터보팬 엔진의 전자식엔진제어기 성능검증을 위한 HILS에 관한 연구
- Author(s)
- 고성희
- Issued Date
- 2016
- Abstract
- EECU(Electronic Engine Control Unit) is a core device of the aircraft engine and the verification test for numerous items should be carried out in its development process. Since it takes a lot of time and cost for carrying out such verification test using an actual engine and an expensive engine may be damaged or a safety hazard may occur, the simulator which virtually generates the same signals with the actual engine is essential. The virtual engine simulator which replaces the actual engine should be able to provide the simulation of engine operation in real time almost same as the actual engine operation. Therefore, the simulation speed should be as fast as the speed of the actual system to carry out input, calculation and output within the time range specified by the user. The development of real time engine model which can carry out calculation at almost real time and appropriate hardware are necessary for real-time simulation.
In this study, researches were carried out on the real-time engine model which was essential for the development of EECU, a core device of the aircraft engine, and the testing device which embedded the real-time engine model on the real-time simulator and generated the same physical signal with the sensor signal from the actual engine.
In order to create the performance characteristic map of components reflecting the characteristics of target engine, the performance characteristic map of high pressure compressor was composed using the system identification method and genetic algorithm. The performance analysis was carried out using GASTURB, a commercial performance analysis program, in order to verify the performance characteristic map. The analysis result showed that the average error between the actual test data and NL was 2.6% and 0.8% on the original map and the new map respectively, and the average error of T6 was 0.5% and 0.4% on the original map and the new map respectively, and the average error of PS3 was 0.4% and 0.3% on the original map and the new map respectively. After verifying the performance characteristic map, the database which would be used as lock-up table module of real-time engine model was established by carrying out the performance analysis under various operation environment conditions using GASTURB.
The modeling of real-time engine model was carried out using SIMULINK separately into the normal operation phase engine model and startup phase engine model. The modeling of real-time normal operation phase engine model was carried out in real-time transfer function model method by applying the time constant derived from the 5D map type performance data and target engine test data reconfigured with the steady state analysis result, and the modeling of real-time startup phase engine model in form of Lookup Table based on time was carried out through the reconfiguration of startup phase test data measured from the target engine ECU.
The testing device equipped with real-time engine model which enabled to verify the performance of EECU as the target of this study was developed separately into the hardware part consisting of cockpit simulator, control system, real-time engine simulator, software simulator and console and the software part composed to enable the operation of testing device operation program using NI LabVIEW, EECU real-time monitoring and data saving program, testing device's function and interworking test program, EECU control logic and performance verification program and EHD program.
The testing device's function test, testing device's interface and interworking test, real-time startup phase engine model verification test, real-time normal operation phase engine model verification test, target EECU performance verification test were carried out using the configured testing device and the test results were analyzed.|EECU는 항공기 엔진의 핵심 장치로 개발 과정에서는 수많은 항목의 검증시험을 해야만 한다. 이와 같은 검증시험을 위해 실제 엔진으로 시험하기에는 시험 비용 및 시간이 많이 소요되고 고가의 엔진이 손상되거나 안전상 위험을 초래할 수 있어 실제 엔진과 똑같은 가상의 신호를 발생하는 시뮬레이터가 필수적 이다. 실제 엔진을 대체하는 가상 엔진 시뮬레이터는 실제와 거의 동일하게 실시간으로 엔진 작동을 시뮬레이션 할 수 있어야 한다. 따라서 사용자가 정해 놓은 시간범위 안에서 입력, 연산, 출력이 이루어지도록 시뮬레이션 속도가 실제 시스템에서 이뤄지는 속도만큼 빨라야 한다. 이와 같은 실시간 시뮬레이션을 하기 위해서는 실시간에 가깝게 연산을 할 수 있는 실시간 엔진 모델 개발과 이에 적합한 하드웨어가 필요하다.
본 논문에서는 항공기 엔진의 핵심 장치인 EECU의 개발에 필수적인 실시간 엔진 모델에 대한 연구와 이를 실시간 시뮬레이터에 탑재하여 실제 엔진에서 출력되는 센서신호와 동일한 물리적 신호가 발생하는 시험장치에 대해 연구하였다.
