貿易上 技術障壁(TBT)이 韓國의 技術貿易에 미치는 影響

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Since the WTO was launched in 1995, The average tariff rate was falling around the world through active multilateral and regional cooperation for trade liberalization, thus expanding merchandise trade have been.
However, in 2008 the impact of the global financial crisis and recession, the main issues in today's international trade has become a critical opportunity to compel it from tariff barriers to non-tariff barrier(Trader Technical Barriers, sanitary and phytosanitary measures, etc.)
Accordingly, the WTO is to install the WTO / TBT Committee for monitoring and coordination of the technical barrier and traders, the new legislation and that Member States with respect to the revised technical regulations are mandatory to notify the WTO/TBT Committee.
On the other hand, WTO is to induce harmony with international standards and conformity assessment procedures with respect to international and regional harmonization, mutual recognition and provider self-introduction and a series of substantive regulations for the introduction TBT mitigate such declaration.
In addition, each country has operated a procedural norm that can strengthen international cooperation to ensure the exchange and communication of information on best regulatory practices, transparency about national institutions.
Accordingly, the world's major economies are also operational standards and conformity assessment systems in the country in an efficient and integrated in order to respond quickly to changes in the trading environment caused by TBT.
It also strengthened its efforts to build a strategic response system in order to prepare for the TBT-related trade conflicts and ensure the technical regulations related to the competitiveness of their country.
This study is a theoretical background to the main content of the FTA / TBT agreement between Korea and WTO / TBT Agreement, international trends.
Through a recent report by WTO Members at the TBT trends closely, and that using a gravity trade model that TBT is empirically analyze the effect on the country as a major technology trade purposes.
In this study, the TBT trade effect theoretically and empirically study the domestic and and investigate other previous studies categorized by establishing a conceptual framework (conceptual framework) to analyze and interpret the results of empirical analysis based on it, and Korea Technology Trading and to find a countermeasure to improve the trade balance.
This paper was presented to the TBT and Countermeasures about the overall status (agreement details, statistics, etc. TBT) Under the WTO regime and trends, the structure of this paper was a total of five elders configuration information is as follows:
Chapter 1, background and objectives of the research in this paper, we describe the method and scope had, previous studies were examined for the study performed.
Chapter 2, theoretical sector technology trade TBT concept of this paper, WTO/TBT discussed international trends and main contents of the Agreement, the Agreement, and were investigated, such as WTO/TBT Agreement, the content of the country and major.
Section 3, it was considered the policy implications about World Technology Trade Status and the Korea Technology Trading Status, the trend of TBT and TBT WTO Members Notice trend specific trade issues(STC) mainly analyzes the trends.
In this study, the first was identifying the status and characteristics of Korean technology trade, followed by panel using a gravity model identifying feature of the Korea Technology trade patterns, foreign direct investment, technology factors, traders Technical Barriers(TBT) and the FTA Korea we analyzed the impact on technical trading patterns demonstrated, the results were discussed based on the country of TBT countermeasures.
Korea First Technical Trading Analysis results are as follows.
Total technical trade volume of Korea showed is the growth of the previous year by 15.4% in 2013 based on $ 18.884 billion, technology trade balance was $ 5.191 billion deficit, technology trade balance ratio is only still 0.57 the situation.
Technology and exports $ 6.846 billion level, industry, electronics 46.8%, machinery 29.3%, the order of information and communication 11.0%, nationally China 49.9%, France 18.6%, US 9.2%, United Arab Emirates 4.0%, 2.3%, Russia, Japan, was in the order of 2.2%.
The introduction of technology in the 11 billion US dollars in 2012 to $ 12 billion level in 2013 was 8.9 per cent rise.
Electrical and electronic industry, 60.4%, 12.1% and machinery, information and communications 9.6% net national byeolroneun US 62.5%, Japan 7.6%, Germany 4.6%, was in the order of 3.3%, including the UK.
In particular, the US deficit is 69 billion dollars, accounting for 132.9% in excess of $ 5.1 billion of the total resin in the country minus balance of trade deficit for the US technology has been identified as serious.
Next, the panel with a gravity model analysis of the characteristics of Korea Technical trade pattern is as follows.
First, the role of the domestic market effect technology exports are subject to more impact on the market than the market size of the country's trading partners was analyzed that is present.
Second, the technology exporting country has a similar skill levels and market scale cross-border trade showed a pattern of trade that occurs within industries.
Third, foreign direct investment and export goods and technology inducement to exporters in Korea are generated, analyzed that foreign direct investment is also increasing the skills introduced in Korea.
First, technical barriers to trade partners are traders had increased exports by generating a reduction of transaction costs in the country exports goods and technology. And also, Korean traders technical barrier is the imports while the effect of suppressing the imports increased compliance costs, introduces a technique to reduce the transaction cost analysis concludes that the effect of increasing the technical introduction.
Second, as a result of signing a free trade agreement is one analyzing the impact on our country technology trade patterns, trade in goods agreement was signed in the analysis that generated a trade creation effect of increasing technology exports and technology introduction.
In summary responses to recent technical barriers traders as a result of the study based on the analysis result above is as follows.
First, Korea enterprises, governments may need to respond proactively to the TBT. Initiative for technical regulation, such as ad hoc and not accessible source technology ensuring the corresponding level for the preemptive offensive as promulgated regulations are similar in corresponding dimensions for after REACH(Registration, Evaluation, Authorization & Restriction of Chemicals) related to hazardous substances promulgated us this in the EU ever I think that the response is required.
Second, the composition of expert groups for the TBT analysis and effective responses are required, including customizing the operating system to the industry-specific non-integrated operating system in one of the national institutional and each industry has focused businesses, academia and relevant stakeholders it is suggested that countries that supported way to configure the expert groups as a Top-Down Bottom-up approach rather than by operating that way.
Finally I mentioned in the beginning of the study had a change of attitude on the technical barriers in the FTA. Recognizing that 'FTA = Tariff' clearly must change. Such recognition can be described as a cause to generate a negative response to the technical barriers. The government on non-tariff areas FTA, businesses, academia and interested urgently required, in particular requires a lot of interest and participation in technical barriers.
Alternative Title
A Study on the Effects of Technical Barriers of Trade on Korea Technology Trade
Alternative Author(s)
조선대학교 대학원
일반대학원 무역학과
Awarded Date
Table Of Contents
【목 차】


