자몽종자 추출물을 첨가한 염지액이 닭가슴살의 산화안정성 및 품질특성에 미치는 영향

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Effects of Curing Agent Added with Grapefruit Seed Extract on the Oxidative Stability and Quality Characteristics of Chicken Breast Meat

by. Kang Su Tae
Advisor : Prof. Lee, Jae Joon, Ph. D.
Department of Food and Nutrition,
Graduate School of Chosun University

This study was carried out to investigate physicochemical components, the antioxidative effect of grapefruit seed extract in vitro, and to evaluate the functional effects of curing agent added with grapefruit seed extract on the quality properties and storage characteristics of chicken breast meat steak.
The proximate compositions of grapefruit seed extract as were 62.89% of moisture content, 9.19% of crude protein, 4.42% of crude fat, 0.08% of crude ash and 23.42% of carbohydrate respectively. The content of vitamin C was 4.38 mg/100 g. The major organic acid were lactic acid, citric acid, succinic acid, formic acid, malic acid and oxalic acid. The major free sugar were glucose, fructose, sucrose, rhamnose, xylose and galactose.
Total polyphenol contents of grapefruit seed extract was 45.06 mg TAE/g. Total flavonoid contents of grapefruit seed extract was 36.06 mg RE/g. The DPPH radical scavenging activity of grapefruit seed extract increased with the increasing levels of grapefruit seed extract. IC50 values of grapefruit seed extract was 333.33 μg/ml.
Chicken breast meat was preblended with different curing agents. The chicken breast meat consisted of six types : no treatment(control, T1), sorbic acid 0.2% + sodium nitrite 70 ppm added (positive control, T2), grapefruit seed extract 0.05% added (T3), grapefruit seed extract 0.1% added (T4), grapefruit seed extract 0.3% added (T5), grapefruit seed extract 0.5% added (T6). Each chicken breast meat types were tested in triplicate and assigned to one of four storage periods: 0, 3, 7 or 10 days. The moisture content was slightly increased as grapefruit seed extract added, but it was no significant difference. Crude protein, crude lipid and crude ash were not significant difference between grapefruit seed extract. The pH and cooking loss of chicken breast meat decreased with the increasing levels of grapefruit seed extract, but the water holding capacity (WHC) was increased with the increasing levels of grapefruit seed extract. For the textural characteristics, the hardeness and chewiness of chicken breast meat containing grapefruit seed extract groups were higher than those of T1 and T2, but it did not affect the springiness and cohesiveness. Hunter's color L (lightness) and a (redness) values significantly increased by addition of grapefruit seed extract, it did not affect the b (yellowness) value. In the sensory evaluation, the addition of 0.1% grapefruit seed extract (T4) had the higher score in flavor and total acceptability. In the subjective evaluation, the addition of 0.05% grapefruit seed extract (T3) had the higher score in appearance and total acceptability. The 2-thiobarbituric acid (TBA), Volatile basic nitrogen (VBN) contents and the total microbial counts significantly increased with longer storage period. The TBA and VBN values of 0.5% grapefruit seed extract added (T6) were significantly decreased compared to the positive control (T2). Total microbial counts of chicken breast meat containing grapefruit seed extract groups (T3, T4, T5, T6) were higher than the positive control (T2), but that lower than control (T1). Therefore, adding grapefruit seed extract to the chicken breast meat meat tended to effective for delaying lipid peroxidation and antimicrobial effects during the cooler storage period
In conclusion, grapefruit seed extract should help to improve shelf life and palability, so this can be applied meat products as a natural antioxidant and functional curing agent.
Alternative Title
Effects of curing agent added with grapefruit seed extract on the oxidative stability and quality characteristics of chicken breast meat
Alternative Author(s)
Kang, Su Tae
일반대학원 식품영양학과
Table Of Contents
목 차



제1장 서 론 1

제2장 재료 및 방법 6
제1절 실험재료 6

제2절 자몽종자 추출물의 이화학적 성분 6
1. 일반성분 분석 6
2. 비타민 C 분석 7
3. 유기산 분석 8
4. 유리당 분석 9

제3절 자몽종자 추출물의 항산화효과 10
1. 총 polyphenol 함량 측정 10
2. 총 flavonoid 함량 측정 10
3. DPPH radical 소거능 측정 11
4. 통계처리 11

제4절 자몽종자 추출물을 첨가한 염지액을 주입한 닭가슴살의 품질특성 및 저장특성 12
1. 실험재료 및 자몽종자 추출물 첨가 닭가슴살 제조 12

2. 자몽종자 추출물 첨가 닭가슴살의 품질특성 16
가. 일반성분 분석 16
나. pH 측정 16
다. 보수력 측정 17
라. 가열감량 측정 17
마. 조직특성 측정 18
바. 색도 측정 18
사. 관능검사 19
아. 주관적 판정 19
3. 자몽종자 추출물 첨가 닭가슴살의 저장특성 20
가. 2-Thiobarbituric acid (TBA) 함량 측정 20
나. Volatile basic nitrogen (VBN) 함량 측정 21
다. 총미생물 수 측정 22
4. 통계처리 22

제3장 실험결과 및 고찰 23
제1절 자몽종자 추출물의 이화학적 성분 23
1. 일반성분 23
2. 비타민 C 25
3. 유기산 27
4. 유리당 29

제2절 자몽종자 추출물의 항산화효과 31
1. 총 polyphenol 함량 31
2. 총 flavonoid 함량 33
3. DPPH radical 소거능 35

제3절 자몽종자 추출물을 첨가한 염지액을 주입한 닭가슴살의 품질특성 및 저장특성 38
1. 자몽종자 추출물 첨가 닭가슴살의 품질특성 38
가. 일반성분 38
나. pH 40
다. 보수력 42
라. 가열감량 44
마. 조직특성 46
바. 육색 49
사. 관능검사 51
아. 주관적 판정 53
2. 자몽종자 추출물 첨가 닭가슴살의 저장특성 55
가. 지질산패도의 변화 55
나. 휘발성 염기태질소 함량 변화 58
다. 총미생물 수 변화 61

제4장 요약 및 결론 64

참 고 문 헌 67
강수태. (2014). 자몽종자 추출물을 첨가한 염지액이 닭가슴살의 산화안정성 및 품질특성에 미치는 영향.
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General Graduate School > 4. Theses(Ph.D)
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