중탄소강과 스테인리스강의 Nd:YAG 레이저 이종용접에서 입열량 변화에 따른 용접특성 연구
- Author(s)
- 이현중
- Issued Date
- 2014
- Abstract
A Study on Nd:YAG Laser Dissimilar Metals Welding of midium carbon steel and stainless steel of Characteristics on Heat input Changing
By Lee, Hyun-Jung
Advisor : Prof. Yoo, Young-Tae, Ph. D.
Dept. Advanced Parts & Materials Engineering.
Graduate School of Chosun University.
One of the traditional manufacturing in the automotive industry and green shoes and a smart painter has turned into a mega-trends. The green car in the car is not only reducing emissions via weight reduction in the manufacturing process, green fired. Emissions reduction for fuel efficient cars in order to develop high-strength light-weight material, even with a lot of research for developing underway.
In the manufacturing process of the CO2 gas processing technology without exhaust heat exhaustion I am interested in the manufacturing process to minimize focused. Lightweight material aspects provides a variety of features that represents a lot of the material is being developed, but got in trouble in the auto parts industry raw sexuality with much difficulty. The traditional way to process auto parts casting, forging, heat treatment, welding, etc. However, these processing methods are much heat or CO2 emission is affecting global warming. For this reason, in this study, comparing the traditional manufacturing process and relatively high temperature of exhaust gas heat and CO2 laser welding processing without wanting to.
SM45C of carbon steel and austenitic stainless steel type 304 S T S, butt weld. Butt weld bead width is altered the process variables of rain, heat input, metallurgical analysis, tensile strength characteristics got the following conclusions by analyzing.
SM45C and S T S if the butt welding of 304 to DMW mouth heterogeneous calories, 0.5 m/m laser beam transfer speed is one of the most mouth n i, a figure of high calories. This experiment in the bead width ratio is S T S 304 m/m laser beam feed rate 1.5 i n SM45C is the most highly when it came out, the laser beam feed speed 0.5 m/m i n, when the DMW is transported to the laser beam is 1.3 m/m i n was the highest levels when it appeared. SM45C and S T S if a heterogeneous welded 304, butt bead STS304 why call attention towards Fe (melting temperature: 1535 ° c) with lots of SM45C and Ni (melting temperature: 1445 c) suffered a lot of S T S 304 for calories greatly when compared with big Ni element usage (specific gravity: 8.9) is a relatively small proportion of Fe element in S T S 304 pushes towards. Lee Jong-welding one Psalm beaker's hardness is transferred to the laser beam width direction, depth, direction, all speed 1.5 m/m i n was the highest levels when it appeared. SM45C and S T S 304 that the Psalms heterogeneous welded butt tensile strength as a result of the experiment, the laser beam transfer rate is 0.9 m/m i n is the highest when the results came out. SM45C and S T S if a heterogeneous welded bead width 304, butt, mouth calories, tensile strength, and when the result of the hardness to synthesize the non-Hitchhikers laser beam transfer rate is 0.9 m/m i n the optimal process conditions.
