미술치료가 위축행동 유아의 자아개념에 미치는 효과

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As the number of infants who are abandoned due to serious withdrawal behaviors and can not get along with peers has increased, we recognize the necessity of art therapy. Therefore, this study aims to identify the effect of art therapy as psychological therapy on the infants with withdrawal behaviors who have difficulties in linguistic expression. For the study, we provided 24 sessions of individual art therapy for the subjects and asked them to express their feelings to identify the effect of the therapy on improvement of self-concept and to demonstrate its efficacy.
For this study, we set the specific goals as follows:
First, what effect does art therapy have on change of self-concept of the infants with withdrawal behaviors based on art therapy evaluation table and step-by-step analysis ?
Second, what effect does art therapy have on change of self-concept of infants with withdrawal behaviors based on self-concept tests?
Third, what effect does art therapy have on change of K-HTP(moving house, trees, and people) of the subjects ?
Fourth, what effect does art therapy have on the change of self-concept of the subjects according to observation in each session?
The subjects of the study were 4 boys attending to D Child Care Center in C, Jeollanamdo and the period was from August 20 to October 20. 2008, 50 minutes per session of therapy.
We used screening tests of infants with emotional disability, a questionnaire on behaviors, and a self-concept test for objective pre- and post- measures of the results, and analysed the results with quantitative change of withdrawal behaviors during the program.
Through the results of the study, we obtained the following conclusions:
Frist, when the art therapy evaluation test was analysed, the self-concept showed positive change. Subject A looked stable, not being shy, and expressed their feelings naturally and participate in interaction actively. And it seems that they had confidence in everything including relationship with friends. Subject B was able to communicate without difficulties and showed less withdrawal behaviors. Subject C had positive interaction with friends thanks to less withdrawal behaviors. Subject D had confidence and stable attitude. So this study demonstrated that the therapy brought positive effect to self-concept.
Second, in examining the results of the pre- and post- self-concept tests, we found that the marks of self-concept were higher after art therapy was given rather than before the therapy. As the marks of social and emotional self-concept as sub-factors increased, it was demonstrated that art therapy had a great influence on improvement of self-concept of the subjects.
Third, the art therapy program showed an insignificant change in analysis of each, but according to the results before and after the K-HTP, size of the pictures was bigger and an eraser was not used. Subject A showed positive change in emotion through physical expressions by recognizing their need to contact to outer world and their identities. Subject B showed ability to deal with their present condition in exclusive space for himself. Subject C had higher self-respect in consideration that he drew himself in center. Subject D showed confidence in his identity by presenting his need to contact with outer world and social access capability.
Based on the results above, this study suggests that art therapy has a positive effect on improvement of self-concept of the infants with withdrawal behaviors. The subjects recognized and expressed their feeling for themselves, and had confidence in everything through this program. Their disposition to depend decreased with improvement of their expressive and linguistic ability. Therefore, it is suggested that art therapy program has an effect on improvement of self-concept of infants with withdrawal behaviors.
Alternative Title
An Study on the Effect of Art Therapy on Self-Concept of Infants with Withdrawal Behavior
Alternative Author(s)
Choi, Seon-Ja
디자인대학원 미술심리치료
디자인대학원 미술심리치료
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Table Of Contents

Ⅰ. 서론 1
1. 연구의 필요성 1
2. 연구 목적 4
3. 용어의 정의 5
1)위축행동 5
2)미술치료 5
3)자아개념 5

Ⅱ. 이론적 배경 6
1. 위축행동 6
1)위축행동의 개념 6
2)위축행동의 원인 및 특징 8
2. 자아개념 10
1)자아개념의 정의 10
2)자아개념의 발달 13
3)위축행동 유아의 자아개념 16
3. 미술치료 18
1)미술치료의 정의 18
2)위축행동과 미술치료 20
3)관련 선행논문 22

Ⅲ . 연구 방법 25
1. 연구 대상 25
1)연구대상 선정 25
2)연구대상 특성 25

2. 연구절차 29
1)연구기간 29
3. 측정도구 30
1)진단도구 30
2)자아개념 검사 도구 30
3)미술치료 33
4. 자료처리 37

Ⅳ. 연구결과 38
1. 미술치료 평가와 관찰을 통한 자아개념의 변화 38
1)미술치료 평가표와 관찰을 통한 자아개념의 변화 38
2)미술치료 활동의 단계별 분석을 통한 자아개념의 변화 42
2. 자아개념 검사를 통한 자아개념의 변화 47
3. 그림검사를 통한 자아개념의 변화 51
4. 미술치료 활동의 회기별 관찰 결과 53
5. 논의 70

Ⅴ. 결론 및 제언 73
1. 결론 73
2. 제언 75

참고문헌 76
부록 79
최선자. (2008). 미술치료가 위축행동 유아의 자아개념에 미치는 효과.
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Art, Design, & Physical Education > 3. Theses(Master)
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  • Embargo2009-03-26
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