이집트의 콥트 문화에 대한 연구

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A Study on the Coptic Culture in Egypt

- Focused on the Coptic History, Languages and Perspective -

Kim Kyoung Ok
Advisor : Prof. Song Kyung-Keun, Ph.D.
Department of Local Culture Studies
Graduate School of Chosun University

The Mediterranean Sea connected various cultures throughout West Asia, North Africa, and Southern Europe during the Greco-Roman Empire era. Egypt played a central role in Mediterranean Sea culture. It is located in the center of world trade, transportation between East and West, tourism and academia. The majority of Christian Egyptians have lived near the banks of the Nile River since the first century.
The purpose of this study is to research how Copts have used the Coptic language during the Greco-Roman Empire era, what role the Coptic language played for Copts in Arabic Islam societies historically, and what the prospects for Copts and the Coptic language will be in the 21st century.
Coptic ancestors in pursuit of the resurrection built pyramids. Old Egyptians had close relationships with Jews. Moses who was born and grown up in Egypt wrote the pentateuch of the old testament. And in the Bible, Isaiah's prophecy that Copts accepted is written about the two pillars in Egypt as the symbols of churches and monasteries. Since the first century, Coptic popes have been elected by Copts for Coptic community from generations to generations. Bishop Tawadros was chosen as the 118th Pope of the Coptic Orthodox Church in 2012.
Copts are the people who have an excellent ability to speak fluently in their own language Egyptian Hieroglyphics from their ancestors and Greek. The English name Egypt is derived from the ancient Greek Aigyptos. They made 31 Coptic letters added together with 24 Greek alphabets and 7 Hieroglyphics for expressing fully their ideas in their religious life. In 1822 Champollion, a French, figured out the meaning of Hieroglyphics how to read and understand on the Rosetta Stone which was written on a royal decree from 196 B.C..
The Egyptian Christians are referred to as Copts and use the Coptic language for their religion and social life. Their language and culture reflect their forward-looking, creative, and flourishing spirit during the Roman and Byzantine Empire eras. They were bilingual people who fluently spoke and wrote the Greek and Coptic languages. They were the first to translate Mark's Gospel from Greek to Coptic and also translated the Old and New Testaments.
Islam arrived in the 7th century and Egypt emerged as a center of politics and culture in the Muslim world. Copts have been bilingual enough to communicate amongst themselves in the Coptic language and with Muslims in the Arabic language. The Coptic language remained the language of the land, but the Arabic language became the formal and official language of social life. Even now, the Coptic language continues to be the liturgical language in the Coptic Churches. Yet Copts have to speak Arabic in daily life. Copts living with muslims created the Egyptian speaking Arabic language just like making Coptic language from Greek with Hieroglyphics. They have been bilingual people in Islam world as well as Greco-Roman Empire era.
Arabic along with Chinese, English, French, Russian, and Spanish is one of the six official languages in the United Nations. Arabic is only spoken in the Arab world. However, there are two languages that co-existed with Modern Standard Arabic and spoken Arabic. The most popular spoken language in the Arab world is Egyptian Arabic, because Egypt is the leading country among Arab countries in culture.
The Coptic language is the main symbol for the Coptic religious life in their community. Although Coptic Christians speak Arabic with each other to express their opinions, feelings and culture, they also want the Coptic language more involved in formal education programs.
Until the Fatima dynasty, there were many more Copts than Muslims in Egypt. However, The population of Muslims had increased during the several Crusades. Tens of thousands of Copts were converted Islam. Coptic Christianity became the ethnic minority at about 10% of the population. It was very important for the Coptic community to keep surviving within Islamic society as Christians, attending churches in peace. That's why they thought the Pope's leadership was so important for their future generations. For example, when they found that the 115th Pope was indecisive, they sent him to a monastery. They elected three bishops to perform the Pope's role as a triumvirate. Another example is when some terrorists made a sudden attack on al-Kusheh village in 2000. Owing to the act of terror, many Coptic Christians were killed, and much of their properties were damaged. Despite this tragic outbreak of violence, the village community wanted to live in peace with their neighboring Muslims and agreed to call their village 'Village of Peace'. The Mubarak government issued a decree that declared January 7, Coptic Christmas, a national holiday in Egypt (al-Ahram Weekly 2003).
There are many documents such as St. Mark's gospel and Nag Hammadi Library written in Coptic language in museums, Coptic churches, and religious houses in Egypt. However, some Copts are moving to live in foreign countries especially America or Canada to avoid the Arab terrorists attacked. They have built new Coptic churches in settled areas and teach their children the Coptic language there. America and Canada are belonging to Pacific culture areas as well as Transatlantic culture areas. In East Asia of Pacific culture areas, there are also some countries where christian people are living. Christians want to know more about the Coptic documents regarding the early christians' records and want them to be translated into their own languages from Coptic language. Therefore more researches are required to further understand about Copts and Coptic language of Coptic culture in Coptic societies.
Alternative Title
A Study on the Coptic Culture in Egypt
Alternative Author(s)
Kim Kyoung Ok
일반대학원 국제문화학과
송 경 근
Awarded Date
Table Of Contents
목 차

