보험사기의 억제에 관한 법적 고찰

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Insurance Fraud

A Study on the Legal Control to the Insurance Fraud

Kim, Hyun-Woo
Advisor : Prof. Kim, Jae-Hyeong, Ph.D.
Department of Law,
Graduate School of Chosun University

Nowadays people live in a wide variety of risks. Insurance is the system that was created as a precaution to minimize a sudden financial loss that can occur due to all kinds of risks such as accidents or diseases.
Despite so useful insurance, insurance crime is increasingly exploiting the insurance system. John D. Long listed the following several factors about the reason why insurance crime is growing rapidly: changes in the economic system, long-term inflation, population issues, resources issues, pollution problems, medical and scientific advances, shortening of working hours, and enhanced interest in health and leisure.
As harmful consequences of soaring insurance crime are getting serious, countries around the world are making efforts to devise a hedge against insurance crime and Korea is also not an exception.
For these reasons, this thesis aims to examine representative laws which are related to insurance fraud, to investigate problems of each related laws further, and to suggest solutions to the problems.
To find solutions, the laws which are related to insurance fraud were examined as follows. First, this study examined the improvement in the civil law provisions. Second, including introduction of the famous principle of utmost good faith in terms of commercial law, revision of the commercial law provisions was reviewed in detail. Also, the problems and improvement for each of the regulations were carefully examined. Third, this study examined revision process of insurance law and arrangement of legislative regulation for the revision process. Fourth, this study examined a recent serious problem of bogus patients on Guarantee of Automobile Accident Compensation Act. The problems and improvement in provisions of the act were examined, too. Fifth, with respect to criminal law this study examined the need of regulating insurance fraud as a crime and the application of insurance fraud to Act on the Aggravated Punishment, etc. of Specific Economic Crimes.
There are also institutional countermeasures besides regulation of related laws.
It is being promoted to legislate private investigation system, detective system, which is famous in the USA. In recent years Special Investigation Unit, SIU, was installed to strengthen authority and position of insurance companies. Special Investigation Unit strengthens cooperation with relevant agencies and devotes all its energy into preventing insurance fraud.
However, the public awareness of serious insurance fraud is in need of change and it is more important than the above legislative and institutional regulation.
Therefore, it is necessary to examine and make good use of systems of advanced countries to change the public awareness of insurance fraud. For example, in the UK, Australia, the USA and Canada, governments produce public advertisements for TV and newspapers at national level to explain that insurance fraud eventually causes damage to all citizens as well as a large number of innocent policyholders.
In addition, the governments conduct a certain amount of education about insurance fraud to those who are related to insurance fraud when they acquire or renew a driver's license. The government also enroll promotional expressions for the prevention of insurance fraud on health insurance notice of payment and add some education about insurance fraud in construction basic safety education area by the industrial accident compensation insurance. With public relations and a detailed approach, the governments have led changes in public awareness of insurance fraud.
Recently Korean government has made various efforts at national level but it should not stop at this much. The government will have to lead changes in public awareness of insurance fraud more actively.
Alternative Title
A study on the Legal Control to the Insurance Fraud
Alternative Author(s)
Kim, Hyun Woo
조선대학교 법과대학
일반대학원 법학과
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Table Of Contents
【目 次】


제1장 서 론 1
제1절 연구의 목적 1
제2절 연구의 방법 및 범위 3

제2장 보험사기에 관한 일반론 5
제1절 보험사기의 의의 5
1. 보험사기의 개념 5
2. 보험사기의 특징 8
3. 보험사기의 폐해 12
제2절 보험사기의 현황 15
1. 보험종목별 보험사기 적발금액과 적발인원 15
2. 보험사기 유형별 적발금액과 적발인원 20
3. 혐의자 직업별, 연령별, 성별 적발현황 23
제3절 보험사기의 유형 25
1. 보험의 종류에 따른 보험사기의 유형 25
2. 행위양태에 따른 보험사기의 유형 27
3. 행위자에 따른 보험사기의 유형 30
제4절 보험사기 규제의 개관 30
1. 법적 규제 30
2. 전담기구별 규제 34
3. 자율적 규제 38

제3장 보험사기에 관한 외국의 입법례 40
제1절 미국의 입법례 40
1. 피해 현황 40
2. 방지기구 41
3. 연방법 및 각 주법 43
제2절 유럽의 입법례 51
1. 유럽의 피해 현황 51
2. 영 국 53
3. 독 일 65
제3절 아시아의 입법례 72
1. 중 국 72
2. 일 본 76

제4장 보험사기에 관한 관련법규 80
제1절 민법 80
1. 반사회질서의 법률행위 80
2. 사기 또는 착오에 의한 의사표시 81
제2절 상 법 81
1. 고지의무 82
2. 통지의무 90
제3절 보험업법 94
1. 입법의 변천 과정 94
2. 개정 입법의 한계 101
제4절 자동차손해배상보장법 101
1. 입법의 변천 과정 103
2. 관련 조문의 내용 109
3. 개정 입법의 한계 110
제5절 형 법 111
1. 사기죄의 구성요건 중 기망행위 111
2. 고지의무 위반이 사기죄의 기망에 해당되는지 여부 112
3. 고의적인 사고 유발시 사기죄 성립여부 113

제5장 보험사기에 관한 문제점과 개선방안 114
제1절 민법상의 문제점과 개선방안 114
1. 서언 114
2. 동법의 문제점 114
3. 개선방안 115
제2절 상법상의 문제점과 개선방안 115
1. 서언 115
2. 문제점과 개선방안 116
제3절 보험업법상의 문제점과 개선방안 129
1. 서언 129
2. 동법의 문제점 130
3. 개선방안 132
제4절 자동차손해배상보장법상의 문제점과 개선방안 134
1. 서언 134
2. 부재환자 현황 134
3. 동법의 문제점 137
4. 개선방안 138
제5절 형법상의 문제점과 개선방안 139
1. 서언 139
2. 보험사기죄의 신설 여부 140
3. 특정경제범죄가중처벌 등에 관한 법률적용 141

제6장 결 론 142

참고문헌 146
조선대학교 대학원
김현우. (2016). 보험사기의 억제에 관한 법적 고찰.
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General Graduate School > 4. Theses(Ph.D)
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