순차적 반응시간 과제 학습 시 발생하는 절차적 기억과 서술적 기억의 상호작용에 관한 연구

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Interaction Between Procedural and Declarative Memories During the Serial Sequence Learning

Kim An Na
Advisor : Prof. Cho Dong-jin, Ph. D.
Department of Physical Education,
Graduate School of Chosun University

Understanding the underlying mechanism of motor skill memory formation and storage is a critical factor for completing the overall theory of human movement learning. Long-term memory for motor skill can be divided into declarative memory and procedural memory. Previous studies have suggested that the memory consolidation takes place as a result of the interaction between these two memory systems while based on the limited amount of overall memory storage. In this study, we've investigated the characteristics of changes in learning when the initially acquired procedural memory is exposed to the secondary procedural-only memory formation process. 30 healthy college students were recruited as subjects and divided into 2 groups (Control and Experimental). SRTT tasks with 12 sequence were used for the experiement. During the secondary procedural only learning task, additional tone counting task was given. Acquisition of the initial and the secondary motor skill took place in the morning and, 12 hours later, retention and transfer tests were given. At the end of each practice and test, free recall tests were given as well. Subjects who did not show the skill improvement during the secondary learning were excluded for further analyses. So data from the total of 14 subjects were used for the 2-way ANOVA. The results showed, first, there was no different learning pattern between control and experimental group in the initial task practice condition which was designed to serve as baselines for the later retention tests. Next, the secondary learning task that was designed to prohibit the acquisition of declarative memory of the skill was introduced to the experimental group while the control group practiced in the random sequence condition. When compared to the control group, participants in the experimental group showed significant procedural learning while not forming any declarative memory confirming the intended of the secondary task practice. Finally, the retention test results of the declarative and procedural memory formation was analyzed as main dependent variables for this study. While the amount of procedural memory of the participants who had experienced the changes in the procedural learning (Experimental group) showed no changes, they had significantly low level of declarative memory of the initially practiced skill. when compared to the control group. The results from the current study shows that the interaction between declarative and procedural memory processes aren't as simple as previous literatures have hypothesized. Strong resonance of the initially practiced skill(procedural) memory might have facilitated the cognitive binding. Therefore, this binding even survived the strong influence of the secondary procedural memory formation process. As a result, remaining storage of the overall memory experiences the shortage resulting the less opportunity for the consolidation of the declarative memory. Such interpretation does not discard the idea of interaction between two memory systems. Rather, these results bring up the importance of considering the characteristical difference of each memory formation when interaction is taking place. When the nature of the task to be learned is movement oriented, procedural memory such as motor skill memory would develop strong preference. On the other hand, when the purpose of the task is to understand and acquire the knowledge about the task, goal oriented declarative memory formation process would be more likely take place.
Alternative Title
Interaction Between Procedural and Declarative Memories During the Sequence Learning Task
Alternative Author(s)
Kim, An Na
조선대학교 대학원
일반대학원 체육학과
Awarded Date
Table Of Contents
목 차


제1장 서론
제1절 연구의 필요성 1
제2절 연구 목적 4
제3절 연구 문제 5
제4절 용어 정의 6

제2장 이론적 배경
제1절 기억의 특성 9
1. 기억과 뇌의 역할에 관한 실험적 접근 10
2. 기억의 분리 11
3. 기억의 공고화 13
제2절 기억과 수면 14
1. 수면과 비수면시 구별되는 뇌 활성화 경로의 작용 15
2. 공고화에서 연습의 효과 17
3. 기억시스템의 상호작용과 offline 과정 18
4. 수면 상태에서의 메모리 시스템 분리 19
제3절 순차적 반응시간 과제
(Serial Reaction Time Task; SRTT) 22
1. 기술 학습의 측정 23
2. 암묵적 학습 측정의 의미 24
3. 운동학습 평가와 SRTT 25

제3장 연구방법
제1절 연구대상 26
제2절 실험절차 26
제3절 실험도구 27
제4절 자료분석 29

제4장 연구결과
제1절 연습 중 집단 간, 과제 내 특성 간 반응시간 비교
제2절 2차과제의 학습효과 검증 32
제3절 파지검사 중 집단 간, 구간 간 반응시간 비교 34
제4절 실험집단과 통제집단의 연습과 파지검사 간의
자유회상 차이 분석 36

제5장 논의 38

제6장 결론 41

참고문헌 43
조선대학교 대학원
김안나. (2011). 순차적 반응시간 과제 학습 시 발생하는 절차적 기억과 서술적 기억의 상호작용에 관한 연구.
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General Graduate School > 4. Theses(Ph.D)
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  • Embargo2012-02-02
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