母-子미술치료가 청각장애어머니와 건청아동의 의사소통 증진에 미치는 영향

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This study aims to identify the effect of mother-child art therapy on improvement in communication between mothers with hearing impairment and coda (deaf children) and the questions to be considered are presented as follows:
First, does mother-child art therapy have an effect on communication between mothers with hearing impairment and coda?
Second, does mother-child art therapy have an effect on change of family system diagnosis?
To solve theses questions, we provided a total of 18 sessions of mother-child art therapy for 50 minutes twice a week from June 30, 2008 to August 28, 2008, targeting a mother with hearing impairment and a boy aged 10 who was attending to a child care center managed by a church named A church.
We used PACI (Parent-Adolescent Communication Inventory) developed by Barnes & Olson (1989) and translated by Kim, Yoon-Hee to compare the pre-and post-marks in art therapy and the test standards of family system diagnosis to identify change in communication between the subjects in respect to family system diagnosis.
Through the results and discussion of the study, we present the following conclusion:
First, mother-child art therapy has a positive effect on improvement in communication between mothers with hearing impairment and deaf children. In comparing the pre- and post- marks of communication scale between the subjects, we found that the pre- and post- marks of open communication between the subjects increased, but pre-and post- marks of problematic communication decreased.
Second, mother-child art therapy has a positive effect on communication between mothers with hearing impairment and deaf children in a family system diagnosis. In pre-test of family system diagnosis, there was no contact in pictures between the subjects and the child avoided the mother's suggestion. However, in the post-test, the subjects alternated their roles as a leader and a respondent and cooperated with each other to draw pictures with similar themes.
Based on the results above, we concluded that mother-child art therapy is effective on improvement in communication between mothers with hearing impairment and deaf children.
Alternative Title
Effect of Mother-Child Art Therapy on Improvement in Communication between Mothers with Hearing Impairment and Coda(Deaf Children)
Alternative Author(s)
Park, Mi-Song
디자인대학원 미술심리치료
Awarded Date
Table Of Contents
제1장 서 론 1
1. 연구의 필요성 1
2. 연구 문제 4
3. 용어 정의 4

제2장 이론적 배경 6
1. 청각장애의 원인과 특징 6
2. 청각장애부모와 건청아동 9
3. 청각장애와 의사소통 11
4. 모-자미술치료와 의사소통 14
5. 선행연구의 고찰 16

제3장 연구방법 18
1. 연구 대상 18
2. 연구 절차 18
3. 측정 도구 28
4. 자료 처리 24

제4장 연구결과 25
1. 의사소통 척도에 의한 사전 ․ 사후변화 25
2. 가족체계진단에서의 모-자의사소통의 사전 ․ 사후변화 27
3. 회기별 활동에 의한 모-자 의사소통의 변화 30

제5장 논 의 41

제6장 결론 및 제언 43

참고문헌 45

부록 48
박미송. (2008). 母-子미술치료가 청각장애어머니와 건청아동의 의사소통 증진에 미치는 영향.
Appears in Collections:
Art, Design, & Physical Education > 3. Theses(Master)
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  • Embargo2009-03-26
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