대상 엔진의 특성을 반영한 구성품 성능선도를 생성하기 위하여 시스템 식별법과 유전자 알고리즘 기법을 이용하여 고압압축기의 성능선도를 구성하였다. 성능선도의 검증을 위해 상용 성능해석 프로그램인 GASTURB를 이용하여 성능해석을 하였다. 해석 결과 실제 시험 데이터와 NL의 평균 오차는 Original Map과 New Map에서 각각 2.6%, 0.8%, T6의 평균 오차는 Original Map과 New Map에서 각각 0.5%, 0.4%, PS3의 평균 오차는 Original Map과 New Map에서 각각 0.4%, 0.3%의 차이를 보였다. 성능선도 검증 후 GASTURB를 이용하여 다양한 운용 환경조건에서 성능해석을 하여 실시간 엔진 모델의 Look-up 테이블 모듈로 사용될 데이터베이스를 구축하였다.
실시간 엔진 모델은 정상운용 구간 엔진 모델과 시동 구간 엔진 모델로 구분하여 SIMULINK로 모델링 하였다. 실시간 정상운용 구간 엔진 모델은 정상상태 해석 결과로 재구성한 5D 맵 형태의 성능 데이터와 대상 엔진의 시험데이터로부터 유도된 시간 상수를 적용하여 실시간 전달함수 천이 성능 모델 방식으로 모델링하였고, 실시간 시동 구간 엔진 모델은 대상 엔진 ECU에서 계측된 시동 구간 시험데이터를 시간 기준의 Lookup Table 형태로 재구성하여 모델링하였다.
실시간 엔진 모델이 탑재되어 연구대상 EECU의 성능을 검증할 수 있는 시험장치는 조종석 모사장치, 조종장치, 실시간 엔진 모사장치, 소프트웨어 모사장치, 콘솔 등으로 구성된 하드웨어부와 NI LabVIEW를 이용한 시험장치 운용 프로그램, EECU 실시간 모니터링 및 데이터 저장 프로그램, 시험장치 기능 및 연동시험 프로그램, EECU 제어로직 및 성능 검증시험 프로그램, EHD 프로그램이 운용 가능하도록 구성된 소프트웨어부로 구분하여 개발하였다.
구성된 시험장치를 이용하여 시험장치 자체 기능시험, 시험장치 인터페이스 및 연동시험, 실시간 시동 구간 엔진 모델 검증시험, 실시간 정상운용 구간 엔진 모델 검증시험, 연구대상 EECU 성능 검증시험을 하고 결과를 분석하였다.
- Alternative Title
- Study on HILS(Hardware In the Loop Simulation) for EECU Performance Verification of a Turbofan Engine
- Alternative Author(s)
- Kho, Seong Hee
- Affiliation
- 조선대학교 대학원
- Department
- 일반대학원 항공우주공학과
- Advisor
- 공창덕
- Awarded Date
- 2016-02
- Table Of Contents
- Ⅰ. 서론································································································1
1. 연구 목적·························································································1
2. 연구 배경·························································································2
1) 구성품 성능선도 생성···································································4
2) 실시간 엔진 모델 ··········································································8
3) EECU 시험장치 ··········································································12
Ⅱ. 가스터빈 엔진 모델링································································15
1. 대상 엔진·······················································································15
1) 엔진 구성·······················································································15
2) 설계점 성능···················································································17
3) 엔진 운용범위···············································································17
2. 정상상태 성능해석·······································································18
1) 주요 구성품 성능선도 식별························································18
2) 정상상태 성능해석·······································································29
3. 실시간 엔진 모델링······································································37
1) 정상운용 구간 실시간 엔진 모델···············································38
2) 시동 구간 실시간 엔진 모델·······················································45
4. 결과 검토·······················································································50
Ⅲ. 시험장치 제작·············································································52
1. 시험장치 구성 및 제작································································52
1) 시험장치 관리시스템 (TB Management)·······························57
2) 조종석 시뮬레이터 (Cockpit Simulator)·································58
3) 조종장치 (Test Bench Control)···············································60
4) 엔진 시뮬레이터 (Engine Simulator)······································63
5) 소프트웨어 시뮬레이터 (Software Simulator)·······················65
6) 시험장치 콘솔 및 기타································································66
2. 시험장치 통합···············································································67
3. 결과 검토·······················································································69
Ⅳ. 시험장치 시험·············································································70
1. 기능시험························································································70
1) 시험장치 자체 기능시험·····························································70
2) 시험장치 인터페이스 시험·························································72
2. 성능시험························································································79
1) 실시간 엔진 모델 검증시험························································79
2) EECU 검증시험············································································89
3. 결과 검토·····················································································103
Ⅴ. 결론····························································································105
- Degree
- Doctor
- Publisher
- 조선대학교 대학원
- Citation
- 고성희. (2016). 터보팬 엔진의 전자식엔진제어기 성능검증을 위한 HILS에 관한 연구.
- Type
- Dissertation
- https://oak.chosun.ac.kr/handle/2020.oak/12806
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- General Graduate School > 4. Theses(Ph.D)
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