사물의 은유적 표현에 내재된 상징성 연구 (연구자의 작품을 중심으로)

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The Symbolic Meaning in Immanent of Metaphoric Expressional Property

Lee, Hey lee
Advisor : Prof. Kim, Jong-Kyoung
Department of art Graduate School of Chosun University

This research intends to describe symbolization in material's metaphorical expression by focusing on 'blue itinerary' series, this researcher's work. Meaning of material shown in working process is changed because symbolization of the material is different. Form, metaphorical feeling and color imagery of material can be differently interpreted. Thus, this research focused to reflect this researcher's own imagery and reveal symbol and characteristics of color as visual form and eastern painting.
In this research, this researcher could extend symbolization of painting by analyzing this researcher's work and metaphoric and symbolic expressions were abstract and exaggerated to be a property which can change the object. Through the common things of popular image and preference image, this researcher recognized correct daily characteristic of modern society by combining two matters and thought which place ego must be located in social relations. Also, from the aspect of contents, this researcher could consider symbolization of sign and image in modern painting through the study on socialism and realized that it is an important part which will be studied from the academic position in the future. As the result of study on works this researcher has worked until now, formative world of color symbolism and natural image expression could be grasped as follows.
This researcher intends to reveal metaphoric expression and visualizing grounds through the work's identity and story of work. This researcher studied color, symbolization, metaphoric expression, etc. which were studied by the western grounds, from a Korean angle and suggested grounds for mutual effects of colo, symbolization and metaphoric expression by culture and method of story in life. In addition, this researcher intends to recognize visual things and materials of our concept and the essence and reveal theoretically the story that characteristics of work world can be shown differently by including ego, material and mutually different symbolization through the material's metaphoric expression and symbolization.
For the method of this study, the works this researcher has manufactured form 2009 to 2013 were focused.
First, as the result of finding concept of color, color was shared with direct expression of researcher's expression will and imagination. Also, there was a little difference in color's feeling by material characteristics and color made by duplication of several colors is shown by touch when seeing closely, but color emotion was shown if seeing remotely.
Second, this researcher found possibilities of color's emotional expression by considering characteristics of color by focusing on precedent researches. Color has emotion, so association of taste and color, that researcher expresses, can verify synesthetic color and this researcher found expression possibility to painting. Color colored by obang color and ogan color let viewers feel imagery of harmony rather than feeling of tension.
Third, reorganization and transformation were made by researcher's creative will by expressing the object based on the perception by awareness, so they have close relations as formative factors organizing formative screen.
Fourth, this researcher could organize the screen by material's metaphoric expression from a research angle and the blank could be transformed as synesthetic factor of color. In this research, researcher's work world was analyzed so as to insist on painting relations for analyzing researcher's works. Especially, through the main works of this researcher, formative beauty of work was interpreted and analyzed and internal meaning of material could be known after transformation of modern painting form by synesthesia, transformation and symbolization which are accompanied by color emotion from an angle of color symbolization.
Alternative Title
The Symbolic Meaning in Immanent of Metaphoric Expressional Property
Alternative Author(s)
Lee, Hey lee
일반대학원 한국화
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Table Of Contents
목 차

연구자 작품목록 ⅲ
도판목차 ⅳ

제1장 서론 1
제1절 연구의 목적 1
제2절 연구 내용 및 방법 3
제2장 본 론 4
제1절 작품형성배경 4
1. 일상에서의 사물 5
2. 사물의 은유적 상징성 6
제2절 작품내용전개 12
1. 메시지로서의 사물표현 12
2. 공간구성과 심상적 이미지 14
3. 자아표현과 은유적 관점 17
제3절 작품 형식 분석 19
1. 색채의 중첩과 상징 19
2. 사물의 현상표현 28
3. 연구자의 작품설명 30
제3장 결론 45
참고문헌 47
이혜리. (2013). 사물의 은유적 표현에 내재된 상징성 연구 (연구자의 작품을 중심으로).
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General Graduate School > 3. Theses(Master)
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