필라테스 참가자의 운동몰입이 신체상 지각, 신체만족 및 자기효능감, 주의집중력에 미치는 영향

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This study is to analyze how Pilates participants’ exercise commitment influences on body awareness, body satisfaction, self-efficacy and attention concentration. And the result is as below.
First, as a result of reviewing the difference in exercise commitment, body awareness, body satisfaction, self-efficacy and attention concentration according to their demographic characteristic of Pilates participants, it was found that there is no significant difference between male and female with respect to exercise commitment, body awareness, body satisfaction, self-efficacy and attention concentration.
When it comes to the criterion of age, it was found that there was significant difference in the sense of competence, attractive body shape (of body awareness), dissatisfaction for body shape (strength and body satisfaction shape), self-confidence, self-regulated efficacy, task difficulty (of self-efficacy), confidence for exercise and commitment (of attention attraction). And younger people showed higher value in self-confidence, self-regulated efficacy and task difficulty, than older people.
As for the occupation criterion, cognitive commitment, behavioral commitment (of exercise commitment), the sense of competence, attractive body, strength (of body awareness), dissatisfaction for body, fear on weight (of body satisfaction), self-confidence, self-regulated efficacy, task difficulty (of self-efficacy), attention concentration, confidence for exercise, commitment and target setting (of attention concentration) showed significant difference. Education job showed high value in cognitive commitment, behavioral commitment (of exercise commitment), the sense of competence, attractive body, strength (of body awareness), self-confidence, self-regulated efficacy (of self-efficacy), attention concentration, confidence for exercise and target setting (of attention concentration). Meanwhile, student group showed high value in dissatisfaction for body, fear on weight (of body satisfaction), task difficulty (of self-efficacy) and commitment (of attention concentration).
For the criterion of educational background, cognitive commitment (of exercise commitment), the sense of competence, attractive body (of body awareness), dissatisfaction for body, fear on weight (of body satisfaction), self-confidence, self-regulated efficacy and task difficulty (of self-efficacy) showed significant difference. People with higher educational background showed higher value in most of criterions. And people with low educational background showed higher value in dissatisfaction for body and fear on weight that are included in the body satisfaction criterion.
When it comes to the criterion of participation period, cognitive commitment, behavioral commitment (of exercise commitment), the sense of competence, physical condition, attractive body shape, strength (of body awareness), dissatisfaction for body, fear on weight (of body satisfaction), self-confidence, self-regulated efficacy, task difficulty (of self-efficacy), attention concentration, confidence for exercise and commitment (of attention concentration) had significance difference. And it was found that the shorter period of participation had lower value in most of criterions, comparing with the longer period.
The number of participation showed no significant difference in all criterions, exercise commitment, body awareness, body satisfaction, self-efficacy and attention concentration.
Second, according to the correlation between exercise commitment and body awareness among Pilates participants, cognitive commitment and behavioral commitment of exercise commitment had positive influence on the sense of competence. And, cognitive commitment of exercise commitment had positive influence on physical condition and strength, while behavioral commitment of exercise commitment had positive influence on attractive body shape.
Third, the correlation between exercise commitment and body satisfaction showed that cognitive commitment and behavioral commitment of exercise commitment had positive influence on dissatisfaction for body and fear on weight.
Fourth, according to the correlation between exercise commitment and self-efficacy, cognitive commitment of exercise commitment had positive influence on self-confidence and task difficulty of self-efficacy, while cognitive commitment and behavioral commitment of exercise commitment had positive influence on self-regulated efficacy of self-efficacy.
Fifth, when it comes to the correlation between exercise commitment and attention concentration, cognitive commitment of exercise commitment was found to have positive influence on attention concentration and target setting of attention concentration criterion. And, cognitive commitment and behavioral commitment of exercise commitment had positive influence on confidence for exercise of attention concentration criterion, while cognitive commitment and behavioral commitment of exercise commitment were found to have no positive influence on commitment of criterion of attention concentration.
Alternative Title
Influence of Pilates participants’ exercise commitment on body awareness, body satisfaction, self-efficacy and attention concentration.
Alternative Author(s)
조선대학교 보건대학원
보건대학원 보건체육학과
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Table Of Contents
Ⅰ. 서 론 1
1. 연구의 필요성 1
2. 연구의 목적 4
3. 연구의 가설 4
4. 연구의 제한점 6
5. 용어의 정의 7

Ⅱ. 이론적 배경 9
1. 운동몰입 9
2. 신체상 지각 11
3. 신체만족 15
4. 자기효능감 19
5. 주의집중력 22

Ⅲ. 연구 방법 26
1. 연구대상 및 표집 26
2. 조사도구 27
3 설문지의 타당도와 신뢰도 29
4. 자료처리 35

Ⅳ. 연구 결과 36
1. 필라테스 참가자들의 인구통계학적특성에 따른 운동몰입, 신체상 지각, 신체만족, 자기효능감, 주의집중력 향상의 차이 36
2. 필라테스 참가자들의 운동몰입이 신체상 지각에 미치는 영향 54
3. 필라테스 참가자들의 운동몰입이 신체만족에 미치는 영향 58
4. 필라테스 참가자들의 운동몰입이 자기효능감에 미치는 영향 60
5. 필라테스 참가자들의 운동몰입이 주의집중력에 미치는 영향 63

Ⅴ. 논 의 67

Ⅵ. 결 론 및 제언 74
1. 결 론 74
2. 제 언 76

참고문헌 78
부록(설문지) 85
조선대학교 보건대학원
김보람. (2016). 필라테스 참가자의 운동몰입이 신체상 지각, 신체만족 및 자기효능감, 주의집중력에 미치는 영향.
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Medicine & Parmacy > 3. Theses(Master)
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  • Embargo2017-02-21
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