가정소설에 나타난 음모양상 연구

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In general, domestic novels are defined as those which describe human affairs occurring at home. With such a meaning, the base of domestic novels is the home. A home where family members gather is a fundamental living space for people and the starting point of human society.
Therefore, to look into a home is to see a cross side of human life, through which we can draw an axis of human affairs at that time. A domestic novel is a branch of ancient novels which attempt diverse discourses on humans and the world including all aspects of human affairs as well as insignificant things in human lives.
This study examined the concept, types and backgrounds of domestic novels, and the meaning in novel history by extracting 'aspects of conspiracy' from domestic novels. The literary value of conspiracy in domestic novels influenced the basis of this study. That is, types of evil women were not actively created in past ancient novels.
However, the active appearance of different types of evil women in domestic novels should be seriously dealt with in the history of novels. It was discovered that the appearance of evil women was highlighted through 'conspiracy.' That there was no significant results of the conspiracy was an important motive for this study.
In addition, that domestic novels are based on the cultural background of social and the cultural background of the time, and that they began as social products of the time, are main reasons why this study selected domestic novels as texts for study.
Therefore, this study defined conspiracy as devising a wicked design with a certain purpose of putting opponents into a crisis or driving them out, and focused on the meaning of the texts with diverse aspects of conspiracy and the conspiracy as the base.
With a focus on such a viewpoint, the main content of each chapter in this paper is outlined as follows:
Chapter Ⅱ described the concepts and types of domestic novels.
Chapter Ⅲ divided into the background of domestic novels into the social and cultural background and the literary background. Domestic novels are realistic as the conspiracy dissolved in the texts is a mean of reality.
This study extracted actual examples of conspiracy in 'Joseon Wangjo Silrok' along with confucian and institutional justification as a background of inference.
Why domestic novels could induce explosive popularity with readers of the late Joseon period was looked into through a literary background.
Chapter Ⅳ examined the aspects of conspiracy centering on eight texts which were categorized as domestic novels. It was intended to understand by whom and why conspiracy developed, what aspects of the conspiracy are developed and what the solution is.
Then the characteristics of domestic novels and their meaning in the history of novels were inferred. First, it was discovered that domestic novels are a mirror of the time in that conspiracy existed at the peak of conflicts in domestic novels and through the conspiracy, the opposing structures of good and evil were consolidated, the immersion of the readers increased and the aspects of conspiracy became more realistic.
Second is the relationship between the position of women who appeared as a common denominator in novels and domestic novels.
Third, it was discovered that domestic novels projected the ideologies of the time including affection, jealously and the struggle for money, the desire for raising one's status, and family awareness, dealing with discourses on huge communities.
Also, four implications in the history of domestic novels located with such viewpoints were discovered according to their type.
First, unconditional sacrifice which was forced on women at that time, that is, filial piety and chastity, was a structural problem of the system of society and many virtuous women had to be produced.
Second, there was a problem in the social system at that time as a base of such conspiracy, but the ignorance of husbands who were disinterested in a home family could be a serious factor.
Third, there was the self-consciousness burgeoned from women who were forced to obey the system in the closed society of Joseon.
Finally, the patriarchical order expressed in stories of women in domestic novels was dismantled.
Alternative Title
A Study on Aspect of plot in Korean domestic novel
Alternative Author(s)
Han Jing
일반대학원 국문학
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Table Of Contents
목 차


Ⅰ. 서론
1. 연구목적 및 연구방법
2. 연구사 검토

Ⅱ. 가정소설의 개념과 음모
1. 가정소설의 개념과 유형
2. 왜 음모인가

Ⅲ. 가정소설의 형성배경
1. 사회문화적 배경
2. 문학적 배경

Ⅳ. 음모의 양상
1. 애정결핍과 편애에 따른 친자식 살해
2. 편애와 소외감에 따른 임신(낙태)조작
3. 무조건적인 정절의식에 따른 간부위장
4. 질투와 시기지심에 따른 독극물 투약
5. 신분상승과 애정욕구에 따른 살인청부
6. 재산과 권세욕에 따른 납치와 저주위조

Ⅴ. 음모양상을 통해서 본 소설사적 함의
1. 열녀되기를 강요하는 사회체제에 대한 비판
2. 독선적이고 가정에 무관심한 남편(아버지) 고발
3. 개인 욕망과 자아의식에 눈뜨는 여성
4. 기존 질서와 가부장제에 대한 세대교체론 인식

Ⅵ. 결 론

조선대학교 대학원
한청. (2014). 가정소설에 나타난 음모양상 연구.
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General Graduate School > 4. Theses(Ph.D)
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