태권도장 시범단 활성화 문제점 및 발전방향 탐색

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The purpose of this study was to identify the problems with the activation of the Taekwondo demonstration team, and we will find and study more effective alternatives in the future to activate the Taekwondo training demonstration team and provide helpful data for dojo management. Leaders who are activating demonstration teams in front-line Taekwondo arena were selected as research participants, and the following conclusions were obtained using in-depth interviews, prior research, and literature review, which are one of the qualitative research methods.
First, it was found that, in order to activate the Taekwondo demonstration team, professional demonstration training of the leaders in charge of the demonstration team was essential.
In order to activate the Taekwondo demonstration team, professional demonstration training of leaders is required. In order to foster the demonstration team, the leaders must learn and study the demonstration professional training, and strive to establish a good educational program and systematic system for students to provide differentiated pilot education. do. In addition, in order to understand the movement, leaders must be reborn as a leader who can be an example to students by equipping them with skills that can be directly demonstrated.
Second, it was found that systematic demonstration team training time was required for demonstration team members to activate the Taekwondo demonstration team. It is necessary to provide a lot of opportunities for practical demonstrations, not just training every day, so that students can enjoy themselves and actively participate in competitions and demonstration performances. In addition, parents should try to create various demonstration opportunities such as a Taekwondo training invitation demonstration, an open screening demonstration, and a demonstration in the complex where their children can see the results of their hard training so that trainees do not lose interest or motivation due to lack of opportunities for demonstration performances.
Third, it was found that bold facility investment in painting facilities was required to prevent injuries during training of demonstration members.
When their children are training for the demonstration team, the biggest concern for parents is their children's injuries. It is necessary to establish an environment in the dojo where trainees can safely practice pilot training, and provide an environment where they can safely practice high-level techniques such as air mats and landing mats. The size of the dojo is also very important in the pilot education, and you should practice the technique according to the size of the dojo, and refrain from techniques that are limited by the size and height of the dojo.
Fourth, the pride and sense of superiority of the 2nd and 3rd class trainees through the training of the professional demonstration team to foster the demonstration team at the Taekwondo studio helps to revitalize the dojo.
General trainees do not receive specialized Taekwondo training, but rather play sports that can be enjoyed by people of all ages and genders. will have to do it It would also be an effective way to differentiate the class that only demonstration team trainees can learn and to make the demonstration team trainees feel special.
Fifth, the activation of the demonstration team is linked to the publicity of the dojo and the college entrance exam for the high school, so that it will be recognized as a taekwondo studio loved by parents.
Currently, there are many taekwondo schools where most of the trainees are in the lower grades. As the high-level trainees move up to the upper grades, their study hours increase, the number of academies increases, and they naturally leave Taekwondo. The reason for this is that most parents consider Taekwondo only as a hobby, and many parents do not even know if it is possible to go on to college. In view of this situation, it would also be a good way to promote college entrance, entrance exam education, and career direction to parents. When their child enters the demonstration team, it will be of great help to maintain the students in the demonstration team if they will explain to parents about college admissions and specialized entrance exam training, and if parents feel that there are many ways to decide their future careers through the Taekwondo demonstration.
Alternative Title
Exploring the problems and development direction of the Taekwondo Demonstration Team
Alternative Author(s)
Kim Jong An
조선대학교 교육대학원
교육대학원 체육교육
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Table Of Contents

Ⅰ. 서 론 1
1. 연구의 필요성 1
2. 연구의 목적 3
3. 연구의 대상 및 제한점 4

Ⅱ. 이론적 배경 5
1. 태권도란 5
1) 태권도의 의의 5
2. 태권도 시범 7
1) 태권도 시범의 정의 7
2) 태권도 시범의 역사 8
3) 태권도 시범의 목적 9
4) 태권도 시범의 구성요소 10
3. 태권도장 시범단 운영의 전략적 가치 15
4. 태권도장 시범단 운영의 효과 18

Ⅲ. 연구방법 22
1. 연구 대상 22
2. 조사 도구 24
3. 자료 분석 25

Ⅳ. 연구결과 26
1. 태권도장 시범단 활성화 문제점 및 발전방향 26
1) 태권도장 시범단을 육성하게 된 동기 26
2) 시범단을 바라보는 학부모님들의 시선 28
3) 시범단을 육성하면서의 교육적, 경영적 문제점 30
4) 시범대회 및 기회 제공의 문제점 33
5) 태권도장 시범단 활성화를 위한 발전 방향 36

Ⅵ. 결론 및 제언 40

참고문헌 43
조선대학교 교육대학원
김종안. (2022). 태권도장 시범단 활성화 문제점 및 발전방향 탐색.
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Education > 3. Theses(Master)
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