한국 해산 옆새우류 (갑각강, 단각목)의 분류 및 개체군 동태

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옆새우, 분류, 개체군동태
본 연구는 한국 해산 옆새우류의 형태분류 및 개체군 동태에 대한 내용들을 다루었다. 분류학적 연구는 1999년 4월부터 2012년 6월까지 한국 해안의 51개 정점에서 채집된 표본들을 바탕으로 수행되었으며, 그 결과 14종의 신종후보[Polycheria sp. nov., Gammarella sp. nov. 1, Gammarella sp. nov. 2, Protohyale (Boreohyale) sp. nov., Kamaka sp. nov., Idunella sp. nov., Melphidippa sp. nov. Marea sp. nov., Najna sp. nov., Photis sp. nov., Podoceropsis sp. nov., Seba sp. nov., Platorchestia sp. nov., and Urothoe sp. nov.]와, 13종의 국내 미기록종[Terepeltopes dolichorhunia Hirayama, 1983; Ampithoe akualoka Barnard, 1970; Aoroides curvipes Ariyama, 2004; Aoroides ellipticus Ariyama, 2004; Paragrandidierella minima Ariyama, 2002; Sinocorophium major (Ren, 1992); Apohyale uragensis (Hiwatari and Kajihara, 1981); Protohyale (Boreohyale) misakiensis (Hiwatari, 2003); Pitrohyale barbicornis (Hiwatari and Kajihara, 1981); Kamaka excavata Ariyama, 2007; Lepidepecreum vitjazi Gurjanova, 1962; Gammaropsis longipropodi Hirayama, 1984; and Telsosynopia trifidilla Hughes and Lowry, 2006]을 포함한 37과 60속 94종이 확인되었다. 이들 중 신종 후보와 국내 미기록종들에 대한 기재문과 도판을 작성하고, 현재까지 보고된 한국 해산옆새우류들과 상위 분류군에 대한 검색표를 제시하였다.
해산 옆새우류의 개체군 동태와 이차생산에 대한 연구는 전라남도 완도군 신지면일대의 모래사장과 갯벌에서 2011년 6월부터 2012년 5월, 2010년 11월부터 2011년 10월에 걸쳐 각각 수행되었다.
모래사장에 서식하는 옆새우류의 대상분포에 대한 연구에서는 다도해모래옆새우(Haustorioides nesogenes)의 경우 주로 여름철에는 평균해수면보다 위쪽에서 확인되나, 겨울철에는 평균해수면 위쪽과 아래쪽 모두에서 확인되었다. 하지만 모래무지옆새우사촌류(Urothoe sp.), 긴가시모래무지옆새우(Eohaustorius stocki), 일곱가시긴뿔옆새우(Mandibulophoxus mai)는 연중 평균해수면 근처 또는 아래에서 주로 관찰되었다.
모래사장에 서식하는 개체군들의 밀도는 조사가 시작된 여름철 물리적인 교란에 의해 모든 개체군에서 급격하게 감소하였다. 그러나 모래무지옆새우사촌류, 긴가시모래무지옆새우, 일곱가시긴뿔옆새우의 개체군은 회복되는 경향을 보였으나 다도해모래옆새우의 개체군은 회복하지 못했다. 이러한 결과는 다도해모래옆새우의 산란시기가 물리적인 교란 이전이며, 교란 이후 새로 출생한 개체들의 보충이 이루어지지 않은 결과로 판단된다. 갯벌에 서식하는 발성육질꼬리옆새우의 밀도는 여름과 겨울철에 높고, 봄과 가을철 낮아지는 모습을 보였다.
성비에서는 모래사장에 서식하는 다도해모래옆새우, 모래무지옆새우사촌류, 긴가시모래무지옆새우, 일곱가시긴뿔옆새우와 갯벌에서 확인된 발성육질꼬리옆새우에서 모두 암컷이 우세한 경향을 보였으나, 긴가시모래무지옆새우에서는 계절적으로 변동되는 양상을 보였다. 이러한 암컷이 우세한 개체군 구조는 해양이나 기수역에 서식하는 옆새우류에서 볼 수 있는 일반적인 경향과 잘 일치하는 결과였다.
