체형분류에 따른 중년여성의 생활습관, 건강관련 체력 및 심혈관질환요인 분석
- Author(s)
- 유승권
- Issued Date
- 2014
- Abstract
- The purpose of this study is to analyze lifestyle, health-related physical fitness, and cardiovascular disease in middle-aged women to help them enjoy healthy life. For this, a lifestyle questionnaire and tests for health-related physical fitness and cardiovascular factors were conducted with 326 middle-aged women in their forties and fifties residing in Gwangju Metropolitan City, Jeollanam-do, and Jeollabuk-do. The results are as follows.
1. For comparison of lifestyle by somatotype classification, the mesoderm group was high in all exercise, daily, and dietary lifestyle and in all muscle strength, muscular endurance, flexibility, and cardiovascular endurance. For comparison of cardiovascular diseases, the endoderm group was high in SBP(heart rate), glucose, and total cholesterol; the ectoderm group was high in obesity%, WHR, BMI, and HDL-cholesterol; and the mesoderm group was high in HR, FVC, DBP(heart rate), and HDL-cholesterol.
2. For comparison of lifestyle by age, exercise and daily lifestyle were high in the 50's and muscle strength, muscular endurance, and cardiovascular endurance was high in the 40's but flexibility was high in the 50's. The 40's group was high in FVC, BMI, and HDL-cholesterol and the 50's group was high in obesity%, HR, WHR, SBP and DBP(heart rate), triglyceride, glucose, LDL-cholesterol, and total cholesterol.
3. For the analysis of the correlation between lifestyle and measured variables, exercise lifestyle had a negative correlation with WHR (cardiovascular factor); daily lifestyle had a positive correlation with muscular endurance(health-related physical fitness); and dietary lifestyle had a negative correlation with cardiovascular factor, BMI, and SBP(heart rate) but a positive correlation with total cholesterol. Muscle strength (health related physical fitness) had a positive correlation with FVC and glucose(cardiovascular factor) and triglyceride and muscular endurance had a negative correlation with degree of obesity, HR, WHR, BMI, SBP, DBP, triglyceride, glucose, LDL-cholesterol, and total cholesterol but a positive correlation with HDL-cholesterol. Also, flexibility had a negative correlation with BMI, DBP, and glucose(cadiovascular factor) but a positive correlation with HDL-cholesterol. Cardiovascular endurance had a negative correlation with degree of obesity, HR, WHR, BMI, SBP, triglyceride, glucose, LDL-cholesterol, and total cholesterol(cardiovascular factor) but a positive correlation with FVC and HDL-cholesterol.
4. For sub-factors of lifestyle, exercise lifestyle had a positive effect but daily lifestyle had a negative effect according to somatotype classification. For sub-factors of health-related physical fitness, muscle strength and flexibility had a positive effect but muscular endurance had a negative effect. For sub-factors of cardiovascular factor, Obesity% and Total cholesterol had a positive effect but WHR, BMI, triglyceride, HDL-cholesterol, and LDL-cholesterol had a negative effect.
Based on the results, exercise lifestyle played a positive role and wrong lifestyle played a negative role in changes in somatotype and health-related physical fitness also had effects on changes in somatotype. Moreover, a somatotype had a positive effect on obesity-related factors of cardiovascular diseases but had a negative effect on factors helpful for obesity improvement. Steady physical activity and somatotype management will improve lifestyle, health-related physical fitness, and cardiovascular diseases and has a positive effect on healthy life and the improvement of quality of life in middle-aged women.
- Alternative Title
- The Analyses of Lifestyle, Health-Related Physical Fitness and Cardiovascular Disease factors Based on the Somatotype in Middle Aged Woman
- Alternative Author(s)
- Yoo, Seung Kwon
- Department
- 일반대학원 체육학과
- Advisor
- 안용덕
- Awarded Date
- 2014-02
- Table Of Contents
I. 서 론 1
A. 연구의 필요성 1
B. 연구의 목적 6
C. 연구의 가설 6
D. 연구의 모형 7
E. 연구의 제한점 7
Ⅱ. 이론적 배경 8
A. 체형분류 8
B. 중년여성과 건강 15
C. 생활습관 16
D. 건강관련 체력 22
E. 심혈관질환 25
Ⅲ. 연구방법 29
A. 연구대상 29
B. 측정항목 및 방법 30
C. 측정도구 36
D. 생활습관 설문지의 타당도 및 신뢰도 37
E. 자료처리방법 39
Ⅳ. 연구결과 40
A. 체형별 생활습관, 건강관련 체력, 심혈관질환요인 비교 분석 40
1. 체형별 생활습관 비교 40
2. 체형별 건강관련 체력 비교 41
3. 체형별 심혈관질환요인 비교 43
B. 연령별 생활습관, 건강관련 체력, 심혈관질환요인 비교 분석 47
1. 연령별 생활습관 비교 47
2. 연령별 건강관련 체력 비교 48
3. 연령별 심혈관질환요인 비교 49
C. 생활습관, 건강관련 체력, 심혈관질환요인 간 상관관계 분석 52
D. 체형분류에 따른 생활습관, 건강관련 체력, 심혈관질환요인 간 영향력 56
1. 체형분류에 따른 생활습관 회귀분석 56
2. 체형분류에 따른 건강관련 체력 회귀분석 57
3. 체형분류에 따른 심혈관질환요인 회귀분석 58
4. 체형분류에 따른 생활습관, 건강관련 체력 및 심혈관질환요인
예측변인 추정 60
Ⅴ. 논의 62
A. 체형별 생활습관, 건강관련 체력, 심혈관질환요인 비교 62
B. 연령별 생활습관, 건강관련 체력, 심혈관질환요인 비교 65
C. 생활습관, 건강관련 체력, 심혈관질환요인간 상관관계 69
D. 체형분류에 따른 생활습관, 건강관련 체력 및 심혈관질요인 간 영향력 72
Ⅵ. 결론 74
참고문헌 76
부록(설문지) 96
- Degree
- Doctor
- Publisher
- 조선대학교 대학원
- Citation
- 유승권. (2014). 체형분류에 따른 중년여성의 생활습관, 건강관련 체력 및 심혈관질환요인 분석.
- Type
- Dissertation
- https://oak.chosun.ac.kr/handle/2020.oak/12187
Appears in Collections:
- General Graduate School > 4. Theses(Ph.D)
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