한․중 FTA의 농산물개방에 따른 대응방안에 관한 연구

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A Study on Countermeasures for Complying with the Opening of the Agricultural Products Market within the FTA between Korea and China

Jin Bin
Advisor : Prof. Park Ro-Kyung Ph. D.
Department of International Trade
Graduate School of Chosun University

The purpose of the research is to suggest solution plan for trade friction and vitalize trade between Korea and China by analyzing the effect that Korea-China FTA has on agricultural sector and by drawing remedy for conflict about trading agricultural products.(Li Chen, 2016)
In the process of South Korea and China FTA negotiations, agricultural products id always the important content of South Korea and China focus and negotiations. (Wei Nasi,2016)
The following problems may arise in the future. First, it has been resulted that Korean agrotechnology will be developed in the future by Korea-China FTA. To meet the needs of Chinese consumers, the Korea agrotechnology needed to improve. If then, Korean farm product could be having relative dominant position in comparison to other abroad brand. Second, in order to reduce and protect the damage of agricultural producers in Korea, Korea will enhance the health quarantine of imports of Chinese agricultural products and develop a counterplan about increasing in imports of Chinese agricultural products basis on Korea-China FTA. Third, the exports of Korean agricultural products will increase due to Korea-China FTA. China will also develop a strategy due to the increase in import of Korean agricultural products. Finally, improvement of competitive power for quality and relaxation of a tariff barrier will be an intermediary role between Korea-China FTA and increasing of Korean agricultural exports. As elimination of tariff under Korea-China FTA, drop the export price and raise quality competitive power, Chinese’s’ needs of purchase will be increasing. Then, the import of Korean agricultural products will also be increasing. (Li Chen, 2016)
In order to strengthen the agricultural competitiveness, and the specific method is the old agriculture modernization of water conservancy facilities and management system, at the same time, promote peasants buying and selling land leasing business, etc. by expanding the scale of agricultural production and food aid, so as to achieve the economies of scale farmers support. (HanKun, 2013)
The plan for increasing agriculture trade of Korea is demonstrated as follows:
(1) market access can be improved by implementing the Free Trade Agreement (FTA) between Korea and China. (2) the fruit and vegetable industry must be changed to a capital and technique intensive industry. (3) The market share of floriculture in China should be expanded. (4) Korea must find new agricultural products of export to China. (5) Korea should extend import of crops and limit import of fruits and vegetables.
A cooperation plan between Korea and China is demonstrated as
below: (1) China and Korea should cooperatively set a food safety system.
(2) Korea can invest directly into a agriculture in China. (Chun QuanYong, 2007)
Alternative Title
A Study on Countermeasures for Complying with the Opening of the Agricultural Products Market within the FTA between Korea and China
Alternative Author(s)
일반대학원 무역학과
Awarded Date
Table Of Contents
목 차

1. 연구배경 및 연구목적···························································1
2. 연구방법 및 연구구성···························································3

Ⅱ. 한·중 FTA의 체결의 배경·················································4
1. 한·중 FTA의 필요성····························································4
1) 안정적인 수출시장의 확보···················································4
2) 지역주의 확산에 따른 대응방안············································5
3) 동북아시아 경제통합의 구심점··············································6
4) 정치·외교적 영향력 강화·····················································6
5) 양국의 사회복지를 증가······················································7
6) 양국의 산업구조조정에 유리················································7
2. 한·중의 FTA 추진현황·························································8
1) 중국의 FTA 추진현황·························································8
2) 한국의 FTA 추진현황·······················································14
(1) 한·칠레 한·싱가포르 FTA··············································14
(2) 한·EFTA FTA···························································15
(3) 한·ASEAN FTA·························································15
(4) 한·미 FTA································································15
(5) 한·EU FTA······························································15
3. 한·중FTA의 협상현황 및 농업분야의 주요쟁점·······················17
1) 한·중FTA의협상현황························································17
(1) 5년간 11번 머리 맞댄 한국과 중국···································17
(2) 양국 간 협력 성공모델 창출···········································18
2) 한·중 FTA농업분야의 주요쟁점···········································18
(1) 품목군의 분류····························································20
(2) 동식물검역 규제(SPS)··················································22
(3) 한·중 FTA 농산품교역협정의 내용····································23
4. 한·중 FTA의 발효와 그 영향···············································24
Ⅲ. 한·중 FTA가 양국 농산물 무역에 미치는 영향···············26
1. 한국과 중국 농업 현황························································26
1) 한국의 농업현황······························································26
2) 중국의 농업현황······························································28
3) 한중 농업 현황의 비교······················································29
2. 한국과 중국 간 농산물의 교역현황········································31
1) 한국의 대 중국 농산물 수출 ·············································32
2) 중국의 대 한국 농산물 수출···············································33
3. 양국 농산물 무역에 미치는 영향···········································34
1) 한국 농업에 대한 영향······················································34
(1) 한국 재식농업의 발전···················································34
(2) 한국 국내 산업의 개선과 농업의 국제 경쟁력의 제고·············35
(3) 한국 농산물의 국제 시장점유율 확대·································35
(4) 한국 농업 효율성 향상과 경쟁력 강화·······························35
(5) 농업에 대한 충격························································36
(6) 식량의 안전문제·························································36
2) 중국 농업에 대한 영향······················································37
(1) 농산물 자유무역 확대···················································37
(2) 한국 시장에서 중국 농산물의 경쟁력 제고··························38
(3) 협상을 통한 무역 분쟁 축소 ··········································38

Ⅳ. 한·중 FTA농산물 부분의 개방에 따른 대응방안·············39
1. 한국 농업분야의 대응방안····················································39
1) 경쟁력이 약한 생산물에 대한 보호·······································41
2) 경쟁력 있는 농산품 모색과 지지··········································42
3) 대중국 직접투자 확대·······················································42
4) 차별화 경쟁전략······························································42
5) 농산품 시장의 개방과 농산품 무역 장벽 제거·························43
6) 업계 협회 등 중재 기구 성립··············································43
7)새로운 수출유망품목을 발굴···············································44
8) 식량안보방안 강구·····························································44
2. 중국 농업분야의 대응방안····················································46
1) 농산물 검역제도의 강화를 수출 증대방안·······························46
2) 농산물의 수입 증가에 따른 무역 보장조치의 마련방안··············46
3) 중국의 보장조치의 대응방안···············································47
4) 중국이 경쟁력을 가지는 농산물의 수출 확대···························47
5) 유기농업의 발전······························································48
6) 수출 농산품 국제경쟁력의 강화···········································48
7) 농산품 브랜드 설립··························································49
Ⅴ. 결론···················································································51


감사의 글················································································55
조선대학교 대학원
김빈. (2016). 한․중 FTA의 농산물개방에 따른 대응방안에 관한 연구.
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