원전 해체 방사성 금속폐기물 처분량 감소를 위한 자체처분 평가 연구
- Author(s)
- 김동민
- Issued Date
- 2016
- Abstract
- A lot of radioactive wastes are generated while nuclear power plants (NPPs) are operated or demolished. In particular, most of the radioactive wastes generated in disintegrated are metallic wastes. Therefore, it is considered that disposal of metallic waste can be handled and reduced at nuclear power plant through efficient management. In this respect, the present study on clearance evaluation of scrap metal are carried out in an effort to reduce the amount of metallic waste to dispose of at the demolition of a nuclear power plant. RESRAD-RECYCLE, which is a computer code to be used in making decisions about the disposition of radioactively contaminated materials, was employed and BRT (Boron Recovery Tank) pipes and pressurizers, which were actually used in a nuclear power plant, was selected as analysis target. BRT pipes are equipment that conveys the contents of reactor drain tank (RDT) in chemical and volume control system and those of equipment drain tank (EDT) outside a container. They do not have high level of radioactivity. Therefore, they can meet clearance permissible radiation dosage without decontamination. On the other hand, a pressurizer is directly exposed to coolant during the operation of a nuclear power plant and contains a high level of radiation due to the sedimentation of radioactive corrosion products that exist in the coolant. Therefore, when a nuclear power plant dismantles, a proper method of decontamination should be taken for clearance of a pressurizer. The decontamination factors of 1,000 and 10,000 for evaluation were applied in this study.
In addition, RESRAD-RECYCLE codes have several input parameters to evaluate the risk of workers and general people. However, because most of those input parameters are not suitable for domestic conditions, it is necessary to modify them properly. However, there are a lot of limitations to modifying all the input parameters to fit domestic situations. Therefore, Some key parameters from the code input parameters from domestic cases were chose and derived in this study, which are applied them to evaluation.
The results of the evaluation demonstrated that BRT pipes meet clearance permissible radiation dosage. According to the results of evaluation with code input parameters and derived input parameters, it takes 23 years for a pressurizer to meet clearance permissible radiation dosage when two cases are applied with decontamination factor 1,000, and 5 years when decontamination factor 10,000 is applied.
- Alternative Title
- A Study on the clearance assessment for reduction of disposal amount of radioactive metal wastes from decommissioning NPPS
- Alternative Author(s)
- Kim, Dong Min
- Affiliation
- 조선대학교 대학원
- Department
- 일반대학원 원자력공학과
- Advisor
- 송종순
- Awarded Date
- 2017-02
- Table Of Contents
제 1 장 서론 1
제 1 절 연구 배경 1
제 2 절 연구 목적 1
제 2 장 국내/외 자체처분 현황 3
제 1 절 국내 자체처분 현황 3
1. 국내 자체처분 규제 3
2. 국내 자체처분 사례 8
제 2 절 국외 자체처분 현황 10
1. 미국 10
2. 영국 10
3. 일본 11
4. 독일 11
5. 프랑스 12
6. 스웨덴 12
7. 캐나다 13
제 3 장 방사성 금속폐기물의 오염 및 제염 14
제 1 절 방사성 금속폐기물의 오염 14
1. 방사화부식생성물 개요 14
2. CRUD의 특성 14
3. 방사성 금속폐기물의 오염 형태 15
제 2 절 방사성 금속폐기물의 제염 16
1. 방사성 금속폐기물 제염기술 소개 16
2. 해외 제염 사례 21
제 4 장 평가코드 소개 및 입력인자 분석 23
제 1 절 RESRAD-RECYCLE 코드 소개 23
제 2 절 RESRAD-RECYCLE 코드 기본 입력인자 분석 24
제 3 절 국내 여건에 맞는 입력인자 조사 25
1. 민감도 분석 25
2. 국내 자체처분 사례에 따른 입력인자 조사 28
제 5 장 선량평가 30
제 1 절 평가대상 선정 30
1. BRT(Boron Recovery Tank) 배관 30
2. 가압기(Pressurizer) 31
제 2 절 선량평가 조건 31
1. 입력인자 수정 32
2. 평가 시나리오 선정 32
3. 시나리오별 작업시간 도출 32
제 3 절 선량평가 결과 35
1. BRT(Boron Recovery Tank) 배관 35
2. 가압기(Pressurizer) 37
제 6 장 결론 41
참고문헌 42
- Degree
- Master
- Publisher
- 조선대학교 대학원
- Citation
- 김동민. (2016). 원전 해체 방사성 금속폐기물 처분량 감소를 위한 자체처분 평가 연구.
- Type
- Dissertation
- https://oak.chosun.ac.kr/handle/2020.oak/13156
Appears in Collections:
- General Graduate School > 3. Theses(Master)
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- Embargo2017-02-21
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