Kagan의 구조중심 협동학습, 스마트러닝, 협동학습과 스마트러닝 통합중재가 경도장애 학생의 진로직업교육에 미치는 상대적 효과

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교대중재설계, 구조중심 협동학습, 스마트러닝, 협동학습, 진로직업교육, 학습장애, 경계선 지적기능

The Relative Effect of Kagan’s Structure Centered Cooperative Learning, Smart Learning, and Integrated Interventions of Cooperative Learning with Smart Learning on the Mild Disability students' Vocational Education

Yun Hyeok
Advisor : Prof. Yu-seong Heo, Ph.D.
Department of Special Education
Graduate School of Chosun University

The purpose of this study was to the Kagan’s structure centered cooperative learning, smart learning, and integrated interventions of cooperative learning with smart learning on career vocational knowledge, work ability, learning flow and language social interaction.
The participants in this study were 4 students' with mild disability and 5 students' with non-disability who were in a high school. Alternating treatments design was applied for this study. The experimental conditions included baseline, intervention, and generalization.
The Kagan’s structure centered cooperative learning, smart learning, and integrated interventions of cooperative learning with smart learning was applied for the participants. Data were collected about career vocational knowledge, work ability, learning flow and language social interaction. The results of study are as follows.
First, mild disability students' is average grades of course vocational knowledge of the integrated interventions of cooperative learning with smart learning is the highest. However, integrated interventions of cooperative learning with smart learning is a downward trend line, smart learning is upward trend line. Course vocational knowledge average performance of the non-disability students' is smart learning was the highest. Mild disability students' had different teaching and learning program that is attached the highest upward trend line and the highest average performance. The highest rising trend line and the highest average course vocational knowledge average performance of non-disability students' is a smart learning.
Second, the average grades of course vocational occupational performance ability of mild disability students' is smart learning the highest. smart learning is a rising trend line. Achievement of the item of the entire course vocational work performance capability is higher than the non-disability students' is mild disability students'. Mild disability students' and non-disability students' is different from the highest region is item of the entire course results. However, the lowest region is the same.
Third, the mild disability students' is learning flow average frequency is most often a smart learning. Non-disability students' is learning flow average frequency is the most often a cooperative learning. Mild disability students', the highest trend line in smart learning. Non-disability students' was higher than the trend line of smart learning and cooperate learning. Cognitive learning flow is mild disability students', the average frequency was the most common in smart learning. Non-disability students' is average frequency was the most common from cooperative learning and smart learning integration arbitration. Defining learning flow is mild disability students' is integrated interventions of cooperative learning with smart learning and average frequency was the highest. Non-disability students' is average frequency was the most common in cooperative learning.
Fourth, mild disability students' and non-disability students' is average frequency of language social interaction is most common in cooperative learning. However, mild disability students' and non-disability students', the highest trend line in smart learning. Cognitive language social interaction is a mild disability students', non-disability students' is average frequency is the most common in all smart learning. Defining Language social interaction is a mild disability students', non-disability students' is average frequency is the most common in all cooperative learning.
These results suggest that Kagan’s structure centered cooperative learning, smart learning, and integrated interventions of cooperative learning with smart learning is an effective method in improving career vocational knowledge, work ability, learning flow and language social interaction of students' with mild disability and non-disability.
Alternative Title
The Relative Effect of Kagan’s Structure Centered Cooperative Learning, Smart Learning, and Integrated Interventions of Cooperative Learning with Smart Learning on the Mild Disability Students' Vocational Education
Alternative Author(s)
Yun, Hyeok
조선대학교 대학원
일반대학원 특수교육학과
Awarded Date
Table Of Contents
목 차

Ⅰ. 서론····················································································1
1. 연구의 필요성 및 목적··························································1
2. 연구문제············································································5
3. 용어의 정의········································································6
1) 경도장애 학생·································································6
2) 학습몰입········································································6
3) 언어사회적 상호작용··························································7
4) 스마트러닝······································································7
5) Kagan의 구조중심 협동학습················································8
6) 협동학습과 스마트러닝 통합중재···········································9
7) 진로직업 지식·································································9
8) 진로직업 작업수행능력······················································9

