복지정책 확산의 제도론적 분석

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역사적 제도주의, 진화론적 접근, 문화 진화, 경쟁과 갈등, 발견 과정으로서의 경쟁
The objective of this study starts from recognizing that existing policy diffusion theory analyzes phenomena of policy diffusion based on whether said policy is introduced or not. Policy diffusion theory analyzes the inter-regional diffusion of a policy mainly based on macroscopic factors. Such an approach is limited in that it cannot explain the changes in the strategic behavioral patterns of individual agents as they cope with transitions in their surroundings. As it focuses on whether a policy is introduced or not, the theory fails to account for the reshaping of policy content in different regions as it is introduced.
Previous studies that have analyzed welfare policy diffusion phenomena with policy diffusion theory clearly demonstrate such limitations. Having examined inter-regional policy diffusion (which is centered mainly on the school meal program policy or childbirth grants policy), these studies fail to either engage in a theoretical discussion about, or to explain the process in which local governments introduce a policy or what incentive structure a system offers to agents. Moreover, having focused solely on whether a policy is introduced or not, these studies fail to describe the process in which policy content changes as the policy is being introduced and the conflict and interaction among agents brought about by the policy maintenance process.
To overcome such limitations of previous studies and to conduct a more accurate analysis on welfare policy diffusion, this study aims to focus on its process, not on the results of policy fluctuation. Toward this end, a macro-structural analysis attempts to graft an evolutionary approach to the historical institutionalism theory, on which the analysis is based, to analyze the process of microscopic agents' strategic behavior and interaction. Policy research from the view of historical institutionalism has developed into comparative political and economic perspective. Thus, it offers an explanatory clue to conducting international comparative studies or performing an in-depth analysis of differences in policy between local governments and relations between politics and institutional changes. Such perspective allows for formalizing many factors in social, economic, and political context and standardizing the level of analysis. However, despite its theoretical contribution to highlighting the importance of such structural obstacles, historical institutionalism does not share an appropriate analytical framework for examining microscopic agents. To overcome such a limitation of historical institutionalism, this study aims to incorporate an evolutionary approach. An evolutionary approach aids in explaining institutional changes and the changes of agents' behavioral patterns while offering a theoretical implication with which to explain more thoroughly policy phenomena that evolve with the interaction between institutional environment and individual agent and the interaction among agents.
In short, the objective of this study is to improve the accuracy of research on welfare policy diffusion by implementing historical institutionalism to analyze historical environments, which include the macro-structural context and the political and institutional context, and evolutional perspective to analyze the institutional coevolution and the changes of agents' preferences according to the transitions of historical environments. Such an attempt aims to move away from the tendencies in existing welfare policy studies; that is, to either view an institution simply as a given or to take a dualistic stance in analyzing institutional changes based on agents' preferences. Rather, it strives to explore the influential relationship between the historical environment and individual agents as well as among agents, and to describe what policy changes the relationship brings in the process.
Following the decision made by the Presidential Committee onGovernment Innovation and Decentralization in 2005, many welfare policies have undergone systemic changes at local governments' discretion. Such systemic changes provide institutional environments in which welfare policies are introduced not as centralist ones, but via the participation of local people who can determine the policy content. Since the introduction of the local autonomy system in 1995 and the direct election system for the superintendent of education in 2007, welfare policies enacted with local governments' budget have undergone many changes, and the school meal program policy was no exception. The school meal program budget that has been in gradual increase since 2005 has soared in 2011. However, amid the fiscal crisis of provincial offices of education and the expansion of welfare policies on projects supported by local governments' matching funds, including the Nuri Curriculum, the fiscal crises of local governments have worsened. Consequently, the school meal program policy was reduced in 2015. After the policy conflict of the school meal support policy in Seoul Metropolitan City in 2010, the ideological conflict related to the school meal support policy appeared to have resolved. However, regardless of the cases in Chungcheongbuk-do and Gyeongsangnam-do, most metropolitan councils are experiencing ideological and practical conflicts dealing with the policy expansion. Worse yet, the childcare subsidies (the so-called free education policy), which is the central government-led welfare policy, and projects based on local matching funds, such as the basic pension, end up accelerating the accumulated fiscal trouble experienced by local governments and offices of education. Realistically, conflicts that have emerged due to the reduction or withdrawal of welfare policies since their introduction are much more widespread and severe than those experienced in the introduction phase.
Recognizing the characteristics of such welfare policies, this study strives to concentrate on the process in which various conflicts and interests that have been generated as the school meal program policy is mediated. As a budget-consuming policy, the school meal program policy is in direct competition with other policies. Policymakers who work within the limited budget and determine its priorities make policy decisions within the interaction among diverse interest relations and various constituents who participate in the policy-making process. Therefore, the main objective of this study that targets the process of the changes in the school meal program policy is to review the expansion of the welfare policy and potential conflicts that may arise from it. The case study conducted in this study on the school meal program policy, which has been assertively promoted by politicians in the ideological conflict between universal welfare and selective welfare, will provide us with the opportunity to examine all the matters that may arise with the expansion of welfare policies from diverse angles.

