Leap motion을 이용한 가상 견관절 관절경 수술
- Author(s)
- 전용철
- Issued Date
- 2017
- Abstract
- Introduction: Since the real human field of view is stereoscopic, it had been necessary that surgeons had to process stereoscopic reconstructions with 2D images. However, due to the enhanced 3D visualization, surgeons could reduce these procedures and as a result they have been able to shorten significant time for making decisions in complex situations. Especially, 3D images derived from medical devices provide advanced information. It can help the clinicians to understand human body motion easily and make an effective decision.
Material and Methods: Based on the 3D image data sets, virtual medical simulations, such as virtual endoscopy, surgical planning, and real-time interactions, have become possible. For example, a leap motion which can recognize the hand gestures in the form of 3D motion that can perform the motion control analysis using application. Using this leap motion, a surgeon can perform the virtual shoulder arthroscopic surgery skillfully and reduce mistakes in surgery. The simulation using leap motion shows two screens for virtual surgery simulation. The first screen shows the patient's shoulder to be operated and arthroscopic portal. And the second screen shows a three-dimensional image of a ruptured rotator cuff through an arthroscopy. When the surgeon catches the arthroscope and the instrument with both hands, the leap motion recognizes the movement of both fingers. The image on the second screen changes according to the direction of the arthroscope. We conducted a questionnaire survey on the simulation and shoulder structure model in 10 medical students and 10 Interns in our hospital who did not have experience of shoulder arthroscopic surgery in the past. It included accuracy, traceability and utilization. Twenty users were allowed to experience both leap motion simulation and shoulder structure model.
Results: The simulation results were satisfactory with 80% or more of the accuracy and traceability, and 60% of the utilization compared with the shoulder structure model. The simulation using leap motion showed anatomically satisfactory images such as texture, color and three - dimensional image representation, and it was found that tracking motion on both fingers is relatively natural. The better the simulation, the better the results seems to be.
Conclusion: By supplementing the simulations developed so far, it can be judged that pre-rehearsal or repetitive practice is possible and can be used for educational purpose. A virtual arthroscopic shoulder surgery using leap motion may be helpful for surgeons in learning a skillful technique.
- Alternative Title
- A virtual arthroscopic shoulder surgery using leap motion
- Alternative Author(s)
- Yong Cheol Jun
- Department
- 일반대학원 의학과
- Advisor
- 문영래
- Awarded Date
- 2017-08
- Table Of Contents
- ABSTRACT ------------------------------------ iv
서론 ----------------------------------------- 1
1. Leap motion -------------------------------- 1
2. Medical application ------------------------- 2
대상 및 방법 ---------------------------------- 3
1. Surgical simulation ------------------------- 3
2. Assessment ------------------------------- 4
결과 ----------------------------------------- 5
고찰 ----------------------------------------- 6
결론 ----------------------------------------- 8
참고문헌 ------------------------------------- 9
- Degree
- Master
- Publisher
- 조선대학교
- Citation
- 전용철. (2017). Leap motion을 이용한 가상 견관절 관절경 수술.
- Type
- Dissertation
- https://oak.chosun.ac.kr/handle/2020.oak/13254
Appears in Collections:
- General Graduate School > 3. Theses(Master)
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- Embargo2017-08-25
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