학교무용교육의 몰입경험이 중학생들의 자기효능감과 창의력에 미치는 영향

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This study examines the relationship between self-efficacy and creativity of general characteristics of school dance classes of middle school students, and the relationship between self-efficacy and creativity that can create new things The purpose of this study is to provide research materials that will be helpful in the development of classes in dance education in schools to improve their abilities.
In this study, a total of 242 students enrolled in Gwangju S middle school and 116 students enrolled in D middle school were sampled as participants in two schools located in Gwangju that were conducting dance classes during physical education classes. S middle school students currently take physical education classes for 3 hours per week, of which dance classes are held for 1 hour per week. This study was conducted on a total of 358 students of two middle school students located in Gwangju.
As a result of analyzing the relationship between social efficacy, achievement efficacy, and creativity according to the immersion experience in dance class, significant results were found in class immersion according to gender, grade, and career in the analysis of the difference in class immersion, and female students were more likely than male students. Class immersion was high, and the third year middle school students had the lowest class immersion due to the burden of going to high school. And, the more experience you have, the more pressure you have to perform movements, so it was found that the more experience you have, the lower the result of class immersion. In addition, since class immersion had a positive effect on the self-efficacy (social efficacy, achievement efficacy) and creativity scale, it was found that the self-efficacy and creativity scale were affected according to the degree of immersion in the dance class.
Alternative Title
The effect of immersion experience of school dance education on self-efficacy and creativity of middle school students
Alternative Author(s)
Baek Young-eun
조선대학교 교육대학원
교육대학원 무용교육
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Table Of Contents

제1장 서론 1
1. 연구의 필요성 1
2. 연구의 목적 3
3. 연구모형 3
4. 연구 가설 4
5. 연구의 제한점 4
6. 용어 정의 5

제2장 이론적 배경 6
1. 학교무용교육의 이론 6
2. 몰입 경험의 이론 8
3. 자기효능감의 이론 10
4. 창의력의 이론 12

제3장 연구 방법 15
1. 연구 대상 15
2. 조사도구 15
3. 설문지의 타당도 및 신뢰도 16
4. 자료처리 20

제4장 연구 결과 21
1. 인구통계학적특성에 따른 몰입경험, 자기효능감, 창의력의 차이 21
2. 몰입경험, 자기효능감, 창의력의 상관관계 분석 결과 25
3. 무용교육의 몰입경험이 자기효능감에 미치는 영향 25
4. 무용교육의 몰입경험이 창의력에 미치는 영향 27

제5장 논의 30
1. 인구통계학적특성에 따른 몰입경험, 자기효능감, 창의력 척도 간의 차이 비교 분석 30
2. 무용교육의 몰입경험이 자기효능감에 미치는 영향 32
3. 무용교육의 몰입경험이 창의력에 미치는 영향 33

제6장 결론 및 제언 36
1. 결론 36
2. 제언 37

참고문헌 38

부록 : 설문지 43
조선대학교 교육대학원
백영은. (2022). 학교무용교육의 몰입경험이 중학생들의 자기효능감과 창의력에 미치는 영향.
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Education > 3. Theses(Master)
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