모국어를 활용한 문법 지도: 입력강화와 고쳐말하기를 적용하여

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Native language, Metalanguage, Grammar instruction, Input enhancement, Recast
This thesis aims at finding the methods of grammar presentation which can make learners approach grammar without anxieties, which grammar terminology gives to learners, especially for learners who are in the beginning courses of studying English. To reduce uneasiness of grammar terminology, the similarities between korean and English were suggested and a native language was used in step with grammar presentation. In addition, two activities, Input Enhancement and Recast from Focus on Form instruction were applied for learner's noticing.
This study presents three research questions to be examined through teaching English target grammar focused on gerund, present participle, to-infinitive, relative pronoun.
1. Can the instruction using native language with Input Enhancement and Recast have effect on the students’ achievement in learning grammar(gerund, present participle, to-infinitive, relative pronoun)?
2. Can the effect of instruction using native language with Input Enhancement and Recast work for long term retention?
3. Can the instruction using native language with Input Enhancement and Recast can have effect on the students’ affective domain?
For this study, a total of 68 university students participated. They were divided into two groups, each of which had 34 students, one as an experimental group and the other as a control group. The results of pre test were used to show that each group had similar levels of English grammar before instruction. For about 9 weeks, for 1 hour per week, the experimental group, which consisted of 34 students, received the instruction using native language with Input Enhancement and Recast, while the control group, which consisted of 34 students, received the instruction using grammatical terminology in a traditional method. After instruction, achievement tests were given. In order to determine students’ affective domain toward grammar instruction using native language with Input Enhancement and Recast, two questionnaires were given.
The findings of the research are as follows:
As the result of comparing the control and the experimental groups, the experimental group showed higher achievement than the control group. Also, the students with the grammar instruction using native language with Input Enhancement and Recast worked better for their long-term retention than those with the traditional grammar instruction with grammatical terminology.
On the questionnaires, the students’ affective domain toward grammar instruction using native language with Input Enhancement and Recast in the experimental groups changed more positively with most of the students stating that the grammar presentation method using native language was helpful and interesting in grammar comprehension.
The results of this study showed that grammar instruction using native language with Input Enhancement and Recast was more effective than with grammatical terminology in a traditional method. In other words, the effects lead students to approach grammar without reluctance. The research results suggest that this grammar instruction using native language with Input Enhancement and Recast could help learners approach grammar easily who feel grammar to be boring and difficult.
Alternative Title
English Grammar Instruction Using Native Language: with Input Enhancement and Recast
Alternative Author(s)
Kang, Min Jae
일반대학원 영어영문학과
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Table Of Contents
Ⅰ. 서 론 1
1.1 연구의 필요성 1
1.2 연구의 목적 4
1.3 연구 문제 4
1.4 연구의 구성 5

Ⅱ. 이론적 배경 6
2.1 문법 교육에 대한 고찰 6
2.1.1 문법 교육에 대한 부정적인 입장 6
2.1.2 문법 교육에 대한 긍정적인 입장 8
2.1.3 문법이 다른 영역에 미치는 영향 10
2.1.4 문법 교육에 대한 교사와 학습자의 인식 12
2.2 문법 용어에 대한 고찰 15
2.2.1 문법 용어 사용에 대한 부정적인 입장 15
2.2.2 문법 용어 사용에 대한 긍정적인 입장 17
2.2.3 한국어 및 다른 언어에 나타나는 문법 용어에 대한 양상 18
2.2.4 문법 용어 사용에 대한 교사와 학습자의 인식 20
2.3 형태초점 교수법 21
2.3.1 정의 21
2.3.2 입력강화 23
2.3.3 고쳐말하기 24
2.3.4 모국어의 역할 26

Ⅲ. 연구 방법 29
3.1 연구 문제 29
3.2 연구 대상 29
3.3 연구 기간 및 절차 31
3.4 연구 도구 32
3.4.1 사전·사후·지연 문법 능력 평가지 32
3.4.2. 설문지 33
3.4.3 문법수업 자료 36
3.4.4 통계 도구 및 자료 분석 방법 40

Ⅳ. 연구 결과 분석 및 논의 41
4.1 연구 문제 1 검증 41
4.2 연구 문제 2 검증 45
4.3 연구 문제 3 검증 51

Ⅴ. 결론 및 제언 60
5.1 결 론 60
5.2 제 언 62
5.3 연구의 제한점 64

참고문헌 65

부 록 73
조선대학교 대학원
강민재. (2016). 모국어를 활용한 문법 지도: 입력강화와 고쳐말하기를 적용하여.
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General Graduate School > 4. Theses(Ph.D)
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  • Embargo2016-02-25
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