직장인의 근무형태와 직무스트레스가 카페인 섭취에 미치는 영향
- Author(s)
- 임지숙
- Issued Date
- 2014
- Abstract
- This study investigated general environmental factors, physical activities, the prevalence rates of chronic diseases, the current status of caffeine intake, eating habits, and occupational stress, targeting 361 employees of K manufacturing company located in Gwangsan-Gu, Gwangju. Based on the results, the characteristics according to type of work and occupational stress, the distribution of the prevalence rate of chronic diseases, and characteristics according to caffeine intake, eating habits and occupational stress were compared and analysed.
The mean age of the subjects were 46.8±6.4, for work types there were four teams and three shifts, the working period was over 10 years, and they were overweight. Their health conditions were normal, they hardly engaged in physical activity and more than 60% of subjects drank and smoked. As for the prevalence rates of chronic diseases, 13.3% had hypertension, 4.4% had diabetes, 5.8% had gastroenteric diseases, and 33.2% had dyslipidemia. They drank 47.3% of the daily maximum recommended caffeine, and their eating habits were bad. Occupational stress was categorized into duty requirements, reward inappropriateness, occupational autonomy, and the organizational control system, and out of the total score of 72.7±6.8, stress caused by the organizational control system was the highest at 21.9±3.3. With respect to the prevalence rates for chronic diseases according to work types, the prevalence rates of hypertension and gastroentric diseases were highest in employees involved in manufacturing, and dyslipidemia was more common in office workers. Instant coffee and green tea were the main sources for caffeine intake in office employees while vending machine coffee, canned coffee and a drink named Bacchus were enjoyed by manufacturing employees working at night. The intake amount was 51.3% of daily recommended maximum for caffeine with the manufacturing employees. Occupational stress was highest in office employees (P=0.001), and their eating habits were the worst. According to stress degrees, factors according to occupational stress were divided into four (Q1: the least, Q2: little, Q3: much, Q4: the most) and analysed. Those in Q1 which had the least stress were manufacturing employees working at night, and they also had the most physical activity(P=0.004). Those in Q4 which had the most stress were office employees (P=0.001). The caffeine intake for those in Q4 was 53.6% of the daily recommended maximum (P=0.034), their sleeping hours were insufficient (P=0.023), they had increased reaction to caffeine (P=0.045), and bad eating habits.
As a result, the caffeine intake of the subjects was below the daily recommended maximum, but when they drank one or more cans of high-caffeine energy drink or had caffeine mixed with alcohol, they had more than the recommended daily maximum. So, it is suggested that their intake should continue to be observed and ongoing nutrition counselling for industrial employees should be put in place for consistent management.
- Alternative Title
- Effect of Working Pattern and Job Stress on CaffeineIntake of Employees
- Alternative Author(s)
- Yim, Ji Suk
- Affiliation
- 조선대학교 식품영양학과
- Department
- 일반대학원 식품영양학과
- Advisor
- 이재준
- Awarded Date
- 2014-08
- Table Of Contents
제1장 서 론 1
제2장 연구 내용 및 방법 5
제1절 연구 대상 및 조사 기간 5
제2절 연구 내용 및 방법 6
1. 일반 환경요인 조사 6
2. 신체계측 조사 6
3. 건강행태 조사 6
4. 카페인 섭취 관련 식행동 조사 7
가. 카페인 지식 및 효과 조사 7
나. 카페인 섭취 빈도 조사 7
다. 카페인 섭취량 조사 8
5. 식습관 조사 9
6. 직무스트레스 조사 9
제3절 자료 분석 10
제3장 연구결과 및 고찰 11
제1절 연구 대상자의 특성 11
1. 일반 환경요인 11
2. 신체계측치 및 건강행태 조사 13
3. 만성질환 유병률 17
4. 카페인 섭취 조사 20
5. 식습관 조사 27
6. 직무스트레스 조사 29
제2절 근무형태별 제요인 특성 비교 33
1. 건강행태 요인 특성 비교 33
2. 만성질환 유병률에 따른 특성 비교 38
3. 카페인 섭취에 따른 특성 비교 42
4. 식습관 특성 비교 48
5. 직무스트레스 특성 비교 50
제3절 직무스트레스 정도에 따른 제요인 분석 55
1. 스트레스 정도에 따른 건강행태 분석 57
2. 스트레스 정도에 따른 만성질환 유병률 분포 60
3. 스트레스 정도에 따른 카페인 섭취 행태 분석 63
4. 스트레스 정도에 따른 식습관 요인 분석 68
제4장 요약 및 결론 70
참 고 문 헌 74
부 록(설문지) 82
- Degree
- Master
- Publisher
- 조선대학교 대학원
- Citation
- 임지숙. (2014). 직장인의 근무형태와 직무스트레스가 카페인 섭취에 미치는 영향.
- Type
- Dissertation
- https://oak.chosun.ac.kr/handle/2020.oak/12314
Appears in Collections:
- General Graduate School > 3. Theses(Master)
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- Embargo2014-08-26
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