Vector-Borne Viral Infections in South-west Region of Korea
- Author(s)
- 쟈바비타
- Issued Date
- 2016
- Keyword
- SFTS, HFRS, PCR, striped field mouse, Republic of Korea
- Abstract
Vector-Borne Viral Infections in South-West
Region of Korea
Babita Jha
Supervisor: Prof. Dong-Min Kim, MD, PhD
Department of Medicine
Graduate School of Chosun University
Vector-borne viral infections (VBVIs) are defined as viral infections transmitted by vectors such as mosquitoes, ticks, lice, biting flies, mites, and fleas. Vector-borne infections account for more than 17% of all infectious diseases, causing more than 1 million deaths annually. Severe fever with thrombocytopenia syndrome (SFTS) caused by severe fever with thrombocytopenia syndrome virus (SFTSV) and Hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome (HFRS) caused by hantaviruses from the family Bunyaviridae are two of the emerging VBVIs worldwide. Similarly, Flavivirus of the family Flaviviridae transmitted by arthropod vectors especially by ticks and mosquitoes causing various infections such as West Nile fever, Yellow fever, Dengue, etc are widely distributed . SFTSV, a novel bunyavirus reported to be endemic in central and northeastern China, was first detected in 2010 in China and later reported in other Asian and Mediterranean countries as well as in the USA. On the other hand Hantaviruses found global attention during the Korean War between 1951 to 1953, when more than 3000 United Nations and US soldiers experienced an acute febrile illness with acute renal failure and shock. In this study, we investigated the positive rate of SFTSV, Hantavirus and Flavivirus in humans and rodents in south-western region of ROK.
In 2015, all the suspected cases of SFTS and HFRS from two different University Hospitals located in Gwangju City, which is in south-west of ROK were investigated for these three clinical entities by different PCR techniques. We also collected rodents (striped field mouse; Apodemas agrarius) from the suburbs of Gwangju city to detect the presence of SFTSV and Hantavirus as wild rodents are largely considered as the natural reservoirs of these pathogenic viruses. A total of 267 patients were investigated for SFTSV by RT-PCR targeting ‘M’ segment and 295 patients for HFRS by RT-Nested PCR targeting ‘L’ segment. Similarly, we tried to investigate the presence of Flavivirus in the suspected cases by conventional RT-PCR targeting ‘NS5 ‘gene. Also, 41 wild mice captured in August, October and November were investigated for the presence of both these viral pathogens by similar molecular methods as for human samples. The amplified products were sequenced and analyzed.
In this study, 2.2 % (6/267) of patients’ plasma sample were positive for SFTS and 3.1 % (9/295) were found positive for HFRS. On the other hand, none of the mouse samples were positive for SFTSV but a proportionally high positive rate of Hantavirus in mouse; 46.3 % (19/41) was found. This fact suggests that SFTSV and hantavirus are prevalent in human population at a reasonably higher rate than thought previously.
SFTS and HFRS have been endemic to Korea, and these vector-borne infectious diseases have been circulating naturally within the country. Phylogenetic analysis of SFTS positive patient samples showed close proximity to human strains from China and Japan, similarly phylogenetic analysis of Hantavirus positive samples showed clustering in one group and showed close affinity to Hantaan virus.
Keywords: SFTS, HFRS, PCR, striped field mouse, Republic of Korea
|한 글 요 약
한국의 남서부지역에서 매개체 유래 바이러스 질환
Babita Jha
Supervisor: Prof. Dong-Min Kim, MD, PhD
Department of Medicine
Graduate School of Chosun University
바이러스성 매개체 감염이란 모기나 진드기, 이, 파리, 벼룩 등의 매개체에 의해 전파되는 바이러스 감염 질환이다. 매개체에 의한 감염은 모든 감염질환의 17% 이상을 차지하며, 연간 백만 명 이상이 사망한다. 중증 열성 혈소판 감소 증후군 바이러스(Severe fever with thrombocytopenia syndrome virus, SFTSV)에 의해 유발되는 중증 열성 혈소판 감소 증후군(Severe fever with thrombocytopenia syndrome, SFTS)과 Bunyaviridae 계열의 한타바이러스(Hanta virus, HTNV)에 의해 유발되는 신증후성 출혈열(Hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome, HFRS)은 전 세계적으로 주목 받고 있는매개체 관련 바이러스성 질환이다. Flaviviridae 계열의 flavivirus는 진드기나 모기와 같은 절지동물 매개체에 의해 전파되며, 웨스트나일열, 황열병, 뎅기열 등 전 세계적으로 퍼져있는 감염병을 유발한다. SFTSV는 중국의 중부 및 북동부에서 발견된 새로운 bunyavirus 계열 풍토병으로, 2010년 중국에서 처음 발견된 이래 다른 아시아 국가 및 지중해 국가, 그리고 미국에서도 그 존재가 확인되었다. 한타바이러스는 1951년에서 53년 사이 발발한 한국전 에서 전 세계적인 주목을 받은 바이러스로, 당시 3000명 이상의 유엔 및 미군 병사들이 급성 신부전과 쇼크를 동반한 급성경련 질환을 겪었다. 이 논문은 한국의 서남부지역에서의 병원과 인근지역에서 야생설치류를 수집하여 인간과 야생쥐에서SFTSV와 Hantavirus, Flavivirus의 양성율을 조사하였다.