Ⅱ. 이론적 배경·····································································11
1. 경도장애 학생··································································11
1) 학습장애학생의 특성·······················································11
2) 경계선 지적기능학생의 특성·············································14
2. 경도장애 학생의 학습태도··················································17
1) 학습몰입과 언어사회적 상호작용의 정의······························17
2) 수업활동과 학습몰입, 언어사회적 상호작용의 관계·················20
3. 경도장애 학생의 진로직업교육···········································30
1) 진로직업교육의 개념·······················································30
2) 진로직업교육의 유형 및 실제············································35
4. 경도장애 학생을 위한 진로직업교육 방법·····························39
1) Kagan의 구조중심 협동학습··············································39
2) 스마트러닝···································································43
3) 특수교육에서 스마트러닝에 활용 가능한 수업 모형·················45
4) 스마트러닝과 협동학습의 통합 활용····································47

Ⅲ. 연구방법···········································································50
1. 연구참여자········································································50
1) 경도장애 학생································································50
2) 비장애 학생···································································52
3) 연구참여 교사································································53
2. 연구설계···········································································54
1) 기초선··········································································56
2) 교대증재·······································································57
3) 일반화··········································································60
3. 독립변인···········································································60
1) Kagan의 구조중심 협동학습 중재········································61
2) 스마트러닝 중재·····························································64
3) 협동학습과 스마트러닝 통합중재·········································66
4) 기초선 중재···································································69
5) 교수학습 프로그램의 사회적 타당도·····································70
6) 중재충실도····································································71
4. 종속변인···········································································73
1) 진로직업 지식································································74
2) 진로직업 작업수행능력······················································75
3) 학습몰입·······································································76
4) 학습자간 언어사회적 상호작용············································76
5) 종속변인 측정도구의 사회적 타당도·····································77
5. 자료수집 및 분석·······························································78
1) 관찰 및 측정방법·····························································78
2) 자료 분석······································································78
3) 관찰자 훈련···································································78
4) 관찰자 신뢰도································································80
6. 연구기간 및 장소·······························································81
1) 연구기간······································································81
2) 연구장소······································································81

Ⅳ. 연구결과···········································································82
1. 진로직업 지식에 미치는 영향··············································82
2. 진로직업 작업수행능력에 미치는 영향··································85
1) 교수학습 유형에 따른 경도장애 학생의 작업수행능력 성취도·····85
2) 경도장애 및 비장애 학생의 진로직업 작업수행능력의 성취도 비교··88
3. 학습몰입에 미치는 영향······················································90
1) 전체 학습몰입에 미치는 영향············································90
2) 인지적 학습몰입에 미치는 영향·········································93
3) 정의적 학습몰입에 미치는 영향··········································95
4. 언어사회적 상호작용에 미치는 영향·····································97
1) 전체 언어사회적 상호작용에 미치는 영향·····························97
2) 인지적 측면의 언어사회적 상호작용에 미치는 영향·················101
3) 정의적 측면의 언어사회적 상호작용에 미치는 영향·················103

Ⅴ. 논의··················································································106
1. 진로직업 지식 성취도에 미치는 영향···································106
2. 진로직업 작업수행능력 성취도에 미치는 영향·······················109
3. 학습몰입에 미치는 영향·····················································112
4. 언어사회적 상호작용에 미치는 영향······························ ·······117

Ⅵ. 결론 및 제언···································································122
1. 결론···············································································122
2. 제한점············································································123
3. 제언···············································································124

【부 록】·········································································144
조선대학교 대학원
윤혁. (2016). Kagan의 구조중심 협동학습, 스마트러닝, 협동학습과 스마트러닝 통합중재가 경도장애 학생의 진로직업교육에 미치는 상대적 효과.
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