초등학생의 외모만족도와 신체콤플렉스 유형에 따른 인물화검사의 상관관계 연구

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A Study on the Relationship between Elementary School Student's Appearance Satisfaction, Complex and
the Draw-A-Person Test

Advisor : Prof. Kim, Jeong-pill
Major in Art Psychotherapy.
Graduate School of Design Chosun University

This is the age when the term of lookism is naturally accepted. These days, persons with big faces or chubby ones have received negative feedback from society. Newly-coined words that reflect the trend are continuously appearing and rapidly spreading through mass-media. Through a new term of Adonis Syndrome which indicates men's obsession about appearance and Pretty-boy Syndrome, we can know that the word of beauty is not used only to evaluate appearance of women any more.
Such interest in appearance has a significant influence on young children regardless of gender. In particular, children or adolescents understand society through mass-media and are very sensitive to the trend shown by mass-media. They have more interest in appearance than adults because of lack in judgement and are very sensitive to external stimuli and influences.
This study aims to identify satisfaction and dissatisfaction in appearance targeting primary students in grade 5 and 6, and correlations between complex about their bodies and figure paintings.
The specific results of the study are presented as follows:
First, to analyse whether there is a relation between satisfaction in appearance and specific parts of their bodies, the study carried a qui-square test and significant differences were found in six of 26 variables. The variables were size of eyes, facial expression, hair style, fashion style, thickness of legs and feet.
Second, the study analysed whether there is a relation between satisfaction in bodies and specific parts of their bodies and the similar results to the first question were obtained. That is, there were significant differences in nine variables. The variables include size and shape of head, size and shape of eyes, hair style, fashion style, thickness of arms and legs, and feet.
Third, to analyse whether there is a relation between appearance satisfaction and body satisfaction, 25% of high satisfaction group and low satisfaction group each was selected. As a result, significant correlations were discovered in 25% of low appearance satisfaction group, 25% of high body satisfaction group and 25% of low body satisfaction group except 25% of high appearance satisfaction group.
Fourth, the study analysed appearance satisfaction, body satisfaction and characteristics of bodies presented in figure paintings according to gender and grades. The mean values of boy students in appearance satisfaction and body satisfaction were high, but the difference was insignificant. The mean values of appearance satisfaction and body satisfaction of students in grade 6 were higher than those in grade 5.
Finally, the study analysed what relations there are between satisfaction in body parts and figures in paintings and discovered that five body parts of size of the head, head shape, size of eyes, ears and upper body were related with body satisfaction.
It is expected that the results of the study will provide more specific and individualized data and information for prevention and treatment in respect to appearance and body dissatisfaction. Also they will be useful data for development of a variety of programs who can encourage students to have confidence in body and appearance and positive self-esteem.
Alternative Title
A Study on the Relationship between Elementary School Student's Appearance Satisfaction, Complex and the Draw-A-Person Test
Alternative Author(s)
Park Eun soo
조선대학교 대학원
디자인대학원 미술심리치료
Awarded Date
Table Of Contents
목 차
ABSTRACT ·················································· V

제 I 장 서 론 ···················································· 1
제1절 연구의 필요성 및 의의 ········································· 1
제2절 연구문제 ························································ 4

제Ⅱ장 이론적 배경 ············································· 5
제1절 외모인식과 만족도 ············································· 5
1. 외모가 주는 의미······································································ 5
2. 외모만족도의 정의····································································· 6
3. 아동·청소년기의 외모만족도························································· 7

제2절 신체콤플렉스의 개념 ········································· 10
1. 신체이미지············································································· 10
2. 신체콤플렉스··········································································· 12
3. 신체콤플렉스의 원인·································································· 14

제3절 인물화검사 ····················································· 16
1. 투사적 기법으로서의 인물화 검사·················································· 16
2. 인물화에 표현된 신체상 해석······················································· 18
3. 아동의 인물화 검사··································································· 25

제Ⅲ장 연구방법 ···················································· 26
제1절 연구대상 ······················································ 26
제2절 연구도구 ······················································ 27
제3절 연구절차 ······················································ 28
제4절 자료분석 ······················································· 29

제Ⅳ장 연구결과 및 해석 ······································ 37

제V장 결론 및 제언 ············································ 51

참고문헌 ························································ 55

부록······························································ 58
조선대학교 대학원
박은수. (2011). 초등학생의 외모만족도와 신체콤플렉스 유형에 따른 인물화검사의 상관관계 연구.
Appears in Collections:
Art, Design, & Physical Education > 3. Theses(Master)
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  • Embargo2013-04-01
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