다도해모래옆새우와 긴가시모래무지옆새우의 개체군은 봄과 여름철 주로 산란하며, 모래무지옆새우사촌류와 일곱가시긴뿔옆새우는 연중 산란하였다. 동시출생집단분석에서는 다도해모래옆새우와 긴가시모래무지옆새우의 개체군은 수명이 긴 두 개의 동시출생집단으로 구성되어 있었으며, 모래무지옆새우사촌류와 일곱가시긴뿔옆새우는 수명이 짧은 4-5개의 동시출생집단으로 구성되어 있었다. 갯벌에 서식하는 발성육질꼬리옆새우의 개체군은 12월과 1월을 제외하고 연중 산란하였으며, 4개의 동시출생집단을 관찰할 수 있었다.
다도해모래옆새우의 포란수와 난경은 암컷의 체장과 양의 상관관계를 보였으나 긴가시모래무지옆새우에서는 음의 상관관계를 보였다. 모래무지옆새우사촌류와 발성육질꼬리옆새우의 포란수와 난경은 계절적인 차이를 나타냈다.
체장빈도법을 이용한 이차생산량의 추정에서는 다도해모래옆새우, 모래무지옆새우사촌류, 긴가시모래무지옆새우, 일곱가시긴뿔옆새우, 발성육질꼬리옆새우에서 각각 2.67, 0.59, 2.80, 0.18, 9.20 (gDWm-2yr-1)이었으며, P/B 비율에서는 각각 5.13, 9.10, 3.33, 1.06, 9.29로 나타났다.|The specimens of the suborder Gammaridea collected from various marine habitats at 51 localities in Korean waters during the periods from April, 1999 to June, 2012 were examined. As a result of this study, 94 species belonging to 60 genera of 37 families were identified. Of these, 14 species were described as new species [Polycheria sp. nov., Gammarella sp. nov. 1, Gammarella sp. nov. 2, Protohyale (Boreohyale) sp. nov., Kamaka sp. nov., Idunella sp. nov., Melphidippa sp. nov. Marea sp. nov., Najna sp. nov., Photis sp. nov., Podoceropsis sp. nov., Seba sp. nov., Platorchestia sp. nov., and Urothoe sp. nov.] and 13 species were new to Korean fauna [Terepeltopes dolichorhunia Hirayama, 1983; Ampithoe akualoka Barnard, 1970; Aoroides curvipes Ariyama, 2004; Aoroides ellipticus Ariyama, 2004; Paragrandidierella minima Ariyama, 2002; Sinocorophium major (Ren, 1992); Apohyale uragensis (Hiwatari and Kajihara, 1981); Protohyale (Boreohyale) misakiensis (Hiwatari, 2003); Pitrohyale barbicornis (Hiwatari and Kajihara, 1981); Kamaka excavata Ariyama, 2007; Lepidepecreum vitjazi Gurjanova, 1962; Gammaropsis longipropodi Hirayama, 1984; and Telsosynopia trifidilla Hughes and Lowry, 2006]. New species and new records in Korean waters were described and illustrated in detail. Keys to all Korean species of marine gammarideans and higher taxa were provided.
The population dynamics and the secondary production of amphipods inhabiting sandy shore and tidal plate were studied on Sinji Is., Wando-gun, Korea. Samples were collected monthly from June, 2011 to May, 2012 on sandy shore and from November, 2010 to October, 2011 on mud plate, by using a cylindrical core sampler of 10 cm in diameter.
In the study of zonation patterns on sandy shore, H. nesogenes showed seasonal change. The population was mainly ranged above the mean sea level (MSL) in summer, and mainly distributed at 60 cm above MSL and 90 cm below MSL in winter. However, Urothoe sp., E. stocki and M. mai were detected near or below the MSL. during the sampling periods.
