중국 현대미술에 나타난 차용된 이미지의 상징적 표현에 관한 연구 - 본인 작품을 중심으로

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왕 하
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That I want to discuss was the drawing after experiencing nearly 100 yeat evolution in China In the 90s in artistic thought and cultural manner's aspects and so on pioneering tends to be mature finally . The drawing after having experienced the 80s's modernism art ideological trend seed, starts in the 90s to have the vanguard truly in China. This study addresses the Symbolic Expression of Appropriation Images in contemporary Chinese art It has employed an extensive appropriation of images from the original artist's unique expressive vehicle. This study aims to figure out contemporary Chinese art as a reflection of Chinese society and culture and to elucidate the distinction of Chinese art by the ages, exploring its role, theoretical meaning, and its style.
Since the study of Korea, Art study from a new prespective to see contemporary art in China. In the 90s, Chinese Art's vanguard drawing has basically experienced three main stages: The first stage is the 1990s's the "Cenozoic era's painting", On behalf of Painter is Yue - Minjun and Fang- lijun. The Cainozoic Era drawing mainly expressed north the first half of the 1990s with the political society's one individual political emotion. The second stage ,"Cenozoic era's painting" is the main people in this generation of political hopelessness and sence of the existence of empty self-expression. Compares with the '85 new tide, a Cainozoic Era drawing's independent characteristic is from the collective emotion and the ideology expression. The third stage is New generation of painting is Classic young people's Modernism.
In China today, socialist ideologies are compatible with the capitalist market economic system has collapsed with the opening of society, and all values are in confusion with the influx of Western cultures. Contemporary Chinese artists show their attitude to such phenomena like the followings: they indirectly present their intention through their work in the position of value neutrality between affirmation and worry, negation and hope. To understand contemporary Chinese art that appropriates previous images and is represented as virtual realities can be an effective vehicle to grasp rapidly changing Chinese society and the chaos of China today. To understand it also may offer an opportunity to explore its cultures identity in common to all Asian countries that embraced Western cultures though their experience of modernization.
Study in Korea, I thought this new perspective to find my own style of painting and have a new understanding of Chinese contemporary art. No matter which country paintings, it is necessary to retain their national character, but also has a world-wide. Although this is the most difficult creation, but I will great effort for my work in the future for this world of Nationalization.
Alternative Title
A study on Symbolic Expression of Appropriation Image in Contemporary Chinese Art -Mainly about my works
Alternative Author(s)
Wang He
조선대학교 대학원 미술학과
일반대학원 미술학과
Awarded Date
Table Of Contents
제1장.서론 1
제1절.연구배경 및 목적 1
제2절.연구방법 및 내용 2
제2장.본론 4
제1절.중국현대회화 4
1.중국현대회화의 발전배경 4
a.초기 마오쩌동(毛澤東)시대(1949~1979) 4
b.개혁 개방시대(1976~1989) 4
c.후기 글로벌 시대(1989~현대) 6
2.중국현대미술의 현황 및 특성 7
a.냉소적 사실주의 (Cynical Realism) 8
b.정치적 팝 (Political Pop) 9
c.염속예술 (Kitsch Art) 11
d.자아정체성 (Self Portraits and Cultural Identity) 12
제2절.중국현대회화에 나타난 차용된 이미지 14
1.상징적 이미지 14
2.회화작품의 차용 17
3.사진이미지의 활용 20
4.다양한 문화형식 23
제3장.본인의 작업 분석 26
제1절.작품 형성과 배경 26
1.중국 미술 교육의 영향 26
2.한국에서의 영향 분석 28
제2절.본인의 작업에 관한 차용된 이미지 29
1.본인의 작업에 나타난 차용된 이미지 29
a.용을 통한 상징의 이미지 29
b.신체를 활용한 상징적 요소 31
c.기계 이미지 32
2.차용된 이미지의 상징적 표현 32
a.기억을 통한 생명과 상상의 이미지 32
b.순수한 생명과 상상의 이미지 34
3.그 외의 작업에 관한 분석 34
a.시공간의 도형화 조형적 연속성 35
b.잠재된 인간의 본성에 접근 36
제4장.결론 37
연구자 도판 40
참고 문헌 44
왕 하. (2009). 중국 현대미술에 나타난 차용된 이미지의 상징적 표현에 관한 연구 - 본인 작품을 중심으로.
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