배드민턴 운동을 통한 비만중년여성의 운동처방의 효과

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This study is aimed at reveling how body composition and stamina through badminton exercise program affect the middle-aged women in exercise group and control group for 12 weeks.
An object of study is 24 the middle-aged women that were arranged into random assignment of 12 people each and were sorted into two groups.(exercise group and control group).
All subjects joined in badminton exercise program equally and carried out badminton exercise program in exercise group for 12 weeks. From this result, we carried out Paired t-test for significant difference verification in groups and independent t-test between groups. Level of significance was established with p<05 . Then, we come to the following conclusion.

1. As change of body composition, both exercise group and control group showed significant difference but there was not significant difference of weight and percentage of body fat. Before and after experiment, there was not significant difference of weight and percentage of body fat. between groups.
2. In exercise group, change of body strength after experiment showed more significant difference in muscle endurance, cardiovascular endurance , flexibility of the body, explosive muscular strength, agility than before experiment (p<.05, p<.01) and in control group, there was significant difference in muscle endurance, flexibility of the body, explosive muscular strength statistically.
However, it was thought that measures produced an effect opposite. statistically there was significant difference in muscle strength(left) before experiment, and in agility after experiment between groups. Synthetically, the purpose of this study is aimed at improving physical ability, weight loss and percentage of body fat through badminton exercise effectively but as mentioned above, there was significant difference. Also, it was concluded that there were positive effects in body strength factor.
In the next study, it is thought that if a way to exercise and training sessions are extended and also the diet and life style are improved, there will be positive effects in body composition. From now on, not only basic Information of badminton training method will have to be provided through continuous study but also vigorous experiment and a lot of study will have to be carried out.
Alternative Title
Effects of the Middle-aged Women Obesity on Exercise Prescription Through Exercise Badminton
Alternative Author(s)
Kim, Myung-Ja
일반대학원 체육학과
Table Of Contents
I. 서 론 1
A. 연구의 필요성 1
B. 연구의 목적 2
C. 연구의 가설 3
D. 연구의 제한점 3

Ⅱ. 이론적 배경 4
A. 배드민턴 운동 4
B. 비만 8
1. 유전적요인 8
2. 환경적요인 9
3. 심리적요인 10
C. 신체구성 12
1. 체지방 14
2. 제지방 15
D. 체력 19
1. 근력 21
2. 순발력 22
3. 심폐지구력 22
4. 유연성 23
5. 근지구력 23
6. 민첩성 24
Ⅲ. 연구방법 25
A. 연구대상 25
B. 연구절차 26
C. 측정도구 27
D. 측정항목 및 방법 28
E. 배드민턴운동 프로그램 29
F. 통계처리 30

Ⅳ. 연구결과 31

A. 신체구성의 변화 31
1. 체중의 변화 31
2. 체지방율의 변화 33
B. 체력의 변화 35
1. 근력(우)의 변화 35
2. 근력(좌)의 변화 37
3. 근지구력의 변화 39
4. 심폐지구력의 변화 41
5. 유연성의 변화 43
6. 민첩성의 변화 45
7. 순발력의 변화 47

Ⅴ. 논 의 49

Ⅵ. 결 론 53

김명자. (2014). 배드민턴 운동을 통한 비만중년여성의 운동처방의 효과.
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General Graduate School > 3. Theses(Master)
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