2015년 대한민국 서남부에 위치한 광주광역시 내 두 곳의 대학병원에서 SFTS와 HFRS로 의심되는 모든 환자들 PCR 기법을 사용하여 조사하였다. 또한 야생쥐들이 이 바이러스들의 자연적 숙주로 여겨지기에 광주광역시 교외에서 설치류 (등줄쥐; Apodemas agrarius) 포획하여 SFTSV와 HTNV의 존재유무를 조사하였다. 총 267명의 환자는 ‘M’ segment'를 감지하는 RT-PCR기법을 사용하여 SFTSV 검사를 받았고, 295명의 환자는 'L‘ segment를 감지하는 RT-Nested PCR기법을 사용하여 HFRS 검사를 시행하였다. 보편적인 RT-PCR을 사용하여 flavivirus의 NS5 유전자 존재유무를 확인하였다. 이와 동시에 8월과10월과 11월에 포획한 41 마리의 야생쥐들에서 SFTSV와 Hantavirus의 존재유무를 유사한 방법으로 확인하였다. PCR에서 얻어진 산물들은 정제 후 염기서열을 분석하였다.
이 연구에서 환자들 샘플의 2.3 % (6/267) 가 SFTS 양성으로, 3.05% (9/295) 가 HFRS 양성으로 판명되었다. 야생쥐 샘플의 경우 SFTS 양성은 없었으나 HFRS의 경우 46.3 % (19/41) 가 양성반응을 나타내. 야생쥐에서의 Hantavirus가 매우 높은양성율을 보였다.
SFTS와 HFRS는 모두 한국의 풍토병이며 이러한 매개체 감염질환들은비교적 높은 양성률을 보였다. SFTS 양성 환자의 계통발생 분석결과는 중국과 일본에서 얻어진 바이러스(human strain) 와 매우 유사하며, Hantavirus의 계통발생 분석결과 역시 한 그룹에 집중되어 있고 동시에 Hantanvirus와 매우 가까운 유사성을 나타내는 결과를 보였다.
Keywords: SFTS, HFRS, PCR, striped field mouse, Republic of Korea
- Alternative Title
- 한국의 남서부지역에서 매개체 유래 바이러스 질환
- Alternative Author(s)
- Jha Babita
- Department
- 일반대학원 의과학과
- Advisor
- 김동민
- Awarded Date
- 2016-08
- Table Of Contents
- I. Introduction………………………………...1
Vector-borne viral infection…………….1
Aim of the study…………………………1
Severe Fever with Thrombocytopenia Syndrome………………………………..2
Disease distribution……………….....3
Diagnostic methods…………….…....3
Reported SFTS cases in ROK….......5
Hemorrhagic Fever with Renal Syndrome………………….….................5
Epidemiology and clinical features....8
II. Material and Methods………….…..….......9
Study sites………………………………..9
Clinical case definition……………....…..9
SFTS case definition…………….……9
HFRS case definition…..…………….9
Flavivirus case definition……............9
Extraction of viral RNA……………….10
Preparation of viral cDNA…………….10
PCR Amplification……………………..10
RT-PCR targeting M segment for
SFTSV detection…………………….10
RT-N-PCR targeting L segment for
Hantavirus detection………………..11
RT-PCR targeting NS5 gene for
Flavivirus detection…………………11
Immunofluorescence Assay (IFA)…….12
Nucleotide sequencing……………...….12
Phylogenetic analysis…………………..12
III. Results…………………….……………….13
RT-PCR targeting M segment
for SFTSV from patients’ whole
blood or plasma……………………….13
RT-N-PCR targeting L segment
for HFRSV from patients’ whole
blood or plasma…………………….......13
RT-PCR targeting NS5 for Flavivirus
from patients’ whole blood or plasma...14
RT-PCR targeting M segment
for SFTSV from mouse’s organ……….14
RT-N-PCR targeting L segment for
Hantavirus from mouse’s organ………14
RT-PCR targeting NS5 for Flavivirus
from mouse’s organ………....................14
IFA detection of mouse’s organ………15
Phylogenetic tree analysis…………......15
IV. Discussion………………………………….16
V. Conclusions………………………………..19
VI. References………………………………....39
- Degree
- Master
- Publisher
- 조선대학교
- Citation
- 쟈바비타. (2016). Vector-Borne Viral Infections in South-west Region of Korea.
- Type
- Dissertation
Appears in Collections:
- General Graduate School > 3. Theses(Master)
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