세발나물 분말이 지방세포와 고지방식이 유도 비만 흰쥐에 미치는 영향
- Author(s)
- 박용현
- Issued Date
- 2016
- Keyword
- 세발나물","항산화 효과","항비만 효과
- Abstract
Effects of Spergularia marina Griseb Powder on Adipocytes and High-Fat Diet-Induced Obese Rats
by. Park Yong Hyun
Advisor : Prof. Lee, Jae Joon, Ph. D.
Department of Food and Drug,
Graduate School of Chosun University
In this study, it was carried out to investigate the physiological activities, lipid metabolism and anti-obesity effects of Spergularia marina Griseb, a kind of the halophytes. In vitro, the anti-obesity effects of Spergularia marina Griseb ethanol extracts were examined by inhibitory action on proliferation and differentiation of 3T3-L1 preadipocytes and pig preadipocytes. In further, the effects of Spergularia marina Griseb powder, on lipid metabolism and anti-obesity in rats fed a high fat diet, were evaluated, in vivo.
Firstly, this research was to analyze proximate compositions and dietary fiber of the Spergularia marina Griseb. The proximate compositions of Spergularia marina Griseb, as a dry matter basis, were 4.10% of moisture, 32.47% of crude protein, 4.53% of crude fat, 20.68% of crude ash and 38.22% of carbohydrate. Total polyphenol content of Spergularia marina Griseb ethanol extract were found 68.04 mg/g in 1,000 ppm. Total flavonoid content of Spergularia marina Griseb ethanol extract were found 28.60 mg/g in 1,000 ppm.
Secondly, the study was carrid out to determine the effects of the Spergularia marina Griseb on proliferation and differentiation of 3T3-L1 preadipocytes and pig preadipocytes. To measure the cell proliferation and differentiation, cells were treated with 50, 100 and 200 μg/mL ethanol extracts of Spergularia marina Griseb, for two days, and dimethyl sulfoxide(DMSO) was used as the control group. Fifty and 100 μg/mL of the Spergularia marina Griseb ethanol extracts were not significantly different compared to the control group, but 200 μg/mL of the Spergularia marina Griseb ethanol extract significantly decreased the proliferation of 3T3-L1 preadipocytes compared to the control. Spergularia marina Griseb ethanol extracts proved the inhibitory effect on differentiation of 3T3-L1 adipocytes in a dose-dependent manner. One hundred, 200 μg/mL of the Spergularia marina Griseb ethanol extract significantly decreased the triglyceride accumulation of 3T3-L1 adipocytes compared to the control. Two hundred μg/mL of the Spergularia marina Griseb ethanol extracts significantly decreased the proliferation of pig preadipocytes compared to the control. Spergularia marina Griseb ethanol extracts proved the inhibitory effect on differentiation of pig adipocytes in a dose-dependent manner. One hundred, 200 μg/mL of the Spergularia marina Griseb ethanol extract significantly decreased the triglyceride accumulation of pig adipocytes compared to the control group. These actions indicate that the ethanol extracts of Spergularia marina Griseb may have potential to reduce the proliferation, differentiation and fat accumulation of 3T3-L1 preadipocytes and pig preadipocytes.
Thirdly, the effects of Spergularia marina Griseb powder on lipid metabolism and anti-obesity in rats fed a high fat diet were as follows; male Sprague-Dawley rats were assigned to 4 groups : normal diet group(N), high fat diet group(HF), high fat diet with 3% Spergularia marina Griseb(HF-SL), high fat diet with 5% Spergularia marina Griseb(HF-SH). The body weight gain and FER were increased due to a high fat diet, but that were decreased in the HF-SL group compared with the HF group. There was no significant differences in the weights of liver by Spergularia marina Griseb powder administration. Epididymal adipose tissues of HF-SL and HF-SH groups were significantly more decreased than in the HF group. Weights of mesenteric, retroperitoneal, perinenal and total adipose tissues were decreased by the Spergularia marina Griseb powder fed groups, especially HF-SH group was almost decreased to the N group level. Serum ALT and AST activities were signicantly decreased in the Spergularia marina Griseb fed groups compared with the HF group, but serum ALP and LDH activities were no differences with HF group. Level of serum HDL-cholesterol decreased in the HF group, but this level increased significantly in the Spergularia marina Griseb powder fed groups. On the contrary, levels of serum triglyceride, total cholesterol, LDL-cholesterol, as well as atherogenic index and cardiac risk factor were considerably reduced in the Spergularia marina Griseb powder fed groups compared with the HF group. Levels of triglyceride in liver and mesenteric adipose tissue significantly lowered in Spergularia marina Griseb. administered groups than in the HF group. Levels of cholesterol in epididymal adipose tissue and mesenteric adipose tissue significantly lowered in Spergularia marina Griseb administered groups than in the HF group. High fat diet administration were induced the marked accumulation of large lipid droplets and resulted in typical histopathology, but Spergularia marina Griseb administered groups attenuated lipid droplets accumulation in hepatocytes. Fat cell size of epididymal adipose tissue was lower in Spergularia marina Griseb administered groups compared with the HF group. The results suggest that Spergularia marina Griseb powder could make better lipid metabolism of serum, liver and adipose tissue and may decrease lipid storage.
