펜타포드와 Y블록의 안정성실험 및 소파성능 평가
- Author(s)
- 전화봉
- Issued Date
- 2016
- Abstract
- Pentapod and Y-block which are new shapes of armouring block for the breakwater protection are developed in this study. The two blocks have remarkable feature in interlocking structure. Hydraulic wave test and numerical simulation using the block models were experimented to evaluate the interlocking stability and to determine the design parameters.
Thousands of concrete block models were piled up one by one neatly in a two dimensional wave channel at 1:1.5 slope. Every 200g blocks was stable in the condition of 0.99 to 1.98 second of wave period and 4 to 14cm of wave height. This is because the interlocking feature of the blocks increases the resistance against the wave. Based on similarity laws, these are 25ton blocks which are installed in 18m depth of sea and faced on 7 to 14 seconds of wave period with 2 to 7m of wave height. Reflection rate of the Y-block was ranged 0.513 to 0.853 at the above wave period and wave height condition. Reflection rate of Pentapod block was similar to that of Y-block.
Reflection rate of the two shapes of block calculated from numerical simulation were similar to the measured rate for the above wave period and wave height. Numerical experiment can simulate overtopping height at a various wave condition. Results showed that overtopping height was directly proportional to the wave height and wave period. Among the 4 to 14cm wave height and 0.99 to 1.98 second of wave period conditions, the highest overtopping was observed as high as 0.2223 at the condition of 1.98 second of wave period and 14cm of wave height which is the highest condition in this experiments. This means overtopping height is 1.6 times higher than wave height. Hydraulic channel tests using model blocks and numerical experiments using CADMAS-SURF showed that design parameters of reflection rate and overtopping characteristics of the two shapes of block were similar to popular tetrapod.
- Alternative Title
- Evaluation of Breakwater Performance and Stability Test of Pentapod and Y-block
- Alternative Author(s)
- Jeon, Hwa Bong
- Department
- 일반대학원 토목공학과
- Advisor
- 김성홍
- Awarded Date
- 2016-02
- Table Of Contents
제 1 장 서론 1
1.1 연구배경 및 목적 1
1.2 국내외 연구동향 3
1.3 연구의 범위 5
제 2 장 방파제의 특성 및 영향인자 6
2.1 방파제의 특성 6
2.1.1 방파제의 종류 6
2.1.2 국내방파제 시공사례 9
2.1.3 방파제 피해사례 분석 12
2.2 경사제 설계인자 17
2.2.1 중량산정 공식 17
2.2.2 반사율 23
2.2.3 처오름높이 28
2.3 수리모형실험 영향인자 29
2.3.1 상사법칙 29
2.3.2 피해율, 피해모드, 안정계수 30
2.4 CADMAS-SURF 모형 34
2.4.1 CADMAS-SURF 모형의 개요 34
2.4.2 지배방정식 38
제 3 장 수리모형실험 재료 및 방법 46
3.1 모형의 제작 46
3.1.1 모형의 특징 47
3.1.2 실험용 모형 51
3.2 실험장치 및 실험방법 53
3.3 실험조건 57
3.3.1 조파 조건 57
3.3.2 실험파랑 59
제 4 장 수리모형 실험결과 및 분석 60
4.1 스펙트럼 발생과 수렴 60
4.1.1 펜타포드 경사제 60
4.1.2 Y블록 경사제 65
4.2 피해량 및 피해계수 분석 70
4.3 반사율 측정 75
4.3.1 펜타포드 경사제 75
4.3.2 Y블록 경사제 76
제 5 장 CADMAS-SURF를 이용한 수치해석 77
5.1 입력자료 및 매개변수 값 77
5.1.1 적용단면 77
5.1.2 모델링 조건 78
5.2 모델링 결과 81
5.2.1 반사율 산정 81
5.2.2 처오름높이 산정 88
5.3 시나리오 설정 및 모의실험 93
5.3.1 시나리오 설정 93
5.3.2 모의실험 결과 94
제 6 장 결 론 95
참 고 문 헌 97
감 사 의 글 103
- Degree
- Doctor
- Publisher
- 조선대학교 대학원
- Citation
- 전화봉. (2016). 펜타포드와 Y블록의 안정성실험 및 소파성능 평가.
- Type
- Dissertation
- https://oak.chosun.ac.kr/handle/2020.oak/12812
Appears in Collections:
- General Graduate School > 4. Theses(Ph.D)
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- Embargo2016-02-25
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