The densities of all populations of four amphipod species on sandy shore were greatly reduced in summer by environmental disturbances on sampling stations. However, the populations of Urothoe sp., E. stocki, and M. mai showed a tendency to recover in density, but that of H. nesogenes was not recovered, and this result means that the recruitment event due to the hatching of juveniles happened from July to August, and lower density after this period is explained by the end of recruitment in H. nesogenes population. On tidal plate, the density of G. japonica population showed higher values in summer and winter, and lower values in spring and autumn.
The sex ratios of the population of H. nesogenes, Urothoe sp., and M. mai on sandy shore and G. japonica on tidal plate were female-biased, but that of E. stocki showed a monthly variable tendency. This result agrees well with a well- known knowledge that females biased sex ratio was common in benthic amphipod populations in marine or brackish waters.
The life history of H. nesogenes and E. stocki were iteroparous annual or biannual, with a dominate recruitment period from spring to summer, while those of Urothoe sp. and M. mai were semalparous annual. In cohort analysis, the populations of H. nesogenes and E. stocki were consisted of two cohorts with a long life span, those of Urothoe sp. and M. mai were consisted of four or five cohorts with a short life span. The females of G. japonica on tidal plate reproduced annually except December, 2010 and January, 2011, and the population consisted of four cohorts. The value of life span in G. japonica population showed seasonal variations.
In reproductive biology, the brood size and the egg volume of H. nesogenes were increased against body length, but those of E. stocki decreased. The brood size, egg volume, and brood size of Urothoe sp. showed significant difference according to the season.
Secondary production estimated by SFM of H. nesogenes, Urothoe sp., E. stocki, M. mai, and G. japonica were 2.67, 0.59, 2.80, 0.18, and 9.20 (gDWm-2yr-1), respectively, and P/B ratios of them were 5.13, 9.10, 3.33, 1.06, and 9.29, respectively.
Alternative Title
Systematics and Population Dynamics of the Marine Gammarideans (Crustacea, Amphipoda) from Korea
Alternative Author(s)
Jung, Tae Won
조선대학교 대학원
일반대학원 생명공학과
Awarded Date
Table Of Contents


Part Ⅰ. Systematic Study on the Marine Gammarideans (Crustacea, Amphipoda) from Korea
1. Introduction 2
2. Materials and methods 5
3. Morphology and taxonomic characters 7
4. Systematic accounts 15
List of Species 15
Description of species 21
Family Ampeliscidae Costa, 1857 안경옆새우 과 25
Family Amphilochidae Boeck, 1871 짧은꼬리옆새우 과 27
Family Ampithoidae Stebbing, 1899 참옆새우 과 34
Family Anamixidae Stebbing, 1897 병신옆새우 과 61
Family Aoridae Stebbing, 1899 큰앞손옆새우 과 61
Family Atylidae Sars, 1882 날씬옆새우 과 89
Family Colomastigidae Stebbing, 1899 해면살이옆새우 과 90
Family Corophiidae Dana, 1849 육질꼬리옆새우 과 91
Family Dexaminidae Leach, 1813 붙은꼬리옆새우 과 102
Family Dogielinotidae Gurjanova, 1953 모래옆새우 과 115
Family Eophliantidae Sheard, 1936 벌레옆새우 과 116
Family Eusiridae Stebbing, 1888 짧은채찍옆새우 과 116
Family Gammaridae Leach, 1814 옆새우 과 117
Family Haustoriidae Stebbing, 1906 모래무지옆새우 과 137
Family Hyalellidae Bulycheva, 1957 137
Family Hyalidae Bulycheva, 1957 해조숨이옆새우 과 138
Family Iphimediidae Boeck, 1871 185
Family Ischyroceridae Stebbing, 1899 육질꼬리옆새우붙이 과 185
Family Kamakidae Myers and Lowry, 2003 188
Family Leucothoidae Dana, 1852 공생옆새우 과 209
Family Liljeborgiidae Stebbing, 1899 릴례보옆새우 과 209