- Alternative Title
- Effects of Spergularia marina Griseb Powder on Adipocytes and High-Fat Diet-Induced Obese Rats
- Alternative Author(s)
- Park, Yong Hyun
- Affiliation
- 조선대학교
- Department
- 일반대학원 식품의약학과
- Advisor
- 이재준
- Awarded Date
- 2016-08
- Table Of Contents
- 목 차
제1장 서 론 1
제2장 실험의 재료 및 방법 5
제1절 실험재료 5
제2절 세발나물의 이화학적 성분 6
1. 일반성분 분석 6
2. 식이섬유소 분석 6
제3절 세발나물 에탄올 추출물의 항산화 효과 7
1. 시료의 추출 7
2. 총 polyphenol 함량 측정 7
3. 총 flavonoid 함량 측정 8
제4절 지방전구세포를 이용한 세발나물 에탄올 추출물의 항비만 효과 9
1. 세발나물 에탄올 추출물의 3T3-L1 지방전구세포 증식과 분화 억제 효과 9
가. 3T3-L1 지방전구세포 배양 9
나. 3T3-L1 지방전구세포 증식 측정 10
다. 3T3-L1 지방세포 분화 측정 10
라. 3T3-L1 지방세포의 중성지방 함량 측정 11
2. 세발나물 에탄올 추출물의 돼지 지방전구세포 증식과 분화 억제 효과 12
가. 돼지 지방전구세포 분리 12
나. 돼지 지방전구세포 배양 13
다. 돼지 지방전구세포 증식 측정 13
라. 돼지 지방세포 분화 측정 14
마. 돼지 지방세포의 중성지방 함량 측정 14
3. 통계처리 15
제5절 세발나물 분말의 고지방식이를 급여한 흰쥐에서의 항비만 효과 16
1. 실험동물의 사육과 식이 16
2. 혈액과 장기 채취 19
3. 혈청의 효소활성 측정 19
4. 혈청의 지질 함량 측정 20
5. 간조직의 지질함량 측정 20
6. 지방조직의 지질함량 측정 21
7. 간 조직의 병리조직학적 검사 21
8. 부고환지방조직 세포의 크기 측정 22
9. 통계처리 22
제3장 실험결과 및 고찰 23
제1절 세발나물의 이화학적 성분 23
1. 일반성분 및 식이섬유소 함량 23
제2절 세발나물 에탄올 추출물의 항산화 효과 26
1. 총 polyphenol 함량 분석 26
2. 총 flavonoid 함량 분석 29
제3절 지방전구세포를 이용한 세발나물 에탄올 추출물의 항비만 효과 31
1. 세발나물 에탄올 추출물의 3T3-L1 지방전구세포 증식과 분화 억제 효과 31
가. 3T3-L1 지방전구세포의 증식에 미치는 억제 효과 31
나. 3T3-L1 지방세포의 분화에 미치는 억제 효과 34
다. 3T3-L1 지방세포의 중성지방 함량에 미치는 효과 37
2. 세발나물 에탄올 추출물의 돼지 지방전구세포 증식과 분화 억제 효과 40
가. 돼지 지방전구세포의 증식에 미치는 억제 효과 40
나. 돼지 지방세포의 분화에 미치는 억제 효과 42
다. 돼지 지방세포의 중성지방 함량에 미치는 효과 44
제4절 세발나물 분말의 고지방식이를 급여한 흰쥐에서의 항비만 효과 46
1. 체중증가량, 식이섭취량 그리고 수분섭취량 46
2. 간과 지방조직 무게 49
3. 혈청 중의 ALT, AST, ALP 그리고 LDH 활성 54
4. 혈청 중의 중성지방과 총콜레스테롤 함량 59
5. 혈청 중의 HDL-콜레스테롤, LDL-콜레스테롤 함량 그리고 동맥경화지수 및 심혈관위험지수 63
6. 간조직 중의 중성지방과 총콜레스테롤 함량 지질함량 69
7. 지방조직 중의 중성지방과 총콜레스테롤 함량 지질함량 72
8. 간조직의 병리조직학적 변화 78
9. 부고환지방세포의 크기 변화 80
제4장 요약 및 결론 82
참 고 문 헌 85
- Degree
- Doctor
- Publisher
- 조선대학교
- Citation
- 박용현. (2016). 세발나물 분말이 지방세포와 고지방식이 유도 비만 흰쥐에 미치는 영향.
- Type
- Dissertation
- https://oak.chosun.ac.kr/handle/2020.oak/12916
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- General Graduate School > 4. Theses(Ph.D)
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