- Alternative Title
- A Study on Nd:YAG Laser Dissimilar Metals Welding of midium carbon steel and stainless steel of Characteristics on Heat input Changing
- Alternative Author(s)
- Lee, Hyun-Jung
- Department
- 일반대학원 첨단부품소재공학과
- Advisor
- 유영태
- Table Of Contents
- 목 차
제 1 장 서 론
1.1 연구배경 1
1.2 연구동향 6
1.3 연구목적 10
제 2 장 레이저빔 용접 원리
제 3 장 실험방법 및 기기
3.1 실험기기 및 실험재료 15
3.1.1 실험기기 15
3.1.2 실험 재료 특성 19
3.2 실험방법
3.2.1 Bead On Plate(BOP)실험방법 21
3.2.2 이종용접 실험방법 23
3.3 실험분석 장치 및 방법
3.3.1 실험시험편 제작 24
3.3.2 용접분석용 시편 제작 27
3.3.3 시편마운팅 30
3.3.4 광택연마 32
3.3.5 에칭 34
3.3.6 조직분석 35
3.3.7 마이크로 비이커스 경도 시험 37
3.3.8 인장시험 39
제 4 장 결과 및 고찰
4.1 BOP 용접에서 입열량 변화에 따른 용접특성 42
4.1.1 SM45C 42
4.1.2 STS304 47
4.1.3 이종용접에서 입열량 변화에 따른 용접특성 53
4.1.4 입열량 변화에 따른 이종용접조직 특성 60
4.2 입열량 변화에 따른 경도분포
4.2.1 SM45C 61
4.2.2 STS304 67
4.2.3 이종용접 70
4.2.4 이종용접에서 입열량 변화에 따른 용접특성 53
4.2.5 이종용접에서 입열량 변화에 따른 용접특성 53
4.2.6 이종용접에서 입열량 변화에 따른 용접특성 53
4.3 입열량 변화에 따른 인장강도 74
제 4 장 결 론 75
Reference 77
Table 1 스테인리스의 강종별 재질특성 5
Table 2 Recent research of Laser Dissimilar Metals Welding 9
Table 3 Schematic diagram and photo of the experimental apparatus 17
Table 4 Mechanical and physical properties of STS304 and SM45C 19
Table. 5 Chemical composition of STS304 and SM45C 20
Table. 6 Experimental conditions 20
Fig. 1 스테인리스강의 화학성분 및 금속조직에 따른 분류 4
Fig. 2 CW 2kW Nd:YAG Laser 16
Fig. 3 CW 2kW Nd:YAG Laser 17
Fig. 4 Schematic diagram and photo of the experimental apparatus 18
Fig. 5 SM45C 25
Fig. 6 STS304 26
Fig. 7 다이아몬드 컷팅기 28
Fig. 8 BUEHLER사의 Cutting Fliid 29
Fig. 9 핫 마운팅 프레스 31
Fig. 10 핫 마운팅 가공된 시편 31
Fig. 11 자동 연마기 33
Fig. 12 광소재용 미세 분석 시스템 36
Fig. 13 마이크로 비이커스 경도계 38
Fig. 14 Tensile test Specimens 39
Fig. 15 규격에 맞게 가공된 인장시험 시편 40
Fig. 16 Tensile test Experiment Equipment of Lap-Joint Welding 41
Fig. 17 Bead on plate Welding of SM45C Bead 43
Fig. 18 Welding cross-sectional area to variation of welding process
parameters 44
Fig. 19 Influence of Welding speed on the Heat input 45
Fig. 20 Influence of Welding speed on the width ratio 46
Fig. 21 Bead on plate Welding of STS304 Bead 48
Fig. 22 Welding cross-sectional area to variation of welding process
parameters 49
Fig. 23 Influence of Welding speed on the Heat input 50
Fig. 24 Influence of Welding speed on the Heat input 51
Fig. 25 Bead on plate Welding of DMW Bead 53
Fig. 26 Welding cross-sectional area to variation of welding process
parameters 54
Fig. 27-a Influence of Welding speed on the Heat input 55
Fig. 27-b Influence of Welding speed on the Heat input 56
Fig. 28 With Ratio and Heat input 58
Fig. 29 Welding width Hardness to variation of welding process parameters
Fig. 30 Heat input and Hardness parameters 62
Fig. 31 Heat input and Hardness parameters 64
Fig. 32 Welding width Hardness to variation of welding process parameters
Fig. 33 Welding width Hardness to variation of welding process parameters
Fig. 34 Stress-Strain curve of Laser Welding 70
- Degree
- Master
- Publisher
- 조선대학교
- Citation
- 이현중. (2014). 중탄소강과 스테인리스강의 Nd:YAG 레이저 이종용접에서 입열량 변화에 따른 용접특성 연구.
- Type
- Dissertation
- https://oak.chosun.ac.kr/handle/2020.oak/12138
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