방과 후 학교 밴드부 운영 및 실태 조사 : 호남지역을 중심으로

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방과후학교, 밴드부, 음악, 실태조사
The purpose of this study is to investigate the actual conditions of after-school band classes. To this end, we conducted a survey and in-depth interview with 31 instructors arbitrarily selected by researchers based on schools located in Honam.
The survey consisted of questions about the current status of operation, teacher's background, guidance content and method, and problems with band classes, and in-depth interviews were conducted separately for questions that were considered important due to the nature of the band. The results of this study are summarized as follows.
First of all, according to a survey on the background of after-school band instructors, 74.2% of the age group between 26 and 30 years old showed the highest percentage. In addition, 58.1% of instructors are enrolled in or graduated from a four-year university, accounting for more than half. And instructors are generally satisfied with their school life.
Second, most students who participate in the after-school band are more interested in band classes than in school curriculum activities. In addition, the selection of musical instruments and songs is carried out in a way that students choose themselves.
Third, individual + group guidance is the highest in the band's instruction method. According to in-depth interviews, one instructor usually guides all musical instruments, so they are taught separately from their major or in case of professional knowledge or sheet music.
Fourth, as a result of investigating how to revitalize the after-school band club, they answered that they think it is important to create a good culture among teenagers as there are more school events and contents that teenagers can participate in.
Fifth, most of the answers to the question of whether after-school classes are effective in reducing private education costs were effective, but through in-depth interviews, we could hear that it is difficult to see an effect on reducing private education costs.
Based on the results of this study, the recommendations for efficient band management are
First, it is necessary to secure a stable and continuous budget so that music-only classes including after-school band classes can be secured and music facilities can be expanded
Second, due to the nature of the band, education should be centered on private instrument guidance and ensemble
Third, it will also be effective to reduce private education costs through band classes if instructors who can teach each instrument professionally.
As such, we hope that band activities will be improved more diversely and systematically through surveys, interviews, and revitalization measures of band departments in Honam.
Alternative Title
A Study on the Operation and Status of After-School Band Clubs : Focusing on Honam Region
Alternative Author(s)
Han na Choi
조선대학교 교육대학원
교육대학원 음악교육
Awarded Date
Table Of Contents
I. 서론 1
1. 연구의 필요성 및 목적 1
2. 연구의 방법 3
3. 연구 문제 3
4. 연구의 제한점 3

Ⅱ. 이론적 배경 5
1. 방과후학교와 음악교육 5
2. 밴드부 활동이 청소년에게 미치는 긍정적 측면 10
3. 밴드부 악기구성과 특징 12

Ⅲ. 연구방법 19
1. 연구대상 19
2. 연구절차 19
3. 연구도구 20

Ⅳ. 방과후학교 밴드부 수업의 실태조사 분석 23
1. 방과후학교 밴드부 수업의 운영실태 23
2. 방과후학교 밴드부 강사의 배경 31
3. 방과후학교 밴드부 수업의 지도내용 및 방법 34
4. 방과후학교 밴드부 수업의 문제점 및 활성화 방안 41

Ⅴ. 방과후학교 밴드부 수업의 심층면담 결과 45

Ⅵ. 결론 및 제언 54

참고문헌 57

부록 59
조선대학교 교육대학원
최한나. (2023). 방과 후 학교 밴드부 운영 및 실태 조사 : 호남지역을 중심으로.
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