체육단체의 조직문화가 조직효과성 및 경영성과에 미치는 영향

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The Effect of Sport Organizational Culture on Organizational Effectiveness and Management Performance.

Kang, Dae-Seung
Advisor : Prof. Kim, Chul-Ju
Department of Physical Education
Graduate School of Chosun University

This study aims to analyse the effects of sports culture of relevant organizations on organizational effectiveness and management results and enhance the results, centering on the Korean Olympic Committee and their local sports organizations, and the Korean Council of Sports for All and their local sports organizations.
The subjects of the study were 229 members of the central and local sports organizations of the Korean Olympic Committee and the Korean Council of Sports for All. They were sampled with a use of the purposeful sampling method of non-probability sampling methods.
They were interviewed with a use of questionnaire and its conceptual confidence ranged from .828 to .913. The data collected had a descriptive statistical analysis, a correlations analysis, EFA, and CFA with a use of SPSS 18.0, and SEM was conducted with a use of AMOS 18.0 to analyse structural relations among organizational culture, occupational immersion, job satisfaction, organizational citizenship behaviors and management results. The results are presented as follows:
Firstly, it was discovered that hierarchical culture of sports organizational cultures had a negative influence on occupational and organizational immersion while mutual agreement culture had a positive influence on organizational immersion and organizational citizenship behaviors.
It means that members of sports organizations with hierarchical culture established have low occupational or organizational immersion. That is, it can be interpreted that hierarchical culture is not good for immersion of the members. However, sports organizations with mutual agreement culture established can enhance organizational immersion of the members and reinforce citizenship behaviors which can serve voluntarily for organizations without rewards.
Therefore, as characteristics of vertical hierarchical structures of administrations and existing top-down type decision-making culture lowered members' attachment to and confidence in organizations, they had negative effects on organizations.
It indicates that values of leaders and interaction between members are very important in organizational culture involving organizational order between members through which the culture of mutual agreement can be settled in general environment of companies. That's why sports organizations with top-down and bottom-up administration structure inherent need interactive communication between areas and true followership
Managers of sports organizations should make every effort to communicate administrative culture which may be stiff and uniform with members and to respect its diversity by providing team teaching, seminars and continuing education for them.
Secondly, in respect to organizational effectiveness, it was discovered that occupational and organizational immersion had a positive influence on job satisfaction, and the occupational immersion had more influence on job satisfaction than the organizational immersion. That is, it indicates that members of sports organizations can have more satisfaction when they are immersed in their job rather than their organizations.
Therefore, organizations should identify whether the task is appropriate for aptitude and characteristics of present members. Further, it is important to recruit and allot tasks based on the aptitude and characteristics of the members instead of their background.
It was also discovered that in respect to relations between organizational effectiveness and management results, occupational immersion had an influence on learning capacity and management innovation, and organizational immersion had a positive influence on customer orientation and management innovation.

In terms of management results, occupational immersion had a greater influence on them than organizational immersion, and in particular, both occupational and organizational immersion had a greater influence on results involving management innovation.
Therefore, it is suggested that sports organizations can successfully achieve management innovation when both occupational and organizational immersion of the members are promoted.
Thirdly, job satisfaction had a positive influence on all the aspects of customer orientation, learning capacity and management innovation, and in particular, it had more influence on learning capacity and management innovation than customer orientation. In case members had higher satisfaction in their tasks, they paid more attentions to learning for self-development and innovation to enhance their capacity.
That is, it means that for higher management results, they paid more attention to capacity enhancement and management innovation through self-leading learning. Therefore, for sports organizations to effectively and efficiently achieve management results, it was important for the members to be satisfied with their task alloted. Job satisfaction worked as a partial mediator in learning capacity and management innovation, Also, in respect to organizational immersion, job satisfaction worked as a full mediator in relations with leaning capacity, and it had an indirect influence on the relations between customer orientation and management innovation through partial mediation. It indicates that an important factor of job satisfaction should be carefully considered to achieve good management results as it was shown that job satisfaction played a central role in relations between occupational immersion and customer orientation, and organizational immersion and learning capacity.
Therefore, it is suggested that management results of sports organizations can be maximized when the members are encouraged to be satisfied with working and educational environment, welfare systems and institutions, and have pride in and affection to their organizations and job.
Alternative Title
The Effect of Sport Organizational Culture on Organizational Effectiveness and Management Performance.
Alternative Author(s)
일반대학원 체육학과
Awarded Date
Table Of Contents
목 차


Ⅰ. 서 론 1
A. 연구 필요성 1
B. 연구 목적 5
C. 연구 문제 5
D. 연구 모형 6
E. 연구 가설 7
1. 체육단체의 조직문화가 직무몰입, 조직몰입, 직무만족 및 조직시민 행동에
미치는 영향 7
2. 직무몰입과 조직몰입이 직무만족에 미치는 영향 8
3. 체육단체의 조직효과성(직무몰입,조직몰입,직무만족,조직시민행동)이
경영성과(고객지향성, 학습역량, 경영혁신)에 미치는 영향 9
F. 연구 제한점 11
G. 용어 정의 12
1. 조직문화 12
2. 조직효과성 13
3. 경영성과 13

Ⅱ. 이론적 배경 15
A. 체육단체 15
1. 대한체육회 15
a. 설립배경 및 목적 15
b. 연혁 16
c. 조직 및 인력 17
d. 가맹경기단체 현황 20
2. 국민생활체육회 21
a. 설립배경 및 목적 21
b. 연혁 22
c. 조직 및 인력 23
d. 회원단체 현황 25
B. 조직문화 26
1. 조직문화의 개념 및 의의 26
2. 조직문화의 유형 32
C. 조직효과성 33
D. 직무몰입 36
1. 직무몰입의 개념 및 의의 36
2. 직무몰입에 대한 선행연구 37
E. 조직몰입 37
1. 조직몰입의 개념 37
2. 조직몰입의 선행연구 41
F. 직무만족 42
1. 직무만족의 개념 42
2. 직무만족의 영향 요인 46
G. 조직시민행동 47
1. 조직시민행동의 개념 및 의의 47
2. 조직시민행동의 선행연구 50
H. 경영성과 51
1. 경영성과의 이론 51
2. 경영성과의 종류 55
a. 재무적 성과 56
b. 비재무적 성과 56

Ⅲ. 연구 방법 57
A. 연구대상 57
B. 조사도구 59
1. 설문지 구성 59
a. 조직문화 60
b. 직무몰입 60
c. 조직몰입 61
d. 직무만족 61
e. 조직시민행동 61
f. 고객지향성과 62
g. 학습역량성과 62
h. 경영혁신성과 62
C. 타당도와 신뢰도 검사 63
1. 탐색적 요인분석 63
2. 확인적 요인분석 67
3. 신뢰도 검증 73
D. 자료처리 73

Ⅳ. 결 과 75
A. 연구모형의 적합도 75
B. 가설검증 76

Ⅴ. 논 의 81
A. 논 의 81

Ⅵ. 결론 및 제언 89
A. 결 론 89
B. 제 언 92

참 고 문 헌 93
설 문 지 111
조선대학교 대학원
강대승. (2013). 체육단체의 조직문화가 조직효과성 및 경영성과에 미치는 영향.
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General Graduate School > 4. Theses(Ph.D)
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