Keywords: historical institutionalism, evolutionary approach, cultural evolution, competition and conflict, competition as a discovery process
Alternative Title
An Institutional Analysis of the Diffusion of Welfare Policy
Alternative Author(s)
Lee, jae-sul
조선대학교 대학원
일반대학원 사회복지학과
Awarded Date
Table Of Contents

제1장 서 론
제1절 연구 목적 .....................................................................................................................1
제2절 연구 범위 및 연구 방법 ..........................................................................................7
1. 연구 범위 ......................................................................................................................7
2. 연구 방법 ......................................................................................................................9

제2장 복지 정책 확산에 대한 제도론적 접근
제1절 정책 확산이론과 제도변화의 이론적 고찰 ........................................................10
1. 정책 확산에 관한 선행연구 검토 .........................................................................10
2. 제도에 관한 이론적 고찰 .......................................................................................12
1) 역사적 제도주의의 특징 .....................................................................................14
2) 제도의 개념 ...........................................................................................................16
3) 제도의 유형 ...........................................................................................................19
3. 역사적 제도주의 제도변화 이론 ...........................................................................21
1) 경로의존 ..................................................................................................................21
2) 경로진화 ..................................................................................................................25
4. 소결 ..............................................................................................................................31
제2절 진화에 관한 이론적 고찰 ......................................................................................35
1. 진화론 논쟁 ................................................................................................................36
2. 사회생물학 논쟁 ........................................................................................................39
1) 유전결정론과 문화결정론 ...................................................................................40
2) 개체선택과 집단선택 ...........................................................................................41
3) 생물학적 환원주의 ...............................................................................................43
3. 문화적 진화 ................................................................................................................44
1) 집단선별 과정의 문화적 진화 ...........................................................................45
2) 진화의 방향 ...........................................................................................................46
3) 경쟁과정에서의 진화 ...........................................................................................48
4. 소결 ..............................................................................................................................52
제3절 분석을 위한 개념구성 및 분석틀 ......................................................................54
1. 분석을 위한 개념구성 ...........................................................................................54
1) 역사적 환경 ...........................................................................................................54
2) 미시 분석을 위한 개념구성 ....................................................................57
2. 분석 대상지역 선정 ..................................................................................................64
3. 분석틀 ..........................................................................................................................67

제3장 학교급식지원 정책과 정책변동 과정
제1절 서언 .............................................................................................................................70
제2절 학교급식지원 정책의 개요 ....................................................................................74
1. 학교급식 정책의 목표 ..............................................................................................74
2. 학교급식지원 정책 변동과정의 개요 ...................................................................77
1) 학교급식지원 정책의 지방이양 이전시기 ......................................................77
2) 학교급식지원 정책의 지방이양 이후시기 ......................................................78
제3절 분석대상 사례의 개요 ............................................................................................92
1. 서울특별시 ..................................................................................................................92
2. 경상북도 ......................................................................................................................97
3. 광주광역시 ................................................................................................................104

제4장 복지정책 확산의 제도론적 분석
제1절 서언 ...........................................................................................................................108
제2절 서울특별시 ...............................................................................................................112
1. 역사적 환경 ..............................................................................................................112
1) 경제적 구조: 서비스업 중심의 산업구조 .....................................................112
2) 인구학적 구조: 저출산 고령화 심화 .............................................................115
3) 지방재정 복지 정책: 복지지출 증가 .............................................................119
4) 정치 구조: 지방권력 구조 변화 .....................................................................123
2. 제도적 환경변화에 따른 경쟁 .............................................................................125
3. 정책 갈등 ..................................................................................................................130
4. 정책 변동 ..................................................................................................................135
5. 소결 ............................................................................................................................142
제3절 경상북도 ...................................................................................................................145
1. 역사적 환경 ..............................................................................................................145
1) 경제적 구조: 서비스업 중심의 산업구조 .....................................................145
2) 인구학적 구조: 저출산 고령화 심화 .............................................................148
3) 지방재정 복지 정책: 복지지출 증가 .............................................................152
4) 정치 구조: 지방권력 구조 독점 .....................................................................155
2. 제도적 환경변화에 따른 경쟁 .............................................................................156
3. 농업경쟁력 제고를 위한 학교급식 지원 정책의 전략화 ..............................158
4. 정책 변동 ..................................................................................................................161
5. 소결 ............................................................................................................................166
제4절 광주광역시 ...............................................................................................................169
1. 역사적 환경 ..............................................................................................................169
1) 경제적 구조: 서비스업 중심의 산업구조 .....................................................169
2) 인구학적 구조: 저출산 고령화 심화 .............................................................172
3) 지방재정 복지 정책: 복지지출 증가 .............................................................175
4) 정치 구조: 지방권력 구조 독점 .....................................................................178
2. 제도적 환경변화에 따른 경쟁 .............................................................................179
3. 정책도입 과정에서 발생하는 예상치 못한 갈등 ............................................181
4. 정책 변동 ..................................................................................................................185
5. 소결 ............................................................................................................................190
제5절 분석결과 논의 .........................................................................................................193

제5장 결론
제1절 분석결과 요약 .........................................................................................................197
1. 제도적 환경과 제도변화 .......................................................................................197
2. 경쟁을 통한 가능성의 발견 .................................................................................199
제2절 연구의 시사점 .........................................................................................................201
1. 이론적 함의 ................................................................................................201
2. 정책적 함의 ................................................................................................203
3. 향후 연구 방향 ........................................................................................................204

참고문헌 .......................................................................................................................................206
조선대학교 대학원
이재술. (2016). 복지정책 확산의 제도론적 분석.
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