제1장 서 론 1
제1절 연구의 배경 및 목적 1
제2절 연구의 범위 및 방법 5
1. 연구의 범위 5
2. 연구의 방법 5
제3절 선행연구 검토 7
1. TBT 정량화 방법에 관한 선행연구 7
2. TBT의 무역효과에 관한 선행연구 9
3. 기존연구와의 차이점 15

제2장 이론적 논의 16
제1절 기술무역과 기술무역장벽 16
1. 기술무역의 이해와 구조 16
2. 기술무역장벽(TBT)의 개념 22
제2절 WTO/TBT 협정의 국제동향 분석 31
1. WTO/TBT의 국제적 논의 동향 31
2. WTO/TBT 협정의 주요 내용 34
제3절 한국의 FTA/TBT협정의 주요 내용 47
1. FTA/TBT 추진 현황 47
2. 협졍별 FTA/TBT 주요 내용 52

제3장 세계 기술무역과 TBT의 국제동향 분석 68
제1절 주요국의 기술무역 현황 68
1. 미국 68
2. OECD 69
3. 일본 71
4. 중국 73
제2절 한국의 기술무역 현황 및 추이 76
1. 한국의 기술무역 현황 76
2. 한국의 기술무역 추이 84
3. 한국 기술무역 확대 제약 요인 91
제3절 최근 WTO회원국의 TBT 동향 99
1. TBT 통보문 동향 분석 99
2. 특정무역현안(STC) 분석 104
3. WTO/TBT 동향의 정책적 시사점 109

제4장 TBT의 무역효과 실증분석 114
제1절 분석모형 및 데이터 114
1. 연구 모형의 설정 및 가설 114
2. 분석데이터 및 기초 통계량 117
3. 분석모형의 검정 118
제2절 분석결과 제시 122
1. 한국 기술무역패턴의 특징 122
2. 기술격차가 기술무역패턴에 미치는 영향 125
3. FDI가 기술무역패턴에 미치는 효과 126
4. 무역상 기술장벽(TBT)이 기술무역패턴에 미치는 효과 127
5. 연구개발투자가 기술무역패턴에 미치는 효과 129
제3절 정책적 대응방안 131
1. 기술혁신을 통한 국제경쟁력 강화 131
2. TBT 대응 체계 수립 133

제5장 결 론 146
제1절 연구의 요약 및 결론 146
제2절 연구의 한계 및 향후 연구과제 149

《참고문헌》 150
조선대학교 대학원
고자흠. (2016). 貿易上 技術障壁(TBT)이 韓國의 技術貿易에 미치는 影響.
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