Family Lysianassidae Dana, 1849 긴팔옆새우 과 216
Family Melphidippidae Stebbing, 1899 224
Family Maeridae Krapp-Schickel, 2008 233
Family Melitidae Bousfield, 1973 멜리타옆새우 과 243
Family Oedicerotidae Lilljeborg, 1865 붙은눈옆새우 과 244
Family Najnidae Barnard, 1972 247
Family Phliantidae Stebbing, 1899 납작옆새우 과 255
Family Photidae Boeck, 1871 256
Family Phoxocephalidae Sars, 1891 긴뿔옆새우 과 281
Family Pleustidae Buchholz, 1874 주걱턱옆새우 과 282
Family Podoceridae Leach, 1814 284 긴배옆새우 과 283
Family Stenothoidae Boeck, 1871 예쁜이옆새우 과 284
Family Sebidae Walker, 1907 285
Family Synopiidae Dana, 1855 293
Family Talitridae Rafinesque, 1815 도약옆새우 과 300
Family Urothoidae Bousfield, 1978 모래무지옆새우사촌 과 315
5. References 326
6. Appendix 343

Part Ⅱ. Population Ecology and Secondary Production of Several Benthic Amphipods from Korea
1. General introduction 346
1.1. Introduction to benthic amphipods 346
1.1.1. Zonation 346
1.1.2. Life history and population dynamics 347
1.1.3. Secondary production 351
1.2 Aims of the study 356
2. Zonation patterns of the benthic amphipod on sandy shore 357
2.1. Introduction 357
2.2. Materials and methods 357
2.2.1. Study site 357
2.2.2. Sampling and data analysis 357
2.3. Results 359
2.3.1. Density and species composition 359
2.3.2. Zonation of amphipod species 361
2.4. Discussion 374
3. Life history and population dynamics of the benthic amphipod on sandy shore 376
3.1. Introduction 376
3.2. Materials and methods 377
3.2.1. Study site 377
3.2.2. Sampling 377
3.2.3. Size frequency and cohort analysis 377
3.2.4. Reproductive output 377
3.2.5. Biomass 377
3.3.6. Secondary production 377
3.3.7. Statistical analysis 378
3.3. Results 380
3.3.1. Haustorioides nesogenes Jo, 1988 380 Abundance 380 Developmental stages and sex ratio 380 Size of males, non-ovigerous and ovigerous females 383 Population structure and cohort analysis 384 Reproductive output 388 Biomass 392 Production 393
3.3.2. Urothoe sp. 395 Abundance 395 Developmental stages and sex ratio 395 Size of males, non-ovigerous and ovigerous females 397 Population structure and cohort analysis 399 Reproductive output 404 Biomass 406 Production 407
3.3.3. Eohaustorius stocki Jo, 1990 409 Abundance 409 Developmental stages and sex ratio 409 Size of males, non-ovigerous and ovigerous females 411 Population structure and cohort analysis 413 Reproductive output 417 Biomass 418 Production 418
3.3.4. Mandibulophoxus mai Jo, 1989 420 Abundance 420 Developmental stages and sex ratio 420 Size of males, non-ovigerous and ovigerous females 422 Population structure and cohort analysis 424 Biomass 429 Production 429
3.4. Discussion 431
3.4.1. Haustorioides nesogenes 431
3.4.2. Urothoe sp. 432
3.4.3. Eohaustorius stocki 435
3.4.4. Mandibulophoxus mai 436
4. Life history, population dynamics and secondary production of Grandidierella japonaca. 438
4.1. Introduction 438
4.2. Materials and methods 439
4.2.1. Study site 439
4.2.2. Sampling 440
4.2.3. Size frequency and cohort analysis 440
4.2.3. Reproductive output 440
4.2.3. Biomass 441
4.3.5. Secondary production 441
4.3.6. Statistical analysis 442
4.3. Results 443
4.3.1. Abundance 443
4.3.2. Developmental stages and sex ratio 443
4.3.3. Size of males, non-ovigerous and ovigerous females 445
4.3.4. Population structure and cohort analysis 447
4.3.5. Reproductive output 453
4.3.6. Biomass 454
4.3.7. Production 459
4.4. Discussion 461
5. References 464
조선대학교 대학원
정태원. (2013). 한국 해산 옆새우류 (갑각강, 단각목)의 분류 및 개체군 동태.
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