고용창출을 위한 인적자원개발전략

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The purpose of this study is to support the infrastructure for creating 134,000 employment to analysis the nationwide and international cases as well as Gwang ju region cases about employment creating for making the first Gwang ju good to business . Productive employment have to be created in Gwang ju because the active employment creating effort government drive is going down the effectiveness.
An official body like a government, supply, intervention, demand organization, and support organization related the employment creating and human resource development have to plan and carry out the macro outline and details and evaluate the business around the employment creating performance organization.
Based on these bond of sympathy, employment creating organizations have to develop the employment business and carry out it by the road map.
The direction to actualize productive employment creating is followed.
First, supply organization should connect with the human resource development and develop the connected business with every industry, and industrialize the human resource for productive employment creating.
Second, for productive employment creating of intervention organization, experience chance should be given, carrier center should be opened, job information should be given.
Third, for productive employment creating of demand organization, relationship with labor and management for employment creating should be established, coorperative relationship with labor and management should be established, and supporting the minor enterprise by conglomerates should be increased. fourth, for productive employment creating of support organization, various employment creating development, support system development, financial support, shaping the good to business environment are necessary.
Additionally, most importance things to creat employment is whether it can make a comprise with labor and management. if the comprise could be accomplished, big results can be made in the employment issue.
Alternative Title
A Study on the Human Resources Development strategy for Employment Creating - Centering on Gwang ju City.
조선대학교 대학원
경영대학원 경영학과
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Table Of Contents
목차 = i
Ⅰ. 서론 = 1
1.1 연구의 필요성 및 목적 = 1
1.2 연구의 내용 및 방법 = 3
Ⅱ. 인적자원개발에 관한 이론적 배경 = 5
2.1 인적자원개발의 필요성 = 5
2.2 인적자원 개발을 위한 사회적 파트너쉽 = 8
2.2.1 인적자원개발 사회대타협의 제약 요인 = 11
2.3 인적자원 개발을 위한 시스템 구축 = 19
2.4 선진국의 인적자원개발 사례 = 22
2.4.1 스웨덴 = 23
2.4.2 아일랜드 = 24
2.4.3 독일 = 26
2.4.4 프랑스 = 27
Ⅲ. 광주광역시의 고용현황 = 29
3.1 광주광역시 인구추이 = 29
3.2 광주광역시 고용현황추이 = 32
3.2.1 성별 경제활동인구 현황 = 35
3.2.2 연령별 경제활동인구 현황 = 36
3.2.3 교육정도별 경제활동인구 현황 = 37
3.2.4 산업정도별 경제활동인구 현황 = 37
3.2.5 직업별 경제활동인구 현황 = 40
3.3 광주광역시 사엽체 및 종사자 수 = 41
3.3.1 규모별 사업체 및 종사자 수 현황 = 41
3.3.2 산업별 사업체 및 종사자 수 현황 = 42
3.4 광주광역시 취업지원 현황 = 43
3.4.1 취업지원 현황 = 43
3.4.2 성별에 따른 취업지원 현황 = 45
3.4.3 학력별에 따른 취업지원 현황 = 46
3.4.4 유형별에 따른 취업지원 현황 = 47
Ⅳ. 광주광역시 고용창출과 인적자원개발을 위한 SWOT분석 = 48
4.1 강점 = 48
4.2 약점 = 50
4.3 기회 = 54
4.4 위협 = 55
Ⅴ. 광주광역시 고용창출을 위한 인적자원개발 전략 = 57
5.1 광주광역시 인적자원개발 모형 = 57
5.2 광주광역시 고용창출 정책 = 60
Ⅵ. 결론 = 69
6.1 연구결과의 요약 = 69
6.2 연구의 한계 및 앞으로의 연구방향 = 72
참고문헌 = 73
김성주. (2008). 고용창출을 위한 인적자원개발전략.
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Business > 3. Theses(Master)
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