지역별 토양 성분과 방사능 분석의 상관관계에 관한 연구
- Author(s)
- 류영환
- Issued Date
- 2016
- Keyword
- 운동장, 환경방사능, 40K, 137Cs, 226Ra, 222Rn, 토양성분
- Abstract
- The concerns of many people regarding radioactive materials present in the surrounding environment have heightened because of the nuclear power plant accident in Japan and the radioactive asphalt incidents in the Seoul area. This study investigated, by area and soil component, the specific radioactivity consequent to the soil composition of the surrounding spaces of daily life, such as schoolyards, parks, and green areas. For this purpose, the whole country was divided into six areas and, from the soil of each area, comparative analyses were done based on the specific radiation concentrations of 40K, 137Cs, and 226Ra, and 13 basic soil components. Samples were extracted from 86 sites with high transient populations in the six areas. From 28 of these sites, to determine the correlation of natural decay series radon, the specific radiation concentration of the soil sample porous layer and the radiation concentration of 226Ra were compared with the soil components analysis, based on specific radiation analyses of 222Rn, 222Rn fast, and 220Rn T nuclides. The soil components by area were graphed on a map using the kriging technique. In order to distinguish the differences in radiation amount depending on soil components, sites containing similar soil components were clustered together, and distinct characteristics of clusters by area were determined through a hierarchical cluster analysis, based on the 13 soil components, by differentiating them into 13 clusters on the basis of average group distance using Euclidian distance. As a region with a high specific radiation value for its soil, the Seoul metropolitan area has the distinct characteristics of Cluster 4 among the 13 clusters. The Jeju area, with a low specific radiation value, was determined to have the characteristics of Clusters 12 and 13. From these results, the Jeju area was found to have lower SiO2, K2O, and Cr2O3 levels, among the 13 soil components, compared to the Seoul metropolitan area. In this study, therefore, it is found that there is a close relationship between the radiation concentration of the surrounding environment and the soil components and that the effect of environmental radiation can be reduced by utilizing as much as possible soil comprised of components with low emission of specific radiation for facilities that are used by large numbers of people. It is thought that the soil component and specific radiation concentration data can be hereby used as basic material for considering radiation impact when creating the environment of a mass-use facility. It is also possible to use it, by quantifying the specific radiation contained by each component, as basic material for establishing the evaluation standards of internal radiation exposure effects and radiation environment effects, as well as for epidemiological surveys of radiation ecology.
- Alternative Title
- Comparative Analysis of Regional Soil Components and Radioactivity
- Alternative Author(s)
- Ryu, Young Hwan
- Affiliation
- 조선대학교 대학원
- Department
- 일반대학원 원자력공학과
- Advisor
- 정운관
- Awarded Date
- 2016-02
- Table Of Contents
제1장 연구배경 1
제2장 이론적 배경 3
제1절 방사선 3
1. 자연방사선 3
가. 자연방사선의 붕괴계열 4
(1) 우라늄 계열 5
(2) 토륨 계열 6
(3) 악티늄 계열 6
(4) 우라늄 소계열 7
2. 인공방사선 8
제2절 방사선의 분류 9
1. 전자파 방사선 10
2. 전리방사선 11
제3절 방사선 작용 단계 12
1. 물리·화학적 작용 단계 13
2. 생물학적 작용 단계 14
제4절 방사선이 인체에 미치는 영향 14
제3장 연구대상 및 방법 16
제1절 연구대상 선정 16
1. 권역별 분류 16
2. 토양 비방사능 16
3. 군집 선정 17
제2절 측정기기 19
제3절 분석방법 23
1. 시료의 채취 및 전처리 23
2. 토양시료 중 방사능 농도 측정 24
3. 공극층 비방사능 농도 측정 28
4. 토양성분 분석 36
제4절 통계 분석 38
제4장 결 과 39
제1절 지역별 토양의 비방사능 농도 측정값 39
1. 40K 방사능 농도 측정 39
2. 137Cs 방사능 농도 측정 40
3. 226Ra 방사능 농도 측정 41
4. 40K, 137Cs, 226Ra의 상관분석 42
가. 수도권 42
나. 강원권 43
다. 충청권 44
라. 경상권 45
마. 전라권 46
바. 제주권 47
5. 전지역의 40K, 137Cs, 226Ra의 상관분석 48
제2절 비방사능 농도에 따른 토양성분 분석 50
1. 40K과 토양성분간의 분석 50
가. 지역별 분석 50
나. 전체지역 분석 52
2. 137Cs과 토양성분간의 분석 54
가. 지역별 분석 54
나. 전체지역 분석 55
3. 226Ra과 토양성분간의 분석 57
가. 지역별 분석 57
나. 전체지역 분석 58
제3절 공극층의 비방사능 농도 61
1. 222Rn 농도 61
2. 222Rn fast 농도 62
3. 220Rn 농도 63
4. 222Rn에 대한 222Rn fast, 220Rn의 상관분석 64
5. 전체 지역의 222Rn에 대한 222Rn fast, 220Rn의 상관분석 66
제4절 226Ra과 222Rn의 상관분석 68
1. 지역별 226Ra과 222Rn의 상관분석 68
2. 전체 지역의 226Ra과 222Rn의 상관분석 70
제5절 222Rn, 222Rn fast, 220Rn의 공극층의 비방사능 농도와 성분분석 71
1. 222Rn와 토양성분 분석 71
가. 지역별 분석 71
나. 전체지역 분석 72
2. 222Rn fast와 토양성분 분석 75
가. 지역별 분석 75
나. 전체지역 분석 76
3. 220Rn와 토양성분 분석 79
가. 지역별 분석 79
나. 전체지역 분석 80
제6절 토양성분에 따른 방사능량의 군집 분석 82
제5장 고 찰 91
제6장 결 론 95
참고문헌 96
국문초록 99
감사의 글 101
- Degree
- Doctor
- Publisher
- 조선대학교 대학원
- Citation
- 류영환. (2016). 지역별 토양 성분과 방사능 분석의 상관관계에 관한 연구.
- Type
- Dissertation
- https://oak.chosun.ac.kr/handle/2020.oak/12789
Appears in Collections:
- General Graduate School > 4. Theses(Ph.D)
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- Embargo2016-02-25
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