한ㆍ중 FTA의 경제적 효과와 대응방안

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Regionalism and multilateralism have become the mainstream forces of the world's trading system. While Korea had been relatively passive in regionalism movement before, its government has recently announced policy goals to pursue a number of FTAs simultaneously and has been actively engaged in this process.
As a country that relies heavily on the external sector, Korea's economic prospects are closely tied to efforts to secure access to foreign markets through formulating FTAs. In this context, China can be a highly beneficial FTA partner for Korea. China is Korea's neighboring country that has become the largest trade partner, and has an immense potential for future economic growth. Korea should, therefore, best utilize China's economic dynamism and rapid growth to stimulate its own economic grwoth.
In this point of view, the purpose of this study is to propose the effect of macroscopic economy and countermeasures which are brought by Korea-Chana FTA.
This study is given to compare the competitiveness between two countries with RCA(Revealed comparative Advantage Index) to analyze which is sensitive item for Korea-China FTA.
FTA between Korea and China is expected not only to expand the scale of trade but also to improve real GDP and the public welfare level in Korea. However, it is also expected that the domestic weak industries will be given a pressure of downsizing highly and ,according to this, the loser group will resist strongly.
Now, China can enjoy exceptionally advantageous economic gains in the Korean market. China's competitiveness in agriculture, outweigh that of Korea, which implies that the gain will be one-sided. Based on it, complete tariff elimination for agriculture products is expected to result in serious damages to the farming sector in Korea.
Meanwhile, the manufacturing sectors in Korea and China are complementing each other, so FTA between two countries provides an opportunity for Korea to upgrade its industrial structure by further specializing in the manufacturing sector. It also provides an opportunity to share the gains of trade liberalization through an expansion of intra-industry trade.
FTA(Free Trade Agreement) is already emerging as a new world trend and Korea which is lack of natural resources, has to remain its economic development stably and persistently by expanding the trade volume. FTA between Korea and China can bring them to increase the economic inter-dependence and to give us the benefit in political policy and defense. In other words, FTA between Korea and China helps the achievement of peace and the stable in Korean Peninsular and North-east Asia.
Also, it will help Korea to be the central country of economic integration in North-east Asia and East Asia.
Alternative Title
A Study on the economic effect and countermeasures of free trade agreement between Korea and China
조선대학교 대학원
일반대학원 무역학과
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Table Of Contents
목차 = i
제Ⅰ장 서론 = 1
제1절 연구의 목적 = 1
제2절 연구방법 및 논문의 구성 = 3
제Ⅱ장 지역주의의 확산과 FTA의 체결추이 = 4
제1절 세계 FTA의 추이 = 4
1. 지역주의의 확산과 심화 = 4
2. WTO 협정하의 세계 FTA의 적용범위 = 8
3. FTA 대상국 선정기준 = 11
제2절 한·중 FTA 추진현황과 체결가능성 = 14
1. 한국의 FTA 추진현황 = 14
2. 중국의 FTA 추진현황 = 17
3. 한·중 FTA 체결가능성 = 22
제Ⅲ장 한·중 산업별 비교분석을 통한 FTA 경제적 효과 = 23
제1절 한·중 양국의 산업구조 비교 = 23
1. 한·중 농수산부문 비교 = 23
2. 한·중 제조업부문 비교 = 30
3. 한·중 금융서비스부문 비교 = 39
제2절 한·중 FTA의 경제적 효과와 영향분석 = 41
1. 한·중 농수산부문의 경제적 효과 = 41
2. 한·중 제조업부문의 경제적 효과 = 45
3. 한·중 금융서비스부문의 경제적 효과 = 50
4. 전반적인 경제적 효과 = 54
제Ⅳ장 한·중 FTA 추진에 따른 문제점과 대응방안 = 56
제1절 한·중 FTA 추진에 따른 문제점 = 56
1. 경제적 조건의 차이 = 56
2. 정치적 장애요인 = 58
3. 남·북한의 대결구도 = 59
4. 무역 장애요인 및 통상마찰 = 60
제2절 한·중 FTA의 대응방안 = 63
1. 농수산업부문의 대응방안 = 63
2. 제조업부문의 대응방안 = 68
3. 금융서비스업부문의 대응방안 = 71
제Ⅴ장 결론 = 74
참고문헌 = 78
정상호. (2006). 한ㆍ중 FTA의 경제적 효과와 대응방안.
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General Graduate School > 3. Theses(Master)
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