표 목차 .............................................. iv
ABSTRACT .............................................. v

제1장 서 론 .............................................. 1

제2장 이집트 기독교도 콥트의 성장과 콥트어 ........ 5
제1절 지중해 문화권에 속한 이집트의 역사 ............... 5
1. 고대 이집트 시대 : 파라오 왕조 시대 ............... 5
가. 유대인 유입
나. 고대 이집트어
2. 그리스· 로마 · 비잔틴 시대 ................ 8
가. 프톨레마이오스왕조 시대 : 그리스 마케도니아 시대
나. 로마제국 시대
다. 비잔틴제국 시대
제2절 콥트의 두 기둥 : 콥트교회와 수도원 제도 ....... 12
1. 콥트교회와 콥트교황 .......13
가. 콥트교회
나. 콥트교회와 교황의 활약
2. 수도원 설립과 수도원 제도 .............. 22
가. 세계 최초의 수도원
나. 수도원 제도
제3절 콥트어 생성과 활용 ......................... 25
1. 콥트어의 생성 ......................... 26
2. 콥트어의 활용 ......................... 27

제3장 이슬람 사회 속의 이집트 콥트 ................ 32
제1절 콥트의 이슬람 사회 적응 시도 ................ 32
제2절 이슬람 제국의 시작 ............... 35
1. 무함마드와 이슬람 공동체, 움마 ................ 35
2. 코란의 가르침 ................ 37
제3절 콥트와 이슬람 신앙의 정체성 비교 ............ 39
제4절 이슬람 지배 왕조 속의 콥트의 언어 ................ 45
1. 이슬람 왕조와 콥트의 언어 ................. 45
2. 아랍어의 세계화와 콥트의 언어 ................. 48
제5절 콥트의 다수가 무슬림으로 .. ............... 51
1. 십자군 전쟁의 영향 ................. 52
2. 무슬림의 세계와 소수의 콥트 ............... 54
3. 쿠쉐, 테러마을을 평화마을로 ................ 58
4. 크리스마스를 이집트 국경일로 ............... 61

제4장 콥트 공동체의 상황과 전망 ................ 64
제1절 콥트 공동체의 변화 ................. 64
1. 제115대 교황과 콥트의 삼두정치, 그리고 제116대 교황 ....65
2. 제117대 쉐누다 교황의 업적과 콥트의 해외이주 시작 .....67
3. 제118대 타와드로스 교황과 정권교체 ....71
제2절 현재의 콥트의 언어와 상황 ......................... 73
1. 이집트 아랍어 방언 .......................... 74
2. 콥트의 신앙생활과 최근의 상황 및 전망 .................... 75
가. 콥트교회와 수도원에서
나. 해외의 콥트교회에서
다. 21세기, 콥트와 콥트어에 대한 기대

제5장 결 론 ...............................81

참고 문헌 .............................. 86

표 목차

도표1. 고대 이집트 - 콥트교회 교황 ............................... 30
도표2. 유대교, 콥트 기독교, 이슬람 ................................ 39
도표3. 이집트의 콥트 교황 ................................ 44
도표4. 콥트의 수도생활 일과표 ................................ 76
김경옥. (2014). 이집트의 콥트 문화에 대한 연구.
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