코스닥 신규상장 기업의 재무위험 지수가 상장폐지에 미치는 영향

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Companies listed in KOSDAQ have high technology but the possibilities for success of business are low. The insolvent companies cause extensive damages not only to the interested parties of the companies, but also to the national economy. The inefficient use of the assets, which causes lowered profitability, stability and activeness, may bring about a company's insolvency.
The purpose of this study is to develop and to applicate falling prediction model of KOSDAQ firms using logistic regression analysis. And the prediction of the insolvent companies would be a huge contribution to reduce or to prevent the extensive damages.
Therefore, the bankruptcy could be predicted by applying a uniquely combined K-Score model, which has log(total asset), log(sales/total asset), retained earnings/total asset, and debt ratio as its factors, to the logistic regression.
This study is to examine the relationship between the Corporate insolvency prediction index(K-Score) and delisting of initial public offerings(IPO) firms in KOSDAQ.
This study shows the empirical results through statistical descriptive statistics, coefficient of correlation, mean difference analysis and the multiple regression tables.
The test sample consists of 1,077 firm-year data, selected from the KOSDAQ listed companies of the fiscal year during 1996-2012.
This study verified the hypothese as follows;
1) K-Score lower may be delisted.
To test the hypotheses, the models include Corporate insolvency prediction index(K-Score) for the proxies of financial healthiness as the main dependant variables. The test models contains other control variables such as firm size(SIZE), debt ratio(DEBT), block-holders(BLOK), history of engaging career(LONG) and big auditors(BIG).
The results of this study are summarized
Firstly, there are likely to be delisted company which K-score is negative.
Secondly, the main result of the research is that while the insolvent prediction model developed through orporate insolvency prediction index(K-Score) is simple, it appears to have a high prediction ratio.
Lastly, so it could be expected to be well-generalized and easily used in predicting a company's insolvency.
Alternative Title
The Effects of the Index of Financial Risks on Delisting in KOSDAQ-IPO Firms
Alternative Author(s)
Jang, Hyun Sub
조선대학교 일반대학원 회계학과
일반대학원 회계학과
Table Of Contents
제1장 서론 1
제2장 코스닥시장의 이론적 배경 2
제1절 코스닥시장의 특징 2
제2절 코스닥시장 상장시 혜택 2
1. 세제상의 혜택 2
2. 자금능력조달 증대 3
3. 기업홍보효과 및 공신력 증대 4
4. 기타효과 4
제3절 코스닥시장의 상장요건 5
제4절 코스닥시장 퇴출(상장폐지)요건 7
제5절 코스닥시장 상장폐지 절차 9
제6절 코스닥시장 퇴출 현황 10
제3장 기업부실의 의의 및 선행연구의 검토 12
제1절 기업부실의 의의 12
1. 기업부실 예측의 의의와 중요성 12
2. 부실기업에 대한 정의 12
3. 기업부실의 원인 13
4. 부실기업 처리제도 14
5. 기업부실의 예측방법 16
제2절 상장폐지 관련 선행연구 17
제3절 기업부실예측 관련 선행연구 20
제4장 연구의 설계 26
제1절 가설의 설정 26
제2절 가설 검증모형의 설계 27
제3절 표본의 선정 31
제5장 실증분석 결과 33
제1절 기술통계량 33
제2절 상관분석 35
제3절 평균차이분석 37
제4절 다중회귀분석 결과 39
제6장 연구결과 및 한계점 43
조선대학교 대학원
장현섭. (2014). 코스닥 신규상장 기업의 재무위험 지수가 상장폐지에 미치는 영향.
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General Graduate School > 3. Theses(Master)
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