SW 교육 인식조사를 통한 미래지향적 교육방향에 관한 연구

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The purpose of this study is to grasp the recognition of industrial specialization high school which has a similar curriculum for the education field of SW education curriculum aiming to cultivate software talent among the 2015 revised curriculum. This will help to identify the level of SW education subjects enrolled as school essential subjects from 2018, and to recognize the difference between currently selective computer curriculum and curriculum that will be applied from 2018.
First of all, we define software education (SW education) that fosters Computational Thinking (CT), an indispensable element in cultivating convergence type SW talents. Also, the characteristics and the curriculum of the specialization technical high school which operates SW related curriculum are investigated.
This study aims to develop a research method by analyzing the awareness of teachers, students, and parents of specialized high schools for SW education. In order to check the various cognitive levels of SW education, question items were created and the questionnaire items suitable for the goal were produced. The questionnaire was designed to be composed of 28 items. The final questionnaire survey was conducted in March 2017 on the characteristics of industry and 202 high school teachers, students, and parents. The results of the questionnaires of 186 people except for 16 subjects who did not respond were collected and analyzed. The results of the analysis were analyzed and analyzed based on the results. This analysis is to grasp current SW education in advance and to identify possible problems or improvements.
I hope that this study will be a basis and material for SW education curriculum management, teaching and learning guidance, and SW for curriculum implementation and interest. I expect that the SW curriculum will be operated from a new angle in cultivating SW talent ahead of the international competition.
Alternative Title
A study on Progressive Education Direction through the Cognition Survey of SW Education : Focused on the Specilized Technical High School in Gumi City
Alternative Author(s)
Son, Min Young
교육대학원 전기전자통신교육
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Table Of Contents
표목차 Ⅲ
도목차 Ⅳ
제1장 서 론 1
제1절 연구의 배경 및 필요성 1
제2절 연구목적 및 방법 4
제2장 이론적 배경 5
제1절 SW 교육 5
1. SW 교육의 정의 5
2. 이론적 배경 7
3. 국내 교육 현황 11
4. 국외 교육 현황 13
제2절 공업계 특성화 고등학교 20
1. 특성화 고등학교의 개념 20
2. 특성화 고등학교의 도입배경과 교육과정 20
제3장 SW 교육 인식 조사 22
제1절 연구 방법 및 절차 22
1. 연구 대상 22
2. 연구 방법 22
3. 자료 수집 및 분석 22
제2절 연구 결과 23
1. 특성화 고등학교 교사들의 SW 교육에 대한 인식 23
2. 특성화 고등학교 학생들의 SW 교육에 대한 인식 27
3. 특성화 고등학교 학부모들의 SW 교육에 대한 인식 30
제4장 결 론 33
제1절 결론 33
제2절 제언 35

부록 : 설문지
손민영. (2017). SW 교육 인식조사를 통한 미래지향적 교육방향에 관한 연구.
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Education > 3. Theses(Master)
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  • Embargo2017-08-25
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