social networks, and depression of the elderly across the country. A comprehensive literature investigation on life satisfaction of the elderly was carried out to examine the present state of knowledge regarding the relationships between the aforementioned variables. Based on the result of literature review, a structural model to life satisfaction of the elderly was proposed, and 23 hypotheses were also proposed to investigate the structural links between ADL, social networks, depression, and life satisfaction, including 9 bivariate hypotheses among the 5 variables, 5 hypotheses concerning the mediating effect, and 9 hypotheses concerning the moderating effect.
The present study analyzed the 5th wave data from Korean Retirement and Income Study (KReIS). The study population was all of the elderly aged 65 or older across the country. The 5th wave data from KReIS consisted of 11,467 of the elderly. The sample of the present study was comprised of 3,959 elderly people aged 65 or older.
As a first step for statistical analysis, a normality test was carried out in order to examine whether the variables are distributed normally. The data were analyzed statistically manner of such statistical methods as descriptive statistics, confirmatory factor analysis (CFA), reliability analysis, and structural equation modeling (SEM) and so on, using SPSS 21.0 and AMOS 21.0 program package.
The results of the current study are as follows. First, the test results of measurement model showed evidences of both convergent validity and discriminant validity (GFI=0.924, AGFI=0.898, NFI=0.945, IFI=0.948, TLI(NNFI)=0.937, CFI=0.948, RMR=0.023, RMSEA=0.069).
Second, according to the test results of the structural model, the current study indicated a comparatively good fit given the sample data with χ2=2,833.100, df=142, p<0.001 as well as TLI=0.937, GFI=0.924, CFI=0.940, RMSEA=0.069.
Third, the present study yielded a number of causal links between ADL, IADL, social networks, depression and life satisfaction of the elderly across the country: (1) IADL had positive relationship with life satisfaction; (2) ADL was positively associated with social networks; (3) IADL had positive relations with social networks; (4) IADL was negatively associated with depression; (5) Social networks had a negative effect over depression; (6) Social networks were positively associated with life satisfaction; and (7) Depression had a negative effect on life satisfaction.
Fourth, the current study identified the 5 mediating effects between the aforementioned variables. (1) Activities of daily living were indirectly related to depression through social networks; (2) Activities of daily living had a significant indirect effect on life satisfaction through social networks and/or depression; (3) Instrumental activities of daily living were indirectly related to depression through social networks; (4) Social networks and/or depression were proved as a significant mediator between instrumental activities of daily living and life satisfaction; and (5) Social networks were indirectly related to life satisfaction through depression.
Fifth, the present study also established the existence of the moderating effects of gender, age, living location, chromic disease, and leisure activity: (1) Leisure activity moderated the effect of instrumental activities of daily living on social networks; (2) Age and leisure activity were proved as a significant moderating variables between instrumental activities of daily living and depression; (3) Living location moderated the effect of social networks on life satisfaction; and (4) Age was proved as a significant moderating variable between depression and life satisfaction.
Finally, a number of suggestions are made. More specifically, practical and theoretical suggestions for enhancing the life satisfaction of the elderly were discussed. This study has also highlighted the need for further research to explore the various sides of life satisfaction of the elderly.

Key words: activities of daily living, life satisfaction, social networks, depression, KReIS.
Alternative Title
A Study on the Causal Relationship between Activities of Daily Living and Life Satisfaction of the Elderly : Focusing on the Mediating Effects of Social Relation Network and Depression and the Moderating Effects of Personal Characteristics
Alternative Author(s)
Choi, Chang Suek
일반대학원 사회복지학과
Awarded Date
Table Of Contents
제1장 서 론 1

제1절 연구목적 1
제2절 연구범위 및 방법 4
1. 연구범위 4
2. 연구방법 5

제2장 이론적 배경 6

제1절 노인의 생활만족도 6
1. 노인의 이해 6
2. 생활만족도의 개념과 측정 11
3. 생활만족도의 주요이론 15
4. 생활만족도의 영향요인 29
제2절 노인의 일상생활 수행능력 31
1. 일상생활 수행능력의 개념 31
2. 일상생활 수행능력의 측정 33
3. 일상생활 수행능력의 영향요인 35
4. 일상생활 수행능력에 따른 결과 36

제3절 노인의 사회적 관계망 38
1. 사회적 관계망의 개념 38
2. 사회적 관계망의 측정 39
3. 사회적 관계망의 영향요인 41
4. 사회적 관계망에 따른 결과 41
제4절 노인의 우울 44
1. 우울의 개념 44
2. 우울의 측정 45
3. 우울의 영향요인 46
4. 우울에 따른 결과 47
제5절 선행연구 49
1. 생활만족도 연구동향 49
2. 일상생활 수행능력과 생활만족도 55
3. 일상생활 수행능력과 사회적 관계망 56
4. 일상생활 수행능력과 우울 57
5. 사회적 관계망과 우울 59
6. 사회적 관계망과 생활만족도 60
7. 우울과 생활만족도 61

제3장 연구설계 63

제1절 연구모형 63
제2절 연구가설 65
제3절 변수의 조작화 및 측정 68
1. 생활만족도 68
2. 일상생활 수행능력 68
3. 사회적 관계망 69
4. 우울 70

제4장 실증분석 72

제1절 표본의 특성 72
1. 자료의 수집 및 점검 72
2. 인구통계학적 특성 80
제2절 측정도구의 검증 82
1. 잠재변수들의 집중타당도 검증 82
2. 잠재변수 간의 판별타당도 검증 85
제3절 특성별 차이분석 87
1. 기술통계량 분석 87
2. 집단 간 차이분석 91
제4절 연구모형 검증 101
1. 상관관계분석 결과 101
2. 연구모형 및 가설의 검증 102
제5절 매개효과와 조절효과 검증 107
1. 매개효과 검증 107
2. 조절효과 검증 114
제6절 분석 결과의 종합적 논의 138
1. 두 변수 간의 가설 검증 결과 138
2. 매개효과 검증 결과 141
3. 조절효과 검증 결과 144

제5장 결 론 147

제1절 연구결과 요약 147
제2절 연구의 시사점 151
1. 이론적 시사점 151
2. 정책적 시사점 153
제3절 향후 연구방향 155

[참고문헌] 157

[부록] 설문지 사본 188
최창석. (2017). 노인의 일상생활 수행능력과 생활만족도 간의 인과관계에 관한 연구.
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General Graduate School > 4. Theses